Post your rice, style, etc.

>tfw you've had the same layout & wallpaper for over two years
it just werks


how the fuck did you "rice" an iphone

i like your wallpaper of the australian shore

It's not an iPhone, you retard.

Nice and simple

Jail break
Pretty comfy desu
Not a fan desu

Chrome and music icon look off. Pretty okayish. 6/10

Nice wallpaper. 7/10

look at the resolution you dumb moishe, the only phone with that pixel count is the iphone 6/6s

Got u senpai

Never really liked these "the current track playing is" or "the time is"
Just show the time ffs. 3/10




I want to change over to nova launcher. Just lazy.


Had this for a while now

Sorry my Ubuntu Phone has no screenshot app. But it looks like any other Ubuntu Touch since there is no real customization on it.

S8 feels bretty fuggen guud

where my fellow stans at

ricing your phone is just a phase

Still using the s5 here. Just with lineageos now.

>he has the car whore as his wallpaper



or even this

The hat is fitting. She looks like a full service station to me.

>full service station

How does this not kill your eyes, so hard to read

what is the fucking distinction between these two apps? this is why minimalists should be gassed

weebniggers aren't allowed to listen to Kanye

shitty, but still

camera and photos

I'm sorry you don't have the brain capacity to remember apps from icons alone :(

>this is why minimalists should be gassed

the problem is he didn't go minimal enough. they should just be solid color blocks

nice chrome chrome icon

>camera shutter
>sunflower, like the original ios photos app

Fucking horrible

But it's your phone

is this a custom rom

what icon pack is that

is this ironic

Do you really need a calendar notification to remember you need to feed your dog

looks confy

Why does Sup Forums like having shit sprayed all over their homescreens now? What happened to form and function?



Hiding everything under menus so you can look at your wallpaper is not functional

I use the same wallpaper since 2012.


looks like a stock iPhone with a theme
5/10 for usability and cleanliness. Holy shit thats an iPhone? 10/10
could use some other icons but I can't think of which 6/10
0/10 fucking trash
I really dislike you but this is a solid 8/10 because pastel pink is my favorite as well.
8/10 for homescreen 10/10 for the eurobeat.
clock too small but other than that it seems fine
8/10 really have to nitpick to not give you a 10, the fonts up top are inconsistent with eachother, mainly the weather
its good that you admit your mistakes, that wallpaper is seriously nice Excused/10
that gook is ugly try turning off folder labels and doing something other than displaying a slightly cuter chink 4/10
I need that icon pack. I dislike the anime girl but this is still a pretty basic setup 6/10
8/10 try changing the folder preview
love the widgets hate the icons 7/10
>two clock meme
not loving the contrast here but its decent 8/10
leave him be you fucks he just likes a qt
we could say the same you outline fuck
its shitty but it's not that bad here's some suggestions without a rate
>move that folder down and remove its label
>remove clock from statusbar or have the statusbar hide
>zooper widget pro and make some A E S T H E T I C designs yourself.

Is my homescreen currently. Pls r8

My commonly used apps are launched from gestures and my less-commonly used apps are found in an alphabetically sorted list rather than vomited all over the homescreen. It's much better this way.

how 2 recreate theme?

like the card icons but the masking gradient ruins the look a bit 8/10
>ICS era live wallpaper
fuck off
>no icons whatsoever on a stock launcher
fuck off
0/10 for shit attitude and home screen
good concept but could use better icons. 8/10
no rate because you came for suggestions I assume.
>Apex Launcher
>Parallax icons
>remove app drawer
>assign swipe up gesture for app drawer
>autohide notification bar
>get zooper pro from a sketchy website
>untick page indicator.
autohide notification bar
stop using reddit
get more color than a midsection of your screen

still no reason to shit on others that don't like swiping all over their screen.
>my less-commonly used apps are found in an alphabetically sorted list rather than vomited all over the homescreen. It's much better this way.
what a gentleman *tips fedora*

People like you are the worst posters.





This is mine

Without the dock

sup satan

My first OLED screen, looks amazing next to my washed out old LCD.


This. mods please ban "him"

You mean best. You're supposed to rate others.



I don't have anything special like a custom rom and a great rice, but I do have a adorable dog.

Why do you dislike me user?

how do you check battery tho
aren't you the same guy that posts the pink macOS desktop?

No I just save the like how he honors pink
Best so far

What's that blue icon with the yellow circle and brown dot?


I was fed up of gimmicky launchers. Made my own which is just a scrollable list of my apps on a black background. Loads instantly, no bullshit.

Considering adding a vertical quick access bar to the left, but I've gotten really fast at just sliding it to where I need.

Post pape pls

lmao exactly

so fucking unusable

how can you read that tiny ass text that barely stands out from the background

so much redundancy
>it's currently
>today is
>the current track playing is


why do you retards need a music widget

just pull down the notification bar

Nice thread

How am I looking now?

ah well then, we can just be butt buddies since you started the pink thread on /wg/ sometime ago and I collected tons of wallpapers from that

solid 7 looks perfectly usable and blends nicely. What's the icon theme?

Light Void, it's called.

>stock launcher


thanks mate, I found it shortly after

for anyone reading this the unicorn dark icon theme is free for one day only and it makes for good vaporwave setups


here's my leapdroid homescreen. I have no phone since my motorola died




Colour scheme changes depending on album artwork

I use the list as well but I still have icons on my homescreen



normie tier/10



Right screen

Left screen, the fucking google keep contrasts harshly with my theme but I haven't found any other widget that fits and syncs with keep

How did you set it up?

I want to rice my iPhone again so bad but all of the latest jailbreaks are done using botnet chinaman software. Will all future jailbreaks be done using these fishy chinese programs?

Pic related was my setup long ago and I miss it dearly.


woops forgot the 2nd part

First time trying to rice my phone. Suggestions would be nice.
