Anime trump Loonix

>Sup Forums linux autists want to make a distro
>never becomes more than a logo
>anime autists need a replacement for Nyaa
>mostly functional website online within days
Really makes one think.

Other urls found in this thread:

stallman commies BTFO!
consumerism > freedumbs

Lo/g/OS is not an operating system.
It's GNU/Install Script

Compared to keeping a modern OS updated keeping a site with an already available database that only stores magnet/.torrent links is piss easy.
Also supply and demand, there are plenty of great distros out there, there's no real replacement for nyaa much less sukebei

modern linux distro is just a bunch of scripts to pull shit from upstream, dummny.

easier than making a whole torrent site from scratch.

>easier than making a whole torrent site from scratch
Wouldn't say that, but still it should be pretty easy to make a simple distro.

>Sup Forums board user bases are mutually exclusive
>le smug animu gril.jpg
>that'll show them :^)

>buttmad linux user is mad
>makes silly assumptions
>uses ":^)" smiley face on an image board. an anime image board
time for you to go back to plebbit.

Linux and anime are the same thing

Fuck off pajeet

>spews non-applicable memes
lurk moar or just fuck off back to plebbit

>2 rly mks u dink XDDDDDDDDD thread on the frontpage

Sup Forums was a mistake
hiro's lassez faire moderation is a mistake
you fags not killing yourself is also a mistake

Kill yourself pajeet.


It's just another filthy shitskin shilling for windows. Nobody here who likes anime would be pro windows.

fix: GNU and anime are samething

Remember, filthy India niggers have infiltrated the board. Anti linux is pro shitskin

>says Sandeep from Poogle

>implying the ms shill aren't from india

5 Android games now authorised into your Google Advocacy account Prajeet.

Nice try poo boy, kill yourself you looless piece of shit.

anything for that shill money eh sanday?

I'm going to report your torrent site to the authorities!

>Really makes one think.
what really makes me think is that you seriously expected Sup Forums to make anything of worth. Sup Forums is a board dedicated to technology related shitposting and consumer bullshit

This day is full of wins!
have exposed Sup Forums

Fuck Anime!

You're the one making anti linux threads poojeet. Just because you posted an anime girl doesn't mean I'm not onto you.

Are you retarded? Anime fans are mostly Linux users.

nyaa replacement is definitely something of worth.

Yes, shitskins are retarded. Global poower by 2020!

>Fuck Anime!
If that's how you feel, why are you wasting your life away on an anime site arguing with anime fans?

You're as retarded as morons who go on and complain about faggots and faggotry.

don't fuck with my anime you will lose