Should Sup Forums implement flags and IDs to stop the flow of shitposting in regards to AMD vs Nvidia vs Intel...

Should Sup Forums implement flags and IDs to stop the flow of shitposting in regards to AMD vs Nvidia vs Intel? Everysingle thread has one or two posters doing this shit. It would be nice if we could talk about Technology without all the REEEE post. Opinions and thoughts on the matter?

Flags would be unnecessary for this board, but IDs would be great.


Flags unnecessary how so?

>Flags would be unnecessary for this board

If anything, this board needs flags the most. How else are we supposed to spot pajeet shills? They only get away with it because Sup Forums has no flags. If mook enabled flags, watch obscure shit being shilled to almost totally halt unless one shill company can afford to use VPNs.

Flags no, IDs... maybe.
They should be thread unique though.

>They should be thread unique though.
Aren't IDs on all boards just per thread unique?

I can see the comedy value in this, but that's about it. Wouldn't help in any way. IDs would help a lot on more serious threads.

I'm resistant to the addition of any new features as it's a slippery slope.
Half the threads will become people 'establishing' their new IDs.

Flags and IDs would stop all the shitposting coming from 3rd worlders and you know it.

>Half the threads will become people 'establishing' their new IDs.
I don't understand this. IDs such as the ones on Sup Forums are automatically generated, and they're only per thread session.

>Flags and IDs would stop all the shitposting coming from 3rd worlders and you know it.
No, but IDs would mitigate conversation hijacking.

Implement /r9k/ original post

How would flags not stop anything?

How flags would stop anything? A shitposter will shitpost regardless of its flag. On the other hand a conversation won't be hijacked as the ID is unique. You can just ignore shitposter's ID and follow the ID you're having the conversation with.

IDs should be implemented on every board tbqh

I think flags would be fun

I'm good with thread-specific IDs; that would likely cut down on quite a bit of shitposting. I'm not a fan of flags on this board, though. I feel like threads would just derail into flagposting and flag-based shitposting.

Idk seems you might be from a country who gets bullied on Sup Forums so you probably don't want a flag. Bwhahahahhahaa

because it's not necessary for a technology board and would just be another way to derail a thread completely
leave that shit to Sup Forums

They would be fun, but probably generate some new shit threads. IDs won't have a detrimental effect in any way.

>IDs should be implemented on every board tbqh

>leave that shit to Sup Forums
>and Sup Forums, and /bant/, and Sup Forums for some reason

I'm from Ukraine, I don't mind my flag. Femanon, btw (:

my apologies for not naming every single board that implements flags user

>Femanon, btw (:
Oh boy here we go...
3... 2... 1...

Well you do have a point it would probably cause a circle jerk of Europeans making threads like /nord/, /balts/, and /cum/. They would probably throw away everyone's opinions who isn't part of the first world.

No biggie, just thought I'd complete the list because autism.

Point was I don't mind my flag and by now anyone who isn't a filthy newfag already know where I'm from without it. I just don't think flags would do any benefit to this board. IDs would help a lot though.

Flags would just make americans and europeans more inclined to call others "poor".

yeah, this board is already raped by "intel/AMD btfo!!11" threads every other hour and there's no reason to cause more unneeded autism threads
i want my comfy Sup Forums back

Yeah, would be a new way to shitpost. This is why I think they would not contribute in a benefical way to this board

Yeah that shit is out of control. Funny thing is I don't think it's Indians it's probably a handful of Canadians and Americans maybe even some Australians.

No to flags, Yes to IDs.

IDs would be unnecessary for this board, but flags would be great.

Care to explain most people hate the idea of flags.

>raped by "intel/AMD btfo!!11" threads
Intel BTFO

No. Fuck you and go back to Sup Forums.

Sup Forums isn't the only one that uses flags r-tard


People are scared of getting called out not due to their post but because of their country.

Redditard detected.

That's why I said what I said in my post.

Flags would just cause 3rd worlder butthurt.

IDs are most likely to stop the shit posting.

