We have to humiliate the enemy. And if we don’t humiliate them...

>We have to humiliate the enemy. And if we don’t humiliate them, we’re going to have our kids continuing to go and fight for ISIS. We have kids leaving this country because they’re so damned good at the internet, ISIS, they’re better at the internet than Google. You know it’s a smart enemy. Believe it or not. And these kids are going over and fighting.

>You know the catapult is quite important. So I said what is this? Sir, this is our digital catapult system. He said well, we’re going to this because we wanted to keep up with modern [technology]. I said you don’t use steam anymore for catapult? No sir. I said, "Ah, how is it working?" "Sir, not good. Not good. Doesn’t have the power. You know the steam is just brutal. You see that sucker going and steam’s going all over the place, there’s planes thrown in the air."
>It sounded bad to me. Digital. They have digital. What is digital? And it’s very complicated, you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out. And I said–and now they want to buy more aircraft carriers. I said what system are you going to be–"Sir, we’re staying with digital." I said no you’re not. You going to goddamned steam, the digital costs hundreds of millions of dollars more money and it’s no good.

Well, you don't think you're better at understanding technology and engineering than the President, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


nope. anyone who doesn't understand that the president and Pai have a better understanding than them is a tardo being manipulated by techie news sites :^)


I'm so embarrassed that Sup Forumstards brought this orange retard into the White House.

go back to rule34paheal, furfag.

Humiliation worked so well for Germany after WW1

wtf i love drumpf now

Holy shit what a retard

something something drumpf something nuclear codes

fucking hell he's stupid, how could amerifats even get this guy to be a president?

>not a digital trebuchet

Fucking embarassment of a president.

Oh look ANOTHER thread crying about the way Trump speaks, I'm a left leaning lib but it's pretty honest he hasn't been pulling the strings from day one, criticize what he's caused, not what he says.

Considering he's going to kill net neutrality for good you should be more worried about that.

Gonna be right back flashing the latest Dhikri Almuzahhir on my phone.


This fucking guy is like 80 years old. For his age it's very impressive.


>tfw you will never trick uncle donald into giving you a 300k/yr job just because you know how to put shitty gtx legos together

Only for americucks :^)

He is 70

So 1940s

Dude was born during ww2

Can you seriously tell me 50 or 60 years from now you can keep up with the latest digital bullshit let alone give a fuck about it?

Reminder that (You) voted this clown into office.

3 million more people voted for his opponent.

Oh my god he's retarded.

Other party picked the only candidate anyone could consider the greater of two evils.

I just wanted the wall

Reminder that no I didn't.

I didn't. I voted Hillary because there was literally no other choice.

Liberal over here. Hillary wasn't extreme enough on stripping away corporate power and equalizing the economy, and Bernie was too extreme on the issue, so I just didn't vote.

Anyway, point being I'm still laughing at you all.

I have to agree with the main point that he made. If anyone disagrees with the main point, please post your refutation.


Bernie's ideas on the economy are the default in the rest of the world. He wasn't extreme in any sense if the word. Hillary was the true extremist.

>I have to agree with the main point that he made.
In other words, nothing. Got it.
>If anyone disagrees with the main point, please post your refutation.
I don't. I certainly don't disagree with nothing he said. On the contrary, I disagree with most of it.

I did for this exact reason. Americans deserve this.

user about that wall

>germany after ww1
Niggar, pls

>implying before I burn to death it won't be even more hilarious and life-validating to watch all the races I hate suffer in the nuclear war I helped cause

He's a populist, he doesn't need to be tech savvy. First he needs to make people actually follow him, then he can make use of his advisors to do great things.

Smart City and urban people voted for Hillary. Only the dumb country people cited for trump.

If this erases js developers then it's worth it.

Thanks muhammad

They were utterly humiliated though...

>3 million more people voted for his opponent.

Yes, but in this country, land matters more than people. Hillary handily won states with high populations, while Trump did the same with states consisting entirely of five people and a mule.

Poor, unsuccessful people voted for Hillary. Rich. successful people voted for Trump because they can recognise a winner.

