Why is this piece of shit so clunky and unintuitive to use?
Why is this piece of shit so clunky and unintuitive to use?
desu i've never had any issues with it, good middle ground between paint and photoshop
maybe you're confusing it with gimp
also get extension s for it
First post best post.
Paint.NET is easy and intuitive.
>Why is this piece of shit so clunky and unintuitive to use?
You just described every image editing program ever.
What sort of extensions would you recommend?
except proper stuff like ps/pixelmator
what? it's okay
I you have problems with fukken paint.net I suggest you step away from the computer before someone gets hurt. . .
Just pirate Photoshop instead of asking stupid questions.
> Pirating Photoshop (lol, I'm special and NEED PS!)
> GIMP exists.
Literally what?
GIMP is as shitty as penis.net, fact
> Shitty
> Fact
You are a special kind of idiot, aren't you.
Yes, enlighten me user
>An option
Pick one
>he thinks GIMP is an alternative to photoshop
As long as GIMP is on the list you indeed only need one.
When I want to a simple crop and save I can open Paint.net and complete the task in less time than it takes Photoshop to open.
There is something for using the best tools for the job. Paint.net is great for quick jobs. Photoshop is for power use.
I'd rather eat rusty nails than use GIMP. It is fucking terrible.
There's literally nothing that GIMP cannot do that PS can, fa.m.
It's just that PS monkeys just tend to repeat the tricks they learned at school and/or online tutorials. This of course means that without understanding what they are actually doing the PS monkeys cannot do this with anything else than PS.
It's not GIMP's fault for you you being stupid.
>I'd rather eat rusty nails than use GIMP. It is fucking terrible.
Well, I suggest you do that.
>It's not GIMP's fault for you you being stupid
Maybe i'm used to it but it was pretty intuitive.
gimp is shit
It's because you are used to it.
I am always frustrated to heck using PS, but that's because I don't use it often and haven't put in effort to learn how to use it properly, because I don't use it often.
I honestly thin adobes applications are some of the most unintuitive pieces of shit i have to deal with. I'm just to used to PS to really care. You kinda notice when you switch from one adobe app to another. They cant even keep kb shortcuts consistent in their own application suite.
>There's literally nothing that GIMP cannot do that PS can, fa.m.
Adjustment layers
>Adjustment layers
What are blending modes?
Thank you for actually contributing to the discussion but may I warn you that you forgot to remove your tripcode?
Can GIMP edit tilted text yet? I remember that used to be a Sup Forums meme.
ty senpai.
Like drawing circles? Yeah, Sup Forums will always try to justify being as flexible as a block of granite with silly memes.
Nope. Although I can't think of a situation where I'd want to do that in PS, either. GIMP has more significant problems than that, it's hard to get really basic stuff done.
Thanks for that silly meme!