Make an interesting thread trying to discuss world culture

>make an interesting thread trying to discuss world culture
>it gets no replies
>a canadian makes an off-topic thread about his imaginary Sup Forums gf
>it gets heaps of replies

hahaha good thread


You have no culture


>American culture
>Dude I heard your brother is 21 now will he buy us beer and weed so we can impress stacey at the party

What's the last movie you watched?

Canadian cock service 9; Australian tour

I make meta threads all the time and they never get enough replies and they always get deleted and I always get "warned" or whatever the fuck


new hampshire?

Yeah the new jannies are fucking retarded.

Your fault

fuck off austria, we're just more popular and liked


>weed isnt even legal in his country
This is $20 a gram in California, for ~80% THC oil.

>$20 dabs

You Cali fagloids don't deserve this.


Fuck you buddy

Why do janitors even exist, only the most retarded power abusers would want to apply for something like that.

>those arms and pecs

I live in Arizona, fuck California but their prices are worth a 6 hour drive. It's fucking stupid how cheap shit is over there. Can't wait till November, AZ is finna legalize it recreational.

Is that native roots? Native roots has a griz mush oil that is bomb.

idk where this wax was from, I got it from my street dealer in the parchment paper. It was called Sour Banana Cookies

it's a tough ''''''''''''''''''''''''''job'''''''''''''''''''''''''' but somebody has to do it.


i feel your pain on a daily basis

>aussie said this

Take a glob for me user.


>tfw no dabs in this hick town
I wish college never ended and I never went home.

I am the same aussie that made this thread and replied that to your thread :D

I will commit Oil Seppuku for you. But be warned, I did a half gram dab once and only coughed once....Arizona is super racist and conservative and full of hicks but theres enough young people that it's almost certain to be legalized this year.