I was born and raised in NYC and I voted for Trump. I know more than a few businessmen who aren't total cucks also voted for him.

Good thing popular vote doesn't matter, if it did the big states would just bully the smaller states.

Well I wouldn't go as far as to say the rural voters are dumb. Some are but the main reason Trump won was the "rust belt" and coal country. Trump promised these people he'd find a way to keep their jobs. They were desperate so they voted for him. Hillary didn't make vague promises to these people, rather she came off as self-centered, she actually went to a coal town and said she was going to put them out of business or something IIRC. That pretty much ruined her image with them. The strange thing is that was completely her fault because she actually did have a plan to help these people get training and find new jobs. She made a dumb comment and it might have cost her the whole election.

Only literal cancer voted for Hillary. Country's backbone didn't.

>t. A very dumb person
Hillary at least respected gays and minorities compared to this racist scumbag. Plus she also had a huge amount if experience. She really was the best suited person for this job, ever. Only idiots voted for inexperienced Trump.

>guy literally tell Trump that the digital system is shit but they're moving to it anyway to be modern
>Trump, using basic common sense, tells him fuck no, you're sticking with the older system as it costs less and actually works
>liberuls on Sup Forums think this is something to be embarrassed about

You'd move to a platform that costs more and is broken as hell just because it's newer? Really?

Pretty nice bait man, I like it, keep it up

Is this bait?

Not true at all. Electoral vote teaches candidates to only care about close races not populated states. Whether the state is highly populated or not is irrelevant.

As long as evil weavil hillary $hillary clinton and her rapist husband are not in the white house THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH WORSE! I mean, she wanted WAR WITH RUSSIA! She would have put a no fly zone over syria and...what? Trump did it also...oh.

Well. hillary is ulgy and had no good maymays so thats why she should still have lost. yes i am a child.

>Whether the state is highly populated or not is irrelevant.

As it should be, the hordes of immigrants that swarm into liberal shitholes should not decide the fate of the country let we wind up with a Mexican president.

LOL obvious bate anne-non! Everyone KNOWS $hillary is an evil lizard monster and not just a politician playing to a constituency. I believe everything ALEX JONES AND Sup Forums TELL ME BECAUSE I AM 16!


So when are you going to fuck off back to Europe, you immigrant asswipe?

>not an evil lizard monster

This is why the country voted for an entrepreneur. A politician only cares about getting votes.

i agree with this and am a democrat. someday, who knows, we may be in a situation where texas and florida get more populated and conservative as well. The Dems really just missed the mark on appealing to middle-class whites. also russian involvement and comey, that didn't help either.

Triggered shitskin.

what makes me mad is, they wont see it as a mistake, they will continue to be willfully ignorant and hateful because "t3h L1b3rUlzzz!!1!!"

Maybe after the crusades inevitably happen once again, I'll consider recolonizing it.

The only things Trump cares about are his ego and his own money.

He's a spoiled brat man-baby who can't manage his way out of a paper bag without causing four bankruptcies and stiffing the paper bag for earned wages in the process.

Yet he isn't the one who bungled a campaign that had 4x as much money and the backing of all the media propagandists.

Is that what you learned from the telly? Good job, champ and remember "Diversity is our strength!"

What is the problem?
Why should you use something if it's not worth the price?

fuck off reddit

Only /r/the_donald still thinks trump can do no wrong. Rest still support him, but are willing to admit they're disappointed with trumps recent decisions.

>As it should be
HIGHLY debatable.

Electoral college is a solution to a problem that really doesn't exist in the first place. It actually creates problems that are arguably worse than what the popular vote alone could.

The media clinged to every asinine turd nugget that fell out of his puckered mouth, and he got nonstop free coverage for a year as a result.

>wahhhh, why didn't Drumpf appreciate all the media propaganda against him

What we saw in the 2016 was propaganda, plan as day. How anyone could watch the news and not feel disgusted is beyond me.

You do understand that Hillary was corrupt and Bernie "No Refunds" Sanders was bought out, right?

