Update service uses 99% CPU in background

>update service uses 99% CPU in background
>updates take ages to download
>requires restart to install almost all updates
>constant failed updates, "reverting changes"
>takes three days to update a clean install

Every other platform is light years ahead of this joke of an update model. When will Microsoft fix the worst part of their shitty OS?

This shit is happening right now. I had one like 30 mins ago it's gonna pop up again in a sec. Fuck this shit how about instead of reboot I just shut it down and connect my macbook to my monitor.

I have a machine with W7 (main), a machine with W8 and an other one with W10.

There is no way I'm going to get anything after W7 on my main. I'm going to do the jump to Debian as soon as W7 is not supported anymore.

Holy shit how did we come to this?

taking a blind shot: do you use home or pro by any chance?

Both, I build and fix a lot of machines. Not sure which version this screenshot is from.

I don't have that problem.

Works on my machine ;^)

Wtf is wrong with you?

They'd have to rewrite the entire OS and remove compatibility with legacy software. So never.

>but muh printer 'imaging' software from 1997!11

the worst 'OS' on the planet

Good idea... if you hate updates you'll love debian

This is even a problem on Windows 7 for certain weaker CPUs. We have Lenovo x131e's deployed as student carts at the school district I work at and almost every day I have to report to a classroom that has half the cart sitting on Welcome because the update service is maxing out the CPU simply checking for updates. Not even installing them. There is literally nothing we can do so I have to just sit there and wait for them to finally stop checking and give CPU time back to the login process.

>this OS is not good
>use another one
stop starting wars and just worry about yourself.

Seriously famalamadiddilydingdongdidgeridoo. Windows has a retarded update model.

On Ubuntu, i literally run sudo apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade. It will update the fucking kernel while I shitpost. What a fucking concept. Why cant windows update software on a live system, and why can't i do it in command prompt/terminal like Ubuntu.

>use shit, broken hardware
>wonder why OS doesn't work

Every time. Get a mac if you're dumber than 90% of earth's population.

>Windows is a service
>condescending childish language
>not letting you update when and if you choose

How do people stand it?

>not letting you update when and if you choose

Only if you're retarded

>When will Microsoft fix the worst part of their shitty OS?
Why would they?
They have >90% of the desktop market and everybody thinks that this is the only way it can be. The Power Users see crappy performance as validation for all the hard work they have put in. If it was really User Friendly then they'd use their cachet.
Thanks to all the Linux distros aping Windows, people also believe Windows is *the* OS.

No one cares except of gaymers because people use Gentoo.

Because consumers have regressed to child-like behavior thanks to facebook, twitter and apple.

A couple of days ago I tried a clean install of Creator's Update using Microsoft's official latest Iso on a USB.

>ethernet disconnected
>first time boot
>disable win update, driver downloads, cortana in Group Policy, device manager etc as ever
>flip every telemetry/update switch available in metro "Settings"
>start does not unpin what I tell it to, resets to default every time I pin something of my own
>install video drivers
>reboot, shutdown, reboot to make sure changes stick
>connect ethernet
>install my programs, setup everything just the way I like it
>this all took 3 hours of my day
>Win Update fetches display drivers as it fucking pleases plus a security update
>windows corrupted / black screen / unable to boot in safe mode / unsigned drivers mode / cmd does not recognize C:
>boot to Loonix, C: still there, try a few things (regBackup)
>furiously try anything to fix this mess for another 3 hours

>give up, reinstall everything

>make sure to be even more prepared this time, double check everything
>hide the suspected problematic updates using wushowhide, wumt on top of all of the above, reboot
>high network activity, windows installs something, reboot
>nothing runs, start does not come up, metro does not load, no .exe responds, not even device manager
>repeat green text of death

>get really fucking mad

>reinstall a 3rd time choosing Education instead of Pro because let's try everything (cortana enabled in Creator's Update Education Edition btw)

>knife between my teeth
>disable driver installation based on device ID in Group Policy, pause updates, outright disable update process anyway on top of everything else

I made it lads.

>>update service uses 99% CPU in background
what kind of liquid garbage cpu do you have?
windows update takes like 10% at most cpu usage on my computers
>>requires restart to install almost all updates
most of them are security updates that don't need updates
>>constant failed updates, "reverting changes"
I have never seen this before, still not sure who it's happening to or why
>>takes three days to update a clean install
do you have a dogshit slow internet connection and are you trying to start off with the very first version of windows 10?
You do know that with every major update they update the iso accordingly

LTSB Doesn't have this problem

>Service Host taking up all my disk space.
Thanks, Microshit.

The Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.

Get back to win7 to game pal. No dx12 but still worth

Your computer is shit. I get about 10% load for installing updates, it rarely requires a restart and I've never had a failed one.

