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Five (5) rupees have been deposited into your Intel Shill (R) account. Thank you, Pajeet! :^)

>we have gave your family rotten bread for tonight ahmed the amd shill

Stop projecting.

Hi friend! It seems you've found Sup Forums's technology board! You made a few mistakes though, and I'm here to help out! :D

Board other than Sup Forums have rules, as well as the global rules! Two important rules you might have missed are global rules six and three!

3. You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

It's okay friend, we all make mistakes!

>last 3 decades
Underage detected

You can't mask how upset you are.

Well, we are waiting

More like PAJEECTING imaright?

You first, Ramesh.


Mmmm that was a hell of a time to be alive

No, I insist


atleast AMD doesn't have hardware backdoors into their processors (Intel Management Engine)

AMD PSP is a thing.

That's like 6 years. And first time AMD did it by making dual core it actually became true. And games actually use up to 6 cores now, 8 in best cases.



What is ayyymd mean by this?


AMD has the most scammy marketing

Hi sonny. You may be too young to remember back to the early 2000s where Intel made two of the biggest blunders in computing history; namely Itanium and Netburst. Fortunately AMD were there to save the day with good value processors and a real-world 64-bit implementation.

Now you being 15 years old and all, may not put any stock in this dichotomy, but I will forever be grateful to AMD for saving us from the hellish vision that Intel's incompetence was leading towards. I hope you enjoy your graphs and benchmarks kid, maybe you'll be able to afford to upgrade that dual-core. ;^)

Young Pajeet wakes up for another day of self deprecation and slavery to his Chinese and Jewish overlords.
Instead of making an honest living from selling cow shit an piss for human consumption he breaks many rules of his religion to lie and cheat people to purchasing sub-par products.
Not only is he recommending these products, he's using the competitors hardware from 10 years ago to be able to do it.
Superpower by 2030.
Such is life for a bhenchod.

Meanwhile, the rest of this thread...

>Move your RYZEN

Wow it's almost like the entire industry is full of Indians. Who would have thought anything related to IT would have a large Indian population!

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

Zen is faster IPC wise than Kaby Lake dumb Pajeet
You should notice the single Indian the dumb Intel shills can find against the group of Indians on Intel photographs
Intel is one of the main abusers of H1B's, and cried as soon as Trump started to move on fixing the system
AMD gave zero fucks since the few Indians they have are top tier talent that can't be replaced, or became Canadians or Americans decades ago

If AMD didn't come up with AMD64, Intel would had tried to keep polishing Itanium into something useful
They had already killed every other developed ISA with their retarded EPIC agreements and pacts
We would have to choose between atomic POWER housefires, slow as shit Itanium housefires or some cucked low power only ARM shit

Isn't Raja someone that actually does something?

He's the lead architect of RTG. He's also the Pajeet behind R300 and some others chinkblasting cards.

He also was the lead of graphics architecture at Apple
Yeah, but he isn't an H1B, he's an American

Skyrim on mac is like it was ported for the N64
Still that comes down to them being cheep shit by default.

Absolutely horrific scenario. The "wintel" alliance has been an albatross around the neck of technology for decades.

Why are you even arguing ? Both companies are goat fuckers and ram us deep in the ass. Why would you give Intel or AMD your devotion ? Are you really this retarded ?

these neets like to pretend theyre a part of something bigger


>he thinks amd hardware doesn't have backdoors

a mighty kek was had!

> Intel
> Pajeets

>dem mins
inb4 kids care about average.

I'm sure glad you aren't running my portfolio.


Why is ryzen so bad in arma? You keep saying that it is optimized and stuff, but 7700k gives almost double the fps with only 12% higher clock speed.
I want to pick ryzen but it runs the stuff I like so bad.

Arma is quite literally the least optimized game in history and heavily depends on single thread performance.
If you only play Arma, 7700K is better for you.

The same reason nvidia gets double the fps in pcsx2 ogl. AMD is shit.

But if it so optimized why does intel perform much better? The difference in performance is larger than difference in clock speed.

You can't read for shit.

Please believe in AMD.

Probably many small things that add together.
The engine was made with Intel in mind since that was *the* gaming platform back then.
AMD has a different SMT that Arma is not optimized for.
Since Bohemia can't into multithreading, so even small differences in IPC help a lot.

Can you post a link to the benchmark where the 7700K got almost double FPS? I'm interested in it.

I am actually judging by videos of some random users on youtube, since I don't really trust polish benchmarks, and no one else seemed to make any. Double might be an exaggeration but the difference is quite noticable.


Also on Bohemia forums people post their results, some showing that 2700k outperforms 1800x in arma - forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/202527-we-need-amd-ryzen-benchmarks-share-your-toughts/?do=findComment&comment=3184800

>7 fucking years

>14 fps
FUCK Intel this piece of shit sucks at literally everything.

This is stupid. My 1700 @3.8 single core matched exactly my 3570k at 4.3. this chart is either fake or wrong.

>falling for meme ryzen

Enjoy your downgrade, famladan

>atleast AMD doesn't have hardware backdoors


Biggest mistake AMD did was marketing Ryzen as a mainstream CPU

The first and third videos are especially good because they show per-core utilization.
You can clearly see that on Ryzen almost all load is on the first core and the rest are barely utilized. On Intel, the load is spread out across the cores which massively improves performance.

That's because poozen has poo-tier IPC

>Playing bf1 with 3570k
>fps dips to 30 every time an explosion happens or when too many players are on the screen at the same
time all 4 cores are at 100% so you can't have anything else open in the background
>Playing bf1 with 1700
>literally no fps dips when explosions happen or when too many people are on screen
can have multiple videos playing in the background and all of the cores still aren't at 100%
Really makes you think

It's a crop of this graph, idiots.


Yeah, it's not like Intel isn't moving to more cores soon .. oh wait. wccftech.com/intel-coffee-lake-desktop-6-core-4-core-cpu-leaked/


Wow it's fucking nothing.
