What's the verdict? Are they French or German?

What's the verdict? Are they French or German?

French imo

elsass ist schweizer

Ich bìn elsässisch, fräss miner sack saü drackamerican

French obviously

>it's a region of france

well French, duuh

Asking cause my great great grandmother was an Alsatian German (if that's even correct) who got btfo so hard her family had to immigrate to America

Well, you got your answer

We are French.

Btfi by who ?

which great great grandmother? straight matriliear?

I was wrong, my great great grandfathers mothers parents were born in Alsace and Lorraine and married before immigrating in 1850 (this is on my fathers side). Is Conrad a French name?

Don't know assumed they were kicked out after the territory changed hands

1. Do they have a short temper that they express by shouting?
2. Do they move really rigidly, preferring the goose step?
3. Do they have a sense of humour?
4. are they virulently anti-Semitic?
5. do they like reading obtuse philosophy written in medieval scripts?
6. does their music consist of two tones on the accordion?

If you are Alsatian and have answered all of the answers except for no.2 with YES, then you have permission to start WW3, destroy all of Europe, set world civilization back for 100 years, and inevitably end up not being completely destroyed because Anglos have an unrequited homo crush on you and will do everything to save your murderous ass. Good luck!

eehh fuck me it's my great-grandfathers mothers parents I facked up again holy shiet

From ~1700 to 1870 it was french, then 1870-1918 german.
Weird, your story, tbf.
Nobody got BTFBTFO except our dialect.

Was it normal for an Alsatian to have Kaiser as a last name? That's the reason I thought he was German, I have a photo though and he doesn't look very much like a German

Kill yourself faggot. Indeed we are French.

What is this crap ?
"""" looks like german""""

Some peoples in Europe are germanic, yea, Netherlands, Vlaams, Süd Tirol. Norwegians, they aren't germans tho you know.
I know some Kaiser yes, my name is typically alsatian, like Fritsch, Schwab...

Alsace is German because it's fucking Lorraine, which is French, in the ass

Well he's probably 60 in the photo I have, he looks like a low t beta with a receding hairline but that's just the age I think

Lorraine = French
Alsace = German

And you're a nigger

Mehmet, mein Sohn

Alsace are our bors, even if they seem very cold at the first sight, they're in fact very cool when you know them.

Maybe there are individual nation? Like Corsican as an example

Make them independent or put under direct control of UN.

>they're in fact very cool when you know them.

eeh ? Well elders could be like this, but the youth ?

Pretty much this, except we still have an affection for France and french bros. Corsicans are disgusting ingrats for the biggest part.

Probably precedes the modern concept of a nation state back then.
Also have some muh hurritage from there but even older (1600s I think) in the direct male line, Huguenots and shiiet (last name suggests so)

ay nigga we wuz alsatians n shiet

they're unique :^)


There's little to no genetic difference between SW German and NE French, we're all pretty much Celto-Germanic mutts (pic only compares Western Germany as a whole, therefore including the more "Nordic" NRW folks, with France as a whole, including their Greek/Italic/Spanish-like Southerners, and the overlap is still pretty high, I bet it'd be even higher if it were more restrained), national identification is mostly a language thing

>Spanish Madrid is not there
Not even Krauts remember we exist.


Lel I didn't make the study, it's based on Eurogenes. But I guess Madrid is probably subsumed among Castilia or so

>Galiza closer to Germans than Catalunha despite being half a thousand kilometres farther geographically
kek the memes are real, I could bet 100€ that the Suebi were West German


*digs trench*


*chokes on chlorine gas*


>Er redet deutsch
>behauptet, er sei ein Franzose
Verdammter Verräter. Geh Dich erhängen.

>Castilla or so
Which one of them? Cantabria, Castilla-León or La Mancha?

Well, modern-day Schwaben live in the SW, and considered an Alemannic people, closely related to Swiss and Alsatians
You gotta ask the authors over at Eurogenes. But anyway, big cities/capitals had always had lots of internal migrations from other parts of the country, I think in such studies they rather go preferably for villagers with ancestry in the same place for many generations

>big cities/capitals had always had lots of internal migrations from other parts of the country
I'm not referring to the city of Madrid, I'm talking about the region.
>I think in such studies they rather go preferably for villagers with ancestry in the same place for many generations
While I think so too, I don't think that's legitimate considering a proper study could isolate different ethnic groups.

Yeah that's probably them. I had no idea modern Suebi still existed though.

Also why are Austrians so far from you? Isn't that an error in the data?

Well I don't know if early medieval migrations from "Germanics" actually had a significant effect in Iberia at all or if they were just a small ruling class for a certain period, and genetic similarities being explainable by deeper/older links (like Bell Beaker culture, which should explain our close genetic relation to e.g. the Irish)

Austrians have some "Illyric"/"Slavic" input which also shows in their phenotype (many, in anthroautism terms Dinaric, Balkan-looking faces there) so I'm not too surprised

Well, they did on this corner of the peninsula, after the invasion the Suebi were actually something like 12% of the population in Galicia. They were still the ruling class but their impact was significant.

>Austrians have some "Illyric"/"Slavic" input which also shows in their phenotype (many, in anthroautism terms Dinaric, Balkan-looking faces there)
I would have never guessed it, to me they're just southern South Germany but apparently this is wrong

w-wuz I a KAIZAH ?

French or Germans, they will always be our mates

Was mit shweiz ?
Und Frankreich ist germani-celtische, du Hunficker.

>France es germaaaaaaanic

Stop the memes, I respect you.

