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hacker edition
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you're a virgin, aren't you?
>people still fall for it
>after all this time
The 360 looks as if you got it from McDonald's
Making this shitty pasta the OP has already ruined the thread
Haven't posted here in a while.
Plz only minor bullying.
>Loo in front of screen
Living the life, huh, user?
>that kancolle canvas
Your dog looks like a faggot
How does a faggot look, senpai?
Goddamn I hate my life.
She's a girl tho.
Plz don't bully her she's an innocent bystander.
>call of duty ghosts
the multiplayer was so bad, literally directed by a female
Did you build everything about this using the power of memes?
Of course. What good is a setup if it doesn't consist entirely of memes?
The changes are going to be big... Just give me a few weeks.
i want to eat that steak
It is actually a video on how to make the most haram of gyro, one made of pork belly.
Here is the one I made myself based on it, it turned out really well.
Link to the video?
>tfw you're the richest user on Sup Forums because everyone claims they're 'poor'
That is the recipe the dude used.
dual 25" 21:9 ultrawide monitors or 1 28" 4k monitor
Thank you.
Yep, I really liked it it myself.
I forgot how tasty sumac was until I made that recipe actually.
It is also very impressive to women folk as it looks aesthetically pleasing and its easy to make if you do both the sauce and the meat the day before hand then let the meat cool, slice it into strips about 1/2 of an inch wide then pan fry to crisp up and heat through.
It sounds like a good thing for keto types, too. Any idea if the pork belly itself would taste as good, or good enough, if I used a suis vide? Not really an ovenfag, heats up my apartment too much.
The biggest issue would be having room in your bag for the rendered fat. What I do is that I start it in a cold oven that way as much fat renders out as possible then progress how the recipe wants you to do it as normal.
You dont want too much fat rendered out at the same time though as you want some to come out while crisping it as well.
By the time I went through an entire pork belly I had the technique down pretty well.
Thanks /ck/, good info, I'll have to try this. I had to search what fat rendering is, so needless to say, I have a ways to go.
>so needless to say, I have a ways to go.
If that is the case then I would suggest not attempting to substitute any ingredients or spices you dont have for other things that you think would work well.
If you dont have a spice store or access to the spices you need where you live you can always go online to places like Penzeys or The Spice Store, both of which have nice spices and good prices for shipping.
I love funko so much
If by The Spice Store, you mean worldspice.com, then great, I live near them actually.
And also live near Penzeys, they are both around Seattle. Never knew they existed.
Whoops, I meant The Spice House, Penzeys owner created his store to compete with them and pays his employees less than they do.
I get all my spice and the like from stores like that though, nothing sold in grocery stores is worth your time or money.
You have a sibling or?
cute dog
I would've got so much puss if my trailer looked like this. nice
looks crafty, I need a pc in my workshop so I can stop lugging the laptop out there
Super clean. If you're not gay or a female, it's a little feminine though.
you have a nice house, electronics, internet access and a cat. What could be so wrong?
Your dog looks like it's in trouble. Stop hitting your dog. Otherwise looks cozy
I do work on a bit of everything
I live with my GF and her corgi.
>you have a nice house
>What could be so wrong?
It is a shitty apartment and my lease is expiring soon, it has also been very hard to find a new place to live. The stress of potentially being homeless is really weighing on me at this point.
Also pretty much my entire family has died in the past 8 months along with me getting a divorce.
I should be happier as things are starting to improve at this point but I am fairly isolated...
haha it must suck to be you
ouch user. You will be able to find a place and be comfy again.
My grandparents and parents were dead by the time I was 22, If you don't pick at it, it will heal with time.
cuute. be careful what's in the background and your res. I see a piece of mail.
neat, what are the devices for, I know what a drill press is but the others?
Delta style 3D printers
>haha it must suck to be you
Yeah, but at least I own GOOGL and GOOG stock, do you?
I figure thats the case, everyone says time will make this better and so far that looks to be the case. I just need to get a better outlet for things and not look back as much so to speak.
I think I know why your wife left you, ahahahahaha
If you guessed because we lived 1k miles away you are right, any other guess is wrong.
You sure about that?
I would imagine so.
If I put stock into the reasons she listed it is also because I am a sociopath incapable of feeling empathy though.
There will always be more women, but I only had one family.
whats with the meme drawers. i see them on so many desk setups
marriage isn't the key to happiness anyways, I have a family, it sucks. My wife is a good woman and not bad to look at but I always meet a better fit for me every couple years.
Don't bring up the parents thing on dates, keep answers short if they ask. Go out and mingle with people somewhere. Being alone whith thoughts is the worst thing to do right now.
