Windows XP

Why aren't you using Windows XP Sup Forums? It's by far the comfiest Windows OS and it doesn't even spy on you. Do you like your botnet i series cpus and windows 10 spyware?

Just a reminder that this was the last version of windows with an even remotely consistent GUI that looked good.

linux cucks need not apply.

Only Pajeets and failing businesses use XP.

You're not someone worth spying on unless if you are an actual terrorist.

>implying a huge amount of Sup Forums aren't pedos who the cops are just waiting for to slip up

>Windows 10 has built-in botnet
>Windows XP is unsupported and has security holes like rotting swiss cheese

You need to stop using Windows.

>using an unsupported os on the internet
>thinks he's not part of a botnet


>consistent UI
>that looked good
wew lad


>Only Pajeets and failing businesses use XP.
Not entirely sure about the failing business thing. Went to Disneyland last summer and saw them using a modified version of XP to monitor the rides.

>You need to stop using Windows.

>being to dumb to secure his computer

