Is Marques really tall or is /our guy/ just a manlet?

Is Marques really tall or is /our guy/ just a manlet?

linus is tiny

Linus is not /our guy/ he has never been
Logan's dude is more /our guy/ than Linus

looks like both desu

>Logan's dude

tech nigger over linus cuck tips any day kiddo

Yeah the fatty, Wendel

Linus is a 5'6 manlet


>/our guy/

Don't come back

kobr is 6'6"

I was being ironic you dolt.

theyre both manlets look how high the desk is compared to them

Logan is reddit's guy, not ours. Our guy is Terry.

Wendel is literally Sup Forums incarnate

Linuscuckfag is not welcome on this board, we don't allow degenerates here.

Technigger's okay though.

He needs to be tall so he can cover more ground with each step. Helps him run faster.

Wendell from Level1Techs is Sup Forums. Not Logan.

>Logan's dude

Her name is Pistol and shes not a guy anymore.

Not really, he isn't obnoxious and extremely retarded so I don't see how Sup Forums can relate to him.

Marques is 6'3", so that white guy looks like 5'8" 5'9" range

>shes not a guy anymore.

I'm scared of this world....

>Is Marques really tall or is /our guy/ just a manlet?
Marques is an african, of course he is very tall. Did you not pay attention in biology class?


I'm no fan of Linus, but niggers tend to be taller

next time put him next to a spic

this must be for women right? 1.68m is 5.5ft which is suicide tier if you are a male

why are there no tech youtuber except for Autism Evans that work out? Seriously, just lift some weights for 2 minutes every 3 days and you will see significant gains.

Lanklets with small arms (no biceps or any muscle there) just look ridiculous

Why are black guys so much bigger and taller than us?

I-It's not that bad, at least I'm smart h-eh heh h

Linus is /ourguy/ since half this godawful board discusses gaymer shit 24/7 anyway and acts like fucking retards. Wendell actually is presentable and professional, something a very large majority of this board doesn't know how to do.


Malnutrition makes people shorter. African Americans have almost the exact same height as white Americans.

Africa is a whole continent with its own ethnic diversity.
Trying to generalize them all is like trying to generalize asia, you'd be grouping oriental, indian and middle easterners together even though they're biologically varied.

I think the problem is most African Americans don't know their exact roots so they construct an image of what they think their heritage should be out of many african countries.

Natural selection. To avoid be eaten by lions in Africa, the human must be agile. The slow one dies away. You result in fit and tall human beings

Because chicks dig it..

But then why are some whites tall as fuck as seen herenice youtube answer

Marques is 6'3", Linus is 5'7".
That's an 8" difference.

Because white people have good access to food and grow well. Black people had to grow tall even with shitty food

Pistol used to be a guy !!???
WTF so am I secretly gay, if I thought she was kinda hot?

They were breed as farm animals, high strength and low intelligence.

>being a retarded europoor who doesn't understand that 5.51 feet is 5 feet 10 inches

It was only the strong ones which survived the trip over.


No you're heterosexual because she was a girl inside all along


>I'm an asian manlet

Tang ina

The facial structure is pretty male, and how could you oversee their Adam's apple? Make your own judgement

> /our guy/

this is definitely not men, men start at 1.7m

This is our Sup Forumsuy

no. he isn't into battle stations and gaming hardware.


I fucking hate his content now. He's such a left tard and no video is shorter than 10minutes. And he posts like 3 videos a day all 40min long. Fuck that.

>our Sup Forumsuy

Subtle. Also, checked.

Tech nigger looks like a solid 6' maybe 6'1

Linus is a manlet, probably 5'6

Marques really cucked him in the video linus ended up looking like his little brother complaining to him

>Tech nigger

He is more successful than you will ever be.

That's the point
Back to with you

He's pretty cool. I met him and his boyfriend at a conference in NYC.


He's gay?

Did I imply otherwise by using his nickname?

5 feet 6 inches, retard.


No user, you're the retard. Just because he has decency, it doesn't mean he is a "tard"

I'd fuck soooooo hard

Why the fuck are you assholes calling him technigger? He's based and the best smartphone reviewer on the internet. He doesn't deserve this kind of hate. If anything, Linus should be technigger.

Your new/Reddit is showing

label reading tips is not /ourguy/

Thinking anything holds a candle to Wendells family.

Pistol? Is this what she sexually identifies as?


I unsubbed once he started exclusively posting 2 hour unedited faggot videos. nibba I don't have time for that shit



tech granny is best mobile product reviews. i would go as far as saying brown is semi tech nigge bc lots of his videos have too much advertising glam then review of but his vids are still good just lacking if you dont want to hear the same topical advertising info that comes straight from the marketing info


I agree.

Wow has linus been visiting /fit/ he got big


Should be Poor Little White Boi

who else /hobbit/ status here?


>lives alone with cats and favors their company over women
>eats nothing but burritos
>snotty and self opinionated
>owns a thinkpad
>recites word for word what eli the computer guy says
>i hate you subscribers lol fuck off stop watching me i don't care about you at ALL
>cares about them enough now that it's bringing him in shekels and can shill his amazon affiliate links

He quite literally is Sup Forums.


both, and the RED Weapon camera has awful wide angle lens distortion so objects in the middle appear smaller and objects on the sides are dragged out

Pretty obvious that he has marfan syndrome.

Marques is 6'4" iirc
pretty tall

>louis "this macbook is chink shit" rossman

where did his chin go

>that JUST hair of the guy on the right

This guy makes instructional vids where he just tells the instructions. Kek

Fucking hell

bigger shill than Linus figuratively and literally.

>It's a Canadian gets B L A C K E D episode

>this is a 10 out of 10 on Sup Forums




logans balls stuck in pistols throat

linus is 5'7