Just go spam /qa/ with the topic, they don't have a clue what's going on with other boards so they'll just enable/make things that are "requested"

Flags do nothing but incite shitposting. IDs might be good though, but I really want the anonymity of Sup Forums to continue staying.

Same ID is available only for current session afaik. So it'll still be anonymous.

NO. /bant/ was a mistake, and they are a terrible idea on Sup Forums

Would just turn this into Sup Forums with technology. Unless you want to prove that canadians are behind the cuck spam, I see no other reason to.

That would work much better because it would stop samefagging.

Flags and IDs are pointless.

If you outlaw guns then criminals will have guns and average people can't defend themselves. The same principle applies here.

If you're shitposting on behalf of a pajeet marketing corporation then you're going to be provided with a few VPNs and proxies.

If you're not then you'll have your flag and ID everywhere.

Just look at Sup Forums and the samefagging that goes on there using proxies and VPNs.

I get why many of you believe flags and IDs will stop shitposters, but it won't affect them, it will just affect normal people posting something interesting in their lunchbreak.

No, it won't. It really won't change anything.

I support IDs, but flags would just increase the shitposting.

I too support IDs but not flags. The minor benefit of recognising pajeets - which isn't that hard anyway - will be completely offset by flag shitposting.

And to everyone saying they don't want IDs because muh smoking anonymity - gas yourselves. IDs are unique per thread and the only thing they stop is samefagging.

Yes. All the people autistically screeching against this are the fucking pajeets we need to out.

Sup Forums has flags because of Sup Forums, Sup Forums got them because of ausies starting USA vs UK threads, Sup Forums got them primarly as a way to identify israely posters (the JIDF shilling is real) but most people there use a proxy anyway, there is no legit reason for Sup Forums to have them, the only place that would be worth it is /ck/ imo

Sup Forums using vpn's and proxies you really think racist are smart? No the use of IDs atleast would mitigate the shitposting that happens here. Too much AMD VS INTEL VS NVIDIA bullshit. Saving face from flags is probably a benefit to all the third worlders here, but ID's would be a plus.

that would be a bad idea, i like those type of threads fuck you, kys

kill yourself

I told the wrong person to kill themselves
kill yourself

Same fagging

yes, I corrected myself, are you retarded?

No, but I would like something to tell what OS people use.
So I can filter out all OSX and iOS users.

Fuck off


I see it now
> Sup Forums implements flags
> nvidia vs amd threads go on
> turns out there are no pajeets, just Intel's marketing department in Israel and AMDs marketing department Austin, Texas.
I'll laugh so hard when this turns out to be the case.

the day this happens, serious posters will die of laughter.

See that's the thing I don't see the shitposters actually being pajeets. It's probably Germans, Americans, Aussies, and Canadians. Only developed countries get all stupid about MUH CPU and MUH GAYMMING

Consumer electronics are about the same in any country with an isp.
I agree, posts would slow to a crawl like /vr/ though.
This pretty much, sentence structure and use of words makes me believe it's mostly middle class Caucasians shitposting from various spots on the glonbe.



All the CS freshman and manchildren here are not qualified to even shitpost about anything other than what level of nujabe wizard spells they can cast on World of Assassins Creed.

Mods on Sup Forums doing their jobs.
>Wew Lad

fuck off, I want to keep samefagging

Me too my friend

I disagree. You;ve got reddit (seriously) if you want such politically correct and controlled medium.

OP here, I now recognise that I'm a fag and that Sup Forums with IDs and flags is not Sup Forums

flags ruined Sup Forums

Man you are so right, maybe you are not a fag anyway

OP is a faggot, shut up

>t. OP

I disagree. Being able to be multiple people in a thread for purposes other than samefagging is nice.

Fucking fairies needing their safe spaces, how do you manage you live your days without wanting to kill yourself

I agree with this wholeheartedly.

If we had IDs and forced original posts, there are certain types of people who would be forced to go to Sup Forums where they belong.

Flags would be good for a laugh, I guess.

If people fall for the most obvious bait imaginable now, why do you think that flags would make it any different? Shitposters with certain flags (like India) would actually get MORE (You)s because of it.

Shut the fuck up faggot, go back to r3ddit


OS flags