What's the modern equivalent to this?

What's the modern equivalent to this?

Why aren't there any computers today that combine the keyboard + computer into one?

Is it impossible to take RasPi and just embed it into a keyboard so you can just plug a screen into it? Why sin't anyone making this?

Also, isn't there an HDMI wireless connector so you don't even have to plug a cable into a device like this?

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It's sold out on every chinkshit website I can find, though.

damn. that looks like shit, user. even by chinkshit standards...

Commodore 64 was really uncomfortable to type on. Trust me, you don't want.

I never used one. Can you explain why it sucked so bad?

get a laptop and rip the screen off or get one off ebay

>Why aren't there any computers today that combine the keyboard + computer into one?
>What's the modern equivalent to this?
A laptop. It even has a screen attached to it.

Is that an A6-4455M? I have one of those. With the screen still attached.

not sure. I just image searched "laptop with no screen"

>no mech keyboard
you completely missed OP's point I think.

They are making some nice pcs where the guts are part of the monitor and no need for a pc box, probably the better solution

heres your modern equivalent

the c64 keyboard isnt mechanical

I just did this and now my laptop wont fucking show anything on the monitor

It's stands half a light year off the desk and the keys are stiff and mushy.

The C64 has a Mitsumi linear rubberdome-on-a-stick keyboard. It's not mech and the keys are stiff and unpleasant to bottom out so they register.

They exist, just like PC/monitor hybrids.

What's the point, though? Last thing I want to do is couple my PC with a difficult to repair/replace component. And who would it appeal to? You'd not going to shove an enthusiast rig in there, and a normie doesn't want one.

Not sure if they're out of business but myretrocomputer.com was working on a project to retrofit modern PC into retro case

the C64C i have has one of the best keyboards i've ever used

what are you talking about

Why not just get a headless laptop?

I had 2 of those. The good old days. lol

1Mhz, 2400bps max, 180k disk, 64k (technically more), 16 color RF, FM sound and sprite generator. That was a big deal at the time.

Still play some old games; M.U.L.E. and Paradroids, both fun. Games were so good then, not visually stunning but the playability.

Your microwave is probably has the same or more horsepower now.

Tamagotchi, and it isn't that modern.

If you're at all inclined with metal work, you could just modify a metal case on the opposite side of where the mobo rests and make a depressed area to put in a keyboard.

In terms of popularity: Apple computers

Concept: All in one PC


Op didn't say anything about mech keyboards you autist

it's implied you autist.

Where is it implied?

Does something Sup Forums tells them to with no further research

>wew lad

in the post. look at the fucking C=64

>Why aren't there any computers today that combine the keyboard + computer into one?
Because monitors have been cost-effective for decades, and with that in mind there's no longer any reason for a shitty form factor that combines the worst of a portable with the worst of a desktop.

I don't understand why nostalgic retards jerk off so much to this shitty design that even then was only used for literal Toys-R-Us shit that was intended to be used with a television, it's ugly and bulky as fuck and offers no benefits whatsoever.

He's talking about the form factor you dipshit, the reason he posted a C64 is because nobody has been retarded enough to implement it since Commodore finally keeled over.

This is completely true, the keyboard was god awful and even made my fingers ache after a while as a kid.

The Amiga 500, however, had one of the most godliest keybs of all time. Going from c64 to a500 was like re-experiencing typing from scratch all over again.

>The Amiga 500, however, had one of the most godliest keybs of all time. Going from c64 to a500 was like re-experiencing typing from scratch all over again.
So true.