I'd rather get a shitty pentium

I'd rather get a shitty pentium

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Price estimate?

This is interesting. I didn't even know a 1030 existed. What's the intended use for this card?

jet engine picture iz a nice touch. probly gitz hot af

Small form factor HTPCs
PCs with shitty 240w power supplies

obviously HTPC's and office computer that needs more than two screens or 4k+ screens.

>anything below 1050Ti


I see they finally gave up on the ugly VGA connector hanging off to the side.

to anyone who isnt into gaming

shitposting with silk smooth scrolling

watch 4k anime

This, all this crap can be handled by a integrated GPU

Hardware accelerated shitposting, fuck yeah.

darn why did I buy a 1070

Rypoo doesn't have a iGPU, faggot

Same with Skylake-X

There will always be a market for video cards because of HEDT platforms that don't have iGPUs

This is competing directly with the RX 550, which doesn't have a small form factor model yet. I heard there should be one at some point.

Yeah, because you're gonna use a Skylake-X or Ryzen for a HTPC

What a moron.

>put out the money for a skylake-x
>slap a GTX1030 on it

There probably wont exist a single computer with this setup.

How powerful would quad-sli be with these?

You'd be surprised, not everyone is a Sup Forums gamer faggot.
If you just need a powerful CPU and maybe do some CUDA stuff now and then, that setup is viable.

>integrated GPU

They're shit until Vega launches

Everyone who buys a high performance CPU plays games, at least 99.50%


What a shit graph it doesnt even tell what kind of RAM he is using.

This is great news, more attention to their low power range in the form of improved wattage requirements, heat generation, profile and noise is a very good thing.

This will be the current go-to card for HTPCs until they come out with a low-profile passive 1050.

Exactly what I'd want it for: Hardware video decoding on an HTPC. With hardware decode, you'd get smooth playback on a decade-old, entry-level CPU.

Fans == noise. Noise ruins movies. Fuck fans.

My 14yr old son has been asking to a gaming PC for Overwatch, finally an affordable GPU option.

at this point i can't tell if you're trolling or not so i'll let you be retarded

Passive is overrated. A much better solution for a system is a single, large, low RPM fan that's too quiet to be audible but moves enough air to be miles ahead of what passive cooling can do.

Kinda what the other guy said, I'd assume your movies make sound, and that your PC case would muffle even loud fans to some degree and also not be anywhere near you. If this thing is purely for media it shouldn't be very close to you and should just have a long ass HDMI cable to your TV.

Don't do it bastard. You will ruin his PC experience for at least a few years. At least get him a 1050ti/RX560.

>Passive is overrated

If it works then how is it overrated? Not only is it silent it involves less moving parts to go wrong in the long term.

So, if the passive cooling solution is sufficient to cool the device then it isn't overrated, it is actually ideal.

How much more is that and what will he gain?


GT610 can't even do Steam Big picture mode UI at 1080p/60fps
If this can do that at 4K/60fps - it's probably a good choice for a HTPC upgrade from GT210.

That's a shitload more money for an upgrade though, new board, ram and CPU is far more than new GPU.
More underclocked core2 htpc will live on.

>My wife's 14yr old son

>no xp drivers

Put your fantasy away cuck, he's my son.

These shitcards don't have SLI.

I'd rather be pathetic than 1000$ in debt :^)

Not an Nvidia fan, but that's pretty cool, honestly.
I wouldn't get one for myself, but if it's under $50 it could make sense for a momputer or emulator.

Going to be completely senseless when Raven Ridge comes, though. Those may be 1.5TFLOPS+ performance.

What does the RX550 do? I know it does 6 monitors. But how many 4K?

Why the fuck not.

after looking, 384:24:8 - mite b cool.

Non stuttering gameplay and the ability to play more than overwatch.

Honestly overwatch is so toxic online you should get him to play single player games.

Are you living in a shitty country?

They're shit and buying 2 of them for $80 each wouldn't add up to a single 1060 anyway.

