Sup Forums Blocked?

>Sitting at McDonald's
>Trying to enjoy my Big Breakfast with Hotcakes
>Have desire to shitpost on Sup Forums
>Connect to Free Wi-Fi
>"This site has been blocked by your administrator due to suspicious or illegal activity."

My autismbux only go so far for buying chickie nuggs.

I can't run out my internet and run up a bill!

>tfw the Food Jews want me to starve
>tfw "free" doesn't mean "freedom"

McDonald's confirmed for terrorists?

Kys, you fat fuck.

just use pia vpn.

Serves you right for eating there

>not hosting your own vpn

Stop shilling for bad VPNs. It is a declared enemy of the internet. That shouldn't be who you go to for privacy. Also nice emoji filename and stupid furry fuck dog idiot.
OP - VPNs are going to be mostly blocked on Sup Forums for posting so you'll probably need to rent a vps and setup openvpn. Also you are a fat unhealthy fuck for eating there. Hit the library because they offer free connection (most likely), and a decent education. Do that and stop being dumb stupid fat fuck.

pia isnt bad and pia always change there servers so we dont get blocked by companies like hulu/netflix. PIA is really good if you live right next to the servers.

C'mon m80s, those breakfast sandwiches are to die for desu.

>pia always change there servers so we dont get blocked by companies like hulu/netflix.
Confirmed retard.

Logs bandwidth
Complies with 14 eyes
Logs timestamps
Literally a declared enemy of the internet.
Also their servers are blocked by hulu and netflix.

What is this new kind of autism

[Citation Needed]

Avatarposting, empty names and emoji filenames: You're witnessing the future of cancer.

just leave me alone

cute filename wth*ck

fat fuck kys


fast food is one thing - but mcdonalds is literal degenerate tier



>tfw used to shitpost from the wifi at my work so that I wouldn't get banned
>tfw they added Sup Forums to the content filter a while ago so I can't do that anymore

This why I run openvpn server on my pfsense router at home.


You think that's bad, I used the wifi at my local Tim Horton's a while back, and the UFC website was blocked. WTF?

It's like you're asking for it.


Just use clover, I've never been on a network where clover didn't connect


>implying it isn't

>not eating food for enjoyment in moderation
Unless you live a bizarre ascetic lifestyle where you only eat potatoes, beans, and rice, shove it up your ass

t. A land whale in denial

The entire point of VPNs is anonymity in numbers. You're not anonymous if you're the only user and it's going through a server leased in your name.

>not having DNS, ICMP, HTTP and HTTPS tunnels set up on your home server
>not getting free as in freedom connection wherever you go


>shin blocked at my work (school) (IT)
>can still access all the boards
>turns out only the main page is blocked


You need to go back

What's a good VPS provider that will respect my privacy and let me host warez

Just use Google's DNS.

if you're the IT guy why dont you just unblock it

I'm an intern senpai
also why would I unblock it, I literally never ever used the main page in the last 2 years

If you get the McDonalds app, there's all kinds of deals such as free drinks, free meals, etc.

I always feel terrible after I eat McDonalds, but I always go back there for some reason

In b4 r/hailcorporate

They're cheap shitty greasy and fatty and salty and sugary sauces engineered to taste and cook the same way every time


I know, but it's a guilty pleasure of mine. I feel so terrible after eating McDonalds but I love their fries (when they're hot and fresh)

It's terrible because I'm on this protein shake/keto diet for 6 days of the week. So I only get to spurge one day out of the week and I decide to do it on McDonalds

sad, but same.

>I feel so terrible
Right? I'm not some grass eating pretentious vegan but my diet is relatively healthy, with the occasional soft drink once or twice a week. Every now and then though, I'd crave a Big Mac, fries and an apple pie. There's something about McDs' smell, can't put my finger on it. I'd be all hyped up before eating it then feel like a filthy STD-ridden whore afterwards. I feel like my body is telling me I'm poisoning myself.. Can't believe there are cucks who eat this shit on a daily basis.

Fucking Flips, kys asian niggers

>Bringing your own sauce for your mcnuggies
How fucking fat are you.

>not bringing your own sauces
Don't tell me you use their shitty sauces.

Had the same happen to me. Got my hands on the access rights and slightly changed the filter IP and so shitposting continues.

I didn't take this picture.. It's a reference to Rick and Morty

>and run up a bill!
neet bux