Trump was the only "sane" candidate.

t. idiot who believes that democrats should have the right to bus Mexicans over the boarder to vote

We are a Republic. Ultimately, the president must seek to represent the views of the individual states, not just the total population. We gave you shitskins the right to vote, be happy you still gave that.

>Trump was the only "sane" candidate.
Wrong. There was no sane candidate.

Bernie was not "bought out" he wanted to run in the primary but said from the beginning that he would concede to whoever won which he did. Above all else he did not want Trump to win and he asked his supporters to back whoever won.


So he lost the battle and lost the war. Good.

> A politician only cares about getting votes
Good Thats exactly what they should care about. If they want to get re-elected, they should fucking do what they electorate wants. We don;t need idiot moron "entrepreneurs" (A.K.A. I stamp my name on shit) to run our country like a fucking business because america isn't a business, it's a fucking country.

>faggots on this board actually supported this kike and gave him money

Trump was the least evil candidate, accept it.

Yes, gave. We fought a civil war, where hundreds of thousands of our people were killed and maimed, just so you could be citizens. It was a mistake. Don't be so ungrateful.

this is retarded. do you remember the 2000 election? i doubt it because you probably weren't born yet, but the recount for *a few counties* took months...

imagine having a close race and needing to do a nationwide recount... not to mention the abundant opportunities for fraud that would present themselves.

don't for a second think that the democrats weren't stuffing the everliving shit out of the boxes in any precinct too liberal to have any republican election officials.

>i don;t want an embarrassing moron for a president.

Probably just a tourist from /r/technology.

>cry about people being "hateful"
>get upset when someone points out that you need to go back

Being poor and black would be double terrible

>hundreds of thousands of white men willingly enlisted to free blacks out of a sense of righteousness.


>trump is a moron
>well, HILLARY....

thats all they've got friends. thats all they ever had,

>If they want to get re-elected, they should fucking do what they electorate wants.

You're such a naive little kid that I can't help but chuckle. Politicians tell the electorate what they want to hear, whether they actually do what they tell to them is a completely different story.

PROTIP: They usually don't even attempt to do what they promised to the people. After getting elected they start rewarding the organizations and rich benefactor who funded their campaign. Welcome to politics.

>I don't want the anti white democrats in power
>being able get into any job or college you want because of affirmative action

>this is retarded. do you remember the 2000 election? i doubt it because you probably weren't born yet, but the recount for *a few counties* took months...
Some crazy projection you have going on there. You realize the president isn't sworn in for like a whole three months after the election right? Are you telling me we can't count every vote with machines or conduct a hand recount in a few individual districts by that time?

>imagine having a close race and needing to do a nationwide recount... not to mention the abundant opportunities for fraud that would present themselves.
Every other country uses the popular vote. Our country uses it as a basis for the electoral vote so its still a factor anyway. Reducing the amount of complexity makes the process easier and loss prone to failures.

Trump is a sorry excuse of a businessman. He's a narcissistic ape playing at being a businessman.

The only way he was able to recover from his catastrophic bankruptcies in the 90s was to license his brand out to other companies that actually knew what they were doing.

That's all Trump is: a living brand, an illusion of success, like rappers and Instagram models. He's a shitty businessman and the U.S. will sink like a rock under his incompetence.

Yet he's still worth 9 billion more than you.

>TRUMP: I could kill someone and not be convicted lol

>EBIL MEDIA: This just in, Trump says "I could kill someone and not be convicted lol"

OMG! SO BIASED! Don;t They Get he is just memeing!/!?1//1

I love all these peasants calling a multi-billionaire a shitty, incompetent businessman. Really makes my brain jelly tingle

Yeah, that's an accurate representation of the media coverage....

I disagree, but it doesn't matter. They were all evil, especially Trump.

>bernie is a $3LL 0ut!1!!

okay jon tron

Yeah and so is DJ Khaled, but that doesn't mean he should be President.

All politicians are evil, trump was just the least evil of the candidates.

>Khalid 2020

tell me he wouldn't win

>Trump: Hillary acid washed her servers
>Media: Wrong, she used an app called BleachBit