Perfect height if you want to put a table top on it and the drawers themselves have loads of space in them.
Sounds like you're stuck in SJ, you should go shoot a .44 at one of the ranges around there to relax.
It's a long term investment, you won't be happy when you're older without a wife and kids.
>Don't bring up the parents thing on dates
Yep, that is what I have been doing, it really doesnt seem conversation appropriate with strangers.
>Go out and mingle with people somewhere.
Lately I have been going out to bar trivia nights and reading while doing it. It helps me pay for my booze budget, by taking it from other people.
The real reason is that they're from Ikea, and cheap to get a 6 foot table by using.
What is that?
That case looks absolutely terrible
San Jose
No, thank god.
I live in AZ so I can just go out anywhere outside of town and start shooting.
No cleaning!
nice desk and doggo 8/10
6/10, not a fan of the desk and clean up the wires underneath
very clean, no mousepad? 8/10
Not bad 7/10. hows the vr?
8/10, looks nice but just one monitor?
looks comfy, 8/10
dem pops, 11/10
>dem pops, 11/10
Why do you have feeding bowls on your table?
Damn I'm jelly. I have to drive 1.5 hours to get to a proper 100+ yard stretch to shoot on. But largely since most of this state is wooded.
>not a fan of the desk
Thats fine, I am not a fan of yours either, even more so because you let your cat on it.
It's okay, I have property in WI too and I am in the process of making a one thousand meter range on it.
I really do like living a mile in the air on a mountain side though.
I don't think you're a sociopath, as you have pain from your parents death and you seem upset about your ex-wife finding a newer, better, bigger dick to ride.
Looks like you're just a cunt from here.
>Your family would rater die than deal with you.
>because I am a sociopath incapable of feeling empathy though
She probably means you view things logically
What the fuck is wrong with you? Everyone can tell you life is worse from your posts.
>you seem upset about your ex-wife
Not at all, I am upset due to the confluence of all the negative events occurring in such a short time frame in my life. As I said before, there will always be more women, but you dont ever get a new family.
>She probably means you view things logically
Is there any other way to live life? I didnt get to have an opinion about the capital gains tax rate before the age of thirty by using my heart.
All the good ones are girl ones, fucking spectacular, deal with that /g.
Are these the acer 23.8 inches on amazon? How are they?
you're new, aren't you?
>Not bad 7/10. hows the vr?
I don't have a VR headset, waiting for the future generations.
>Are these the acer 23.8 inches on amazon? How are they?
Yes, they are. Honestly they're great, I couldn't be happier. Image quality is nice, and it's IPS of course.
is this the hacker known as Sup Forums?
I have that case(in black) and i hate myself so much for buying it. I somehow thought it looked cool in high school.
don't ask m8, just don't even fucking ask.
>probably means you view things logically
No she logically got out of there before this sorry sap's weak seed could plant a baby in her.
>What the fuck is wrong with you? Everyone can tell you life is worse from your posts.
My life is great and I'm having lots of fun user. If I was having problems, I wouldn't shit up a thread on a technology board about it.
not having both speakers equidistant from the monitor 0/10
Holy fuck is that crow lmao,
Thinking of selling my laptop. How much do you think I could get for it nowadays?
Maybe 400 to 600 of I had to guess.
Doter is the superior moba. Anything else is
brainlet shit.
You need a second portrait monitor for superior
Well... fuck.
May as well just keep it then haha.
are you drinking redbull out of a glass?
that seems weird to me.
>girl ones
did you just assume their gender?
League is shit tho.
what the fuck bro?
>tfw moving in with roommates soon and will have way less space
How can you make a face if you don't have no face?
Quick question: is having cobwebs in my case bad?
Should be the last time posting this one now that I've got a new keyboard+keycaps, new mousepad, new wrist rest, and new cable management solution that's not duct tape.
Just need to clean up and snap a new photo.
poorfag staying in a friend's flat while I look for work. specs : shit amd apu driven desktop + thinkpad x60t behind the chair
when I move into my own room (one guy here is moving out soon) I'll probably think about getting some nice speakers and new monitors as well as making the whole thing less Sup Forums cause that's how I feel it all looks currently
how is those speakers?
i am
They is good for the most part but apparently have a tendency to overheat. This is my second pair.
Upgrades incoming: Silverstone SG05 MINI case (2.3 Kg)
a proper PSU
a proper TV rack
also hoping to find a cheap z2 or z3 soon so I can finally make better images
Are you 5?
Did you forget to include
>a proper battlestation
Enjoy your crabs.
no bully
Much bully.
Your station is bad and you should feel bad.