Why are Slavs and Hungarians obsessed with these things?

Why are Slavs and Hungarians obsessed with these things?

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still hundred times better than our retards obsessed with these shit.

those are barely mushrooms, they grow in greenhouses
this is what a mushroom looks like

I worked at a pizza place in college that had dried shiitakes that we had to soak in water to re-hydrate before putting them on the pizza.

goddamn those things stink.

I always prefer the white ones

appropriate sensation.
I guess no mushrooms are stinkier than these chemical weapons. Not only causing a severe air pollution, their massive odor always eat into other ingredients cooked together.

did you know the white ones (button) turn into the brown ones (bella) which eventually turn into the big portabellas?

cuz i just found that out recently...

I had wondered if they only stank because they were dried and that maybe fresh ones would be better. But after smelling them for so long I really have no desire at all to try them.

>Hungarians like to shit in the street
>mushrooms grow in shit
>Hungarians can feed themselves with their favorite activity

dunno about slavs and hungs, but mushrooms taste good. You ever have fresh porcini mushroom ravioli? That stuff is crazy good

That rotten rubber like smell still exists where they are fresh too. You mustn't dare to try it forever.
I wouldn't for my whole life.

Because its something they can take and not be arrested for.

t. plumber employer

that looks really fucking good.

my favorite is to just saute them with some onions and bacon and then stuff them in an omelette

Hell yeah son, mushrooms in bacon fat

>tfw out of mushrooms for salad

I pref this ones.

What are those

>Why are Slavs and Hungarians obsessed with these things?
Do you mean Agaricus or mushrooms in general

Hungarians are not slavs!?!?
What are they then?

Finno-Ugric peoples

Magic mushrooms nigga

shrooms is good fun but for hallucinogens I greatly prefer LSD.

>OT:butter mushrooms are the shit

There are some terribly poisonous lookalikes around.

why doesn't English have any words for specific kinds of mushrooms

It does...

what do you call this one

Not sure, best bet is to find the wiki page in your native language then change it to English on the side. I think that's called a Saffron Milk Cap but I'm not sure.

>he isn't sure

I'm not a fucking mycologist lad. I'm going off of Google reverse image search.

every polish child knows that not only mycologists

average kid can distinguish at least 10 kinds of mushrooms, more if goes mushroom-picking

love them.
this lil' things en masse pop-up in Oct all over the south Tuva

This, every slav kid can.

they are slavs. they just speak a retarded meme language. otherwise they'd be close to the finns genetically but they aren't.

You cant be slav without speaking slavic language dumb pizza nigger. Austrians have same genes as v4 but nobody calls them slavs

Ok that's nice, but in the US it's not really a thing, but to answer your question, we have names for mushrooms in English.

>Austrians have same genes as v4 but nobody calls them slavs

well I do. they're german speaking slavs. just like northern italians are italian speaking celts.

>italian speaking celts

keep your memes to Italian-themed threads, this one is about Slavs, Hungarians and mushrooms

>You cant be slav without speaking slavic language dumb pizza nigger.

GOAT mushroom coming through

>we wuz celts
so are we

no, you're celto-slavic-germanic. north italians are celto-italic.

>Americans can't into mushroom culture


Who GOATshroom here?

originaly italians wer celtic, but got overrun by arabs trough sicily. thats why brown hair and brow eyes.

god-tier sauce

>the memeshroom
They are sometimes very nice to be honest but very memey at other times
I collect these in pic related every summer

there were two main groups in central italy: italics and etruscans. italics were R1b and etruscans were J. the fusion of the two resulted in the roman empire. celts of the north were also R1b but belonged to a different subclass.

Looks deadly, Gottfried

how comes this meme map doesn't really add up with the other table they have on their site


the studies vary a lot from one another obviously.

Hello Gypsy! I see you're enjoying life in America... good...

Champignons are kinda blant. But there is nothing wrong with Mushrooms in general.

Unless you are some kind of spoiled 10 year old.

Its a bit of a cultural thing to go picking mushrooms with family for a lot of them. Sort of like picnics, fishing trips and bbq's for most of us westerners.
>slav wife

I don't mind mushrooms myself, tend to casserole them or serve them with steak... however, there is a much more insidious thing they seem to like more which is tinned sardines and frankly, they're just fucking nasty tinned fish better served to cats.

God damn that looks fucking good

it makes sense when you go into the forest and collect it there.