>tfw still waiting for 4k bd chinese cartoons

Will it bottleneck my shitty core 2 duo 8400?

mitx + r5 1400.
why not?

The RX560 isn't out just yet but it should be around 120$ and offer adequate 1080p performance. The RX550 is also in the price range of the GT1030 and should outperform it by a lot.

>TMUs: 24
>ROPs: 8

>TMUs: 40
>ROPs: 32

>TMUs: 48
>ROPs: 32

Clocks aside the 1030 really suffers for its low specs.

And also use significantly more power whilst doing so.

1030 is gooing to be a terrible choice for gaming or even desktop use.
But it's the primo choice for HTPC upgrades.

would buy if it overclocks to 2niggahurrz. will ziptie 2 80mm fans on it.

>64bit bus
i guess i'm not buying.

While the 1400 uses pathetic amounts of power, you're better off just waiting for the APU or just getting a i3/Pentium or the cheapest quad core Intel with a iGPU

Since the GT 740 worked like a GTX 750 I'd expect this to work like a 750Ti, if it's at around U$S 80 or so, it'll be pretty nice for low budget PCs.

HTPCs, I pressume PS3/X360 levels of Gaming (720p, High/Very High at 30-60 FPS) and repurpose old computers with shitty PSUs.

1030 mainly seems to be the gtx 940m replacement for mobile

This, you gayman manchildren need to leave.

Literally just bought a 1060 for $169

I learned the hard way that budget Nvidia GPUs are absolute garbage (had a GT640 that could BARELY do 1080 low). I should have gotten the then similar priced HD7770 (or something like that) which greatly outperformed it but I fell hard for the more VRAM meme.
Avoid the GT1030 Nvidia GPUs at all cost.

I believe Pascal are better.

For Fermi, Kepler and Maxwell, though, they had planned obsolescence built into them. They look good in benchmarks when released, but they're made so that they won't run upcoming games in development that Nvidia is working with developers on for shit.
A 770 and 960 can't even handle a highly optimized game like BF1 at 1080p high. It's fucking pathetic. The 960 isn't that old.

My post outright says not to buy it for gaming or desktop use.
HTPC use is a very different scenario though.

That's what this card is for - HTPC upgrades.

>passively "cooled" gimped housefire

The user asked if it was good for his son so he could play Overwatch, so I advised it online relation to gaming.

Why exactly would you buy a Low Budget GPU to do 1080p gaming?! When you get these, you're supposed to think about the previous generation's level of performance, it's the best way not to dissapoint yourself.

It'd do overwatch at 720p on midlow settings.

That's probably because of very low amount of VRAM. If I remember correctly the 770 and 960 both were 2GB, so that wouldn't surprise me at all.

Wasn't really my choice, the HD7770 was out of stock, had a very small budget and I needed a GPU NOW because old one broke.

AMD GPUs with the same amount of VRAM are fine. Stop fucking spreading that misinformation.

My 7970 only has 3GB. It performs better than the 3.5GB 970 in lots of games now days.

>$80 card
>may give just a bump in performance over intergrated graphics

who would fall for this meme? For 30$ more you could get a gtx 1050 that is actually capable

I wasn't spreading any misinformation, just speculating on why the cards suddenly perform like crap on a modern game.
If it is Nvidia'planned obsolescence, I am sure as hell happy I got a R9 290.

Why? Is it because nvidia gimps their cards?

The GT 730 already does that. Low/Med at 720p and at 55-60 FPS. I think that in the worst case scenario, the GT 1030 should perform just like a GTX 750/RX 550/GT 740 or a bit better.

It's not meant for gaming, it's probably meant for workstations that don't need gpu power but need to be able to run multiple high resolution monitors

Can't most intergrated graphics do it out of the box though? It seems like if all you needed was a GPU for your purpose a gtx 710 would do.

Id check out this video. youtu.be/xp6ltBCMDCE

These retards don't seem to understand PCs can be used for things other than gaming. Every time something is released these faggots go "can it run crysis? why would anyone buy it?"

Not every CPU has integrated graphics. And try running 4k displays at more than 30 Hz with a gtx 710, retard.

>not buying used hardware

How much will it cost? Seems great for family builds. While waiting on the next gen APUs

It's going to be slightly less powerful than the RX 550, but nobody will be using it to play gaymes anyway.

>These retards don't seem to understand PCs can be used for things other than gaming. Every time something is released these faggots go "can it run crysis? why would anyone buy it?"

Yeah, it's like some people don't realize that not everyone uses their computer just to play games and shitpost on Sup Forums. You probably need to be quite close minded if you fail to realize that people use their computers for different tasks and thus have different needs for hardware/software.

you fucked up kiddo

buy rx 550 then you fuckin dumbass

Only if it's cheap.

>Mfw this card and the RX 550 show up in cyberbuypower "gaming PCs" a few weeks from now

>mfw dell and HP won't use this card in their workstation designs

The shitty thing is, a lot of the people who would use this card need it to have quadro level driver support. Without that, the market for this really is basically limited to the upgrade circuit.

I dont know about you peasants, but I merged my HTPC and living room gaming PC long ago, so it still needs a better GPU than this.

The cheapest is at U$S 79.99 on Amazon, around 20-30 dollars less than the GTX 1050/RX 460.

>thread about playing hevc
>posts graph of fucking counter strike

>not getting the GTX 1050ti for
$106+tax on Jet.com

(Promo code: SPRING15=15% off)

5c has been deposited into your account.

Thank you, I mean I was just helping some poorfags with prebuilts that may want to 'gaym' but okay.

2/3 of the posts you replied to stated it was a good HTPC card.
They didn't need your 'advice' (read: marketing)

HTPC does not always imply video games.

That's an okay price for a 1050Ti.
RX460s go on sale for $60-$85 tho.

when does it ever imply video games?

> card with only two outputs
Useless garbage, that's what it is.

The simple fact that it's fanless makes it really appealing. Only 2GB of RAM and just two connectors is a deal-breaker so I don't know who it's for.

I guess it's like my GeForce GT 710 with 1GB RAM, it's fine for connecting a screen to change the BIOS or recover if something breaks once every few years (put in in a server with no iGP just to get a text picture, it was the cheapest PCI-e card I could order).

Not if it doesn't have a iGP.

It's better than the rebrandeon 570 and 580s who are just 470s and 480s with a higher clock and more heat and higher power usage, I'll give'em that.

You have a point but it's still a point of failure.

I don't even favor Nvidia or AMD, just the value I guess.

-t.Dell prebuilt user with GTX 1050ti

I also own a Ryzen build if that may matter to you people.

Yeah the RX 460 is good at $65 for low budget games (CS:GO, LoLetc..). But its 4GB version is about 25% less powerful than the 1050ti. Therefore the $15 more is kinda worth it, unless you have a build specified to AMD then go for the RX 460.

Did you buy both off Jet.com?

Get an R9-GTX-XP for $1022+Tax

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Come take a look at my AMD AM1 4 core 2 GHz 25W APU server with a passive heatsink and a fanless PSU and a SSD and tell me more about how "passive is overrated".

If the system has a bunch of case fans and/or a loud PSU and/or five mechanical harddrives then yeah, passive is overrated. But when you have a small fully functional home server that's so silent you have to look at the light on it to tell if it's on or off then it's absolutely not overrated.

To ALOT of people "$15 more" could mean going without food for a few days or a week.

*cough cough
Nvidia is shit
AMD holds better value with RX 470 but I need low power consumption for prebuilt so GTX 1050ti

Yeah, for a NEET.
But an RX 460 is perfectly fine nevertheless, all comes down to preference.

Driver updates have made the RX460 significantly better. The RX560 should beat the 1050Ti handedly on average. The RX460 seems to be almost even with it now days in games from the past 2 years.

Got a source on that?

>buy hardware decoder
>2 years later now all the media are using a new shiny codec that can not be decoded in software
>i have to buy another hardware decoder

i dont wanna be a goy