He prefers using an OS coded by some neckbeard in their mom's basement rather than one made by well paid engineers at...

>He prefers using an OS coded by some neckbeard in their mom's basement rather than one made by well paid engineers at one of the top software companies in the world.


>He doesn't


I didn't know neckbeard's programmed Windows. Maybe some of the software, but I think the OS is more outsourced to India at this point.
Good point about RedHat's contributions to GNOME and the Linux kernel, however!

>he prefers using a binary mixed source OS coded by pajeets writing patch layer after patch layer on top of an NSA framework rather than one made by well paid engineers at some of the top software companies in the world

Enjoy your PajeetOS.

>he cares what about others, and what products they use.

Those Indians aren't neckbeards, they're full beards and they don't code in the basement, they code where they shit; on the streets.

I code on the streets too.

>tfw Microsoft is actually paying for Linux development
>tfw top technology companies all kick in money
>tfw shit argument even for baiting
kys faggit


You know Microsoft is a company designed to make money right? Stupid shill

How's it going, Gunpreet?

I use an OS programmed by some well paid engineers at top software companies all over the world. It's called Linux.

I use the one true OS god intended, TempleOS

Linux is made by professional developers with actual salaries baka

>Well paid engineers
>H1B pajeets who smell like curry

Nice one OP.

>using curryware unironically


>he pays for this
I seriously hope you guys don't do that

you do realize linux runs everything right?
and people are paid a lot of money to work on linux in mega scale environments, right?
and that these people themselves use linux on their own machines?
and that you are literally retarded?

Proprietary software isn't useable :)

If only there was a libre operation system that actually worked, and you never had to use terminal.

>he's afraid of the command line



Quints of truth