My laptop is currently on Windows 10. I'm sick of it, but need it for graphic design work. No...

My laptop is currently on Windows 10. I'm sick of it, but need it for graphic design work. No. I'm not getting a fucking memebook; I'm going to start dual booting Linux. Pick my distro Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

Antergos or Manjaro


stupid suggestions above me

install gentoo

If you know jack shit about POSIX/Unix just go with any Debian based system.
If you want to screw yourself over but still learn tons in the process go for arch based systems

I'm familiar with both Ubuntu and Debian (I've used them on several VPSs), but I'm skeptical of using arch or gentoo because of driver support. Are those distros really appropriate for laptops?

Drivers are the same on all Linux distros.

I'm sure they could be wrong, but why do some say that there is better driver support on Ubuntu?

Because Ubuntu has nice GUI tools to make managing them easier.

>Knowing about Unix.
It isn't the 80's.
Debian isn't user friendly and its full of freetard rhetoric.
AUR is cancer.

You suck.

Because Debian doesn't enable any drivers that use proprietary blobs. There isn't a reason to use it over Ubuntu which has better support and uses the same package management system.

The AUR might be cancer but it is comfy as fuck to use it with a helper.

Go with Arch/Manjaor/Antergos. I like the rolling release + pacman + AUR combo. Plus, all are very customizable.
Arch has the latest packages, including the kernel, so there is a good chance it supports more newer hardware than a point release like Debian 8, which uses an "ancient" 3.16 kernel (Whose video drivers doesn't work with my R9 290 for example ).
People say that because Ubuntuand it's variants are popular, so they get most of the attention from lazy devs that didn't already put their binaries in the repositories.


[2017-04-12 12:02] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman --color auto -S oracle/oracle-sqldeveloper'

Install GNU/NT

OpenSuse tumbleweed if you want rolling release, or leap for stable

>he's a graphic designer and not a programmer

A designer can know basic system administration?

Use Solus, it's always up2date, stable and fast.

This is the only valid choice for anything ever.

I thought arch and gentoo was for tryhards?

Do you want to learn something new and fun, and don't mind a timesink? Try gentoo

Otherwise, Ubuntu/Fedora/Debian/Arch are the only other acceptable choices, as they mostly just work (yes, even Arch, after you install it and install a just-werks DE like GNOME or something)

This. Give it a try at least.

Post dick


For a newbie the best distro is the one with the most support. Ubuntu(and probably with a different desktop environment)

For example ubuntu mate ,Xubuntu , ubuntu gnome

Linux mint also works fine too

>the best distro is the one with the most support

Don't listen to this guy. Manjaro and Antergos are buggy shit. Don't install any distro that's based off of another. The only exception to this rule is Ubuntu, which has enough manpower and support behind it to consider it an independent effort.

I mean software support. Pretty much any software for linux that respects itself has an ubuntu package

Ubuntu is literally dead my friend

I fucked up bad and bought a refurb Lenovo thinkcentre, thinking that it would be plenty good enough to run Lubuntu. Evidently the bios forces UEFI or something and GIMP can't install. Now I'm forced to run Win$hit.

Man Antergos isn't more buggy than Ubuntu, this is a meme.
Manjaro I don't like but I'd say the same applies to that too.

choose whatever you think makes your hyper weapon appear bigger

>GIMP can't install
What does that crappy Photoshop wannabe have to do with UEFI?

Ubuntu. Since by next year they will ditch Unity, you might as well check out the GNOME version.
>inb4 kde, xfce, mate etc.
If it's for work, you don't need the bugs (kde) or fussing (xfce) or some fork of a fork(mate/cinnamon)

My bad, shopping on the brain, I meant GRUB.

Arch. It's simple and easy to use.

Like said. Ubuntu has options for non-free software. They also have a bit more up-to-date repository of software. Even if the most cutting edge isn't in the repos, the devs almost always have a ppa.

Hi kevin haven't seen you around for a while

Usually there is an option to disable UEFI when you start the computer and just use legacy boot mode. Plus nowadays Linux plays nice with EFI so I think you should look into it again, just do a bit of a research.

Another great thing about Ubuntu is it's forums. An absolute treasure trove of knowledge. If you have an issue, it's probably been asked there already. If not, it's basically the only active, non-cancerous Linux communities in the world that can help you out.


>disable UEFI
That's what I would have thought, but I changing it in bios doesn't seem to make a difference.
>nowadays Linux plays nice with EFI
I d/l the newest Lubuntu iso, that didn't work, considered trying Ubuntu and dropping Gnome for LXDE, but that seemed like a lot of effort if it didn't work.

DON'T go with lxde you twit! Unless you want to learn how to manually make menu items and delve into cofig files, just don't. Don't get me wrong, I rocked it for years. Loved it, but a few bugs turned me to xfce and screen tear turned me to kde whose bugs turned me to unity.

Funny, Ubuntu's switch to Unity was the whole reason I switched to Lubuntu (LXDE) in the first place.

I've been thinking about my next stop after unity is done. After years of bashing it as a mobile ui, I've really grown to love it. ah well. I guess I'm gonna give gnome another shot. I will say, last time I installed xubuntu and messed with vsync, screen tear wasn't nearly as bad. No compton placebo needed.

I haven't tried xfce, but if i remember correctly, it's similar in speed and layout to LXDE. Happen to know if it's UEFI-compatible so I can't stop tearing my hair out over this?

>types "sudo apt-get update windows" in command prompt
>immediately swears and reaches for mouse

yeah, and literally have zero software on it other than the browser and a calculator

What's missing and doesn't have an alternative?

you mean stripped down outdated garbage useless alternative?

Is that a fidget spinner?