Halt's Maul. Du hast eine deutsche Muttersprache. Allein schon die Sprache macht viel mit deiner Mentalität. Wenn Du trotzdem meinst, Du seist kein Deutscher, sonder Franzose, dann hör wenigsten auf Deutsch zu sprechen und sprich Französisch stattdessen.

You're a lot like Germans in some ways, but you got the direction vector of culture reversed, it's Germans that took up some Roman-Gaul traditions, not you that learnt the German way.

Anyway, the French are like the most productive people (gdp per employed person / per hour worked) in the world, you have nothing to worry about

Kein mentalität Frage, das ist alles in das Blöd. Bretons sind auch celtische und fransöze sprechen.
Ich verstehe 2/3 auf dein sprache Hans, weil mein dialekt ist alemannic deutsch. Wir sind als switzer.
Ich bin elsässisch, und fransöze. The savern affair, I'll never forget. I still think french and germans are ethnically bros tho, more than the franco-brit /franco-italia alliance.

It's all about blood.

Otherwise, champagne is germanic, parisians architecture is germanic (Haussman) and the list goes on. We are a melting pot of germanic-celtic-mediterraeans bastards.

Well it's all a smooth transition in Europe, looks don't magically change at the Austrian/Slovenian border from Dolph Lundgren to Karadzic (or from Dolph Lundgren to Alberto Barbosa on the German/French one)

If it's all about blood you're missing the German part of it in most of your country. Not talking about Alsace but of the overall French.

You're Celts who inherited the Roman way, improved upon it, and spread it to your neighbours.

>Ich bin elsässisch
>und fransöze
Dann hast Du ein Identitätsproblem. Und die deutschsprachige Schweiz und Österreich sollten auch zu Deutschland gehören. Wir sind eigentlich ein Volk, aber wegen internen Machtkämpfen und Meinungsverschiedenheiten der Adelsfamilien hat es damals mit der großdeutschen Lösung nicht geklappt.

Forgot pic

When I was in Berlin, my dad rented a car and we drove to Prague, and I can guarantee you looks change pretty fast. It's not instant but it doesn't take long, as an outside observer I can see it.

Du muss suche "Savern affair". Ich will ein franschland oder ein Deufrankreich, das ist alles.
The german projekt was too much and sadly uncle adi failed. That's like that.

But the romans were finally weak, that's why the french people is still a think, a glorious mix of aryans.

The German/Polish and German/Czech borders are exceptions to the rule admittedly.
Before the wars, it was a smooth transition area too. But after WW2, German speakers were all expelled to here and diluted all over Western Germany, and the areas were resettled by hohols and belaruses, which are genetically even more Eastern than today's Eastern Poles, so in those cases the line has become much sharper
Not him, but 843 was eventually bound to happen I think, too big empires (like Rome) will always fail eventually, especially if the internal differences from one end to the other become too big (Basques and Wends in the same realm won't work)

that some severly retarded shit.
How the fuck is norway more "germanic" than switzerland.

Straßburg, meaning Straße + Burg, street castle and many other cities have names like this. What does it mean it french? Ohh, who would have thought, it's not french?

French citizens. Most of them are culturally French but ethnically German.

Because the Germans themselves aren't the most Germanic people in Europe.

>But the romans were finally weak
Rome died a natural death of old age, not weakness. Meanwhile it's invaluable legacy that it passed on to you is what allowed France to have it's admittedly glorious history.

I wasn't aware and that certainly explains it, but you can see it there.

It's Y-DNA only (so pretty much 1/46 of your genome if you will), it has its uses like tracing ancient human migration routes, but autosomal DNA analyses like I posted earlier DNA are a better assessment for genetic distance/closeness between peoples
And autosomally, with K=n analyses, it's (still) impossible to separate "Germanic" and "Celtic" peoples along a clear line because they're too similar to start with, and the internal genetic variation within each of those groups is far bigger than the average distance of the 2 groups, if that makes any sense
tbf Straße is loaned from Latin (via) strata in turn
But I agree, writing it Strasbourg is autistic, it's as if we suddenly started writing "Restaurant" as "Restorang" or some shit

>Rome died a natural death of old age, not weakness. Meanwhile it's invaluable legacy that it passed on to you is what allowed France to have it's admittedly glorious history.

I meant roman culture and way of improvement.
Internet, engines etc. Ok there has been some great italians (toscans in fact) but still.

And the legacy... Thanks to frankish barbares yeah. They were jewed.

>Straße is loaned from Latin (via) strata in turn
>But I agree, writing it Strasbourg is autistic, it's as if we suddenly started writing "Restaurant" as "Restorang" or some shit

Latin autism.

Same for Alsace.

The River flowing Alsace is "l'Ill", " s'ell" in elsässisch.
Elsass = where l'Ill sits.

>But I agree, writing it Strasbourg is autistic, it's as if we suddenly started writing "Restaurant" as "Restorang" or some shit

I'm by far no expert but I guess it was part of the Republic efforts to erase regional identity and unite all the regions under the French one

Yeah makes sense, they probably changed lots of OCcitan/Catalan names in the South too?

Yes they did, nowadays there are tons of bilingual street/city names here
Speaking Occitan at all was forbidden, in particular in schools

Here, only in the North the dialects (like Low Saxon) were more strongly eradicated, leading to places like Hannover gaining a reputation of speaking pretty much accent-free High German. Even more endangered within the North are Frisian dialects only a couple few thousand continue to speak, they're linguistically phylogenetically closer to (Old) English than any other Germanic dialects are