Not having a pause button on the download is retarded though, they let you delay it by up to a month since Creators tho.

>>update service uses 99% CPU in background
Stop being poor and get a proper CPU.
>>updates take ages to download
Stop being poor and get a better internet.
>>requires restart to install almost all updates
Stop being poor and get an SSD.
>>constant failed updates, "reverting changes"
Stop being retarded.
>>takes three days to update a clean install
Stop lying.

I've had windows updates take longer than GCC to compile on Gentoo

Use server you pleb

it does that shit on pro too fyi

it just werks

why would anyone ever use windows when they have access to macos?

i mean, mac is shit and all, but between windows and mac its not even close.

Works on my machine, faggot.

Maybe you shouldn't have installed all those shitty programs that ingrain themselves do deep into windows that they interfere with the update mechanism.

its less work to actually install gentoo, not even a meme anymore

>update service uses 99% CPU in background

>updates take ages to download

>requires restart to install almost all updates

>constant failed updates, "reverting changes"

>takes three days to update a clean install

I take it that fake Dr Stallman's MIT savings are running dry since the shilling has gotten so poor lately.

>its less work to actually install gentoo, not even a meme anymore
Unironically this.

Sup Forums doesn't usually make m laugh, gj user.

>Sup Forums doesn't usually make m laugh
I know right.

I can't stand overused shitty plebbit jokes anymore.

>most of them are security updates that don't need updates

sounds like windows 8

That's a known issue with the update service on Windows 7 specifically and something that can end up plaguing even the beafiest of machines. It started happening when Microsoft replaced the guts of Windows 7's updater with parts of Windows 10.

Ofcourse, they never bothered to fix it, since Windows 7 is in 'extended support', i.e. , gets only security updates. MS' idea of a fix is you buying into Windows 10.

It's intentional motivation to get you to move to Windows 10, which doesn't have this specific problem.

use the offline updater, shit goes fast as hell

how does anything administrative manage to use 99pc CPU

windows update loves to ping one core to 100% all the fucking time, never seen it use more then 1 core but that shit made me turn update off entirely.

as for days to update a clean install, fuck yea it does. look, with the offline updater im good to update in less then 30 minutes, but with windows built in, it will run the updater for 20 minutes to find something, will take another few hours to download it, half an hour to update then restart and half an hour to apply, only for more updates needing to be gotten that way, with several of the big updates re downloading and updating that slow as fuck way over and over again. Shit is fucking retarded.

letting windows download the update is painfully slow for some retarded reason, no idea why

t. redditor

There is a fix for it (KB3138612 iirc), but Windows Update tends to ignore it for some dumb reason. It's still annoying to install because the fucked update check completely takes over the update installer until it's done, which never actually happens. You need to nuke the update service and quickly do the manual update install while the service is still recovering, after a reboot it should work.

Windows Update like most package managers figures out which patch goes with what other patch by comparing versions in manifests. However, where it differs is that it also checks versions and dependencies of individual *files* inside update packages, because some times (actually; many times) the same file version is part of multiple packages and could've ended up on a user's system via any number of updates.

Rather than a simple dependency tree, you get an insane acyclic graph to thrawl through. And to thrawl through for each individual file.

To make matters worse, Windows Update sometimes it shits itself and forgets to remove certain stale staged packages when they've been succesfully installed already. When that happens during each check for available updates, those are taken back into equation again, and again and again. (It loves to do this with huge .NET framework updates carrying 300+ DLL files as well.)

It is this dumbfuckery that can cause the CBS.log file to swell to 10+ GB from installing a single small update.

The reason Windows 10 no longer has this problem is that they changed the install model: one servicing update wholesale replaces the other. That means no more weird as fuck complex dependency graphs to deal with.

>You need to nuke the update service and quickly do the manual update install while the service is still recovering, after a reboot it should work.

Or you just download the offline installer, temporarily disable ethernet, reboot and then install. Luckily Windows Update _is_ smart enough to shut itself the fuck up if it cannot establish a connection to its servers.

Thanks for the KB number. Will keep that written down somewhere.

>When will Microsoft fix the worst part of their shitty OS?
I don't know that it's possible right now. It would most likely require them to completely redesign a brand new OS, as the current Windows is so intertwined at a fundamental level with this update model.

If you're fed up with Windows, go buy a Mac already. Premium products do not have this issue.

Creators update is a clusterfuck, there's no denying that. I've set up 10 different PCs with Anniversary update and never had an issue.

Have you ever tried to update 7 from a clean install? If you did you know the meaning of hell.

The latest rollout patch should be able fix this problem. Or you can just disable Windows Updater.

>connecting windows to the internet

i too like to live dangerously

No need to defend WU, everyone and their mother know it's broken as fuck.

>>update service uses 99% CPU in background
This is not the case on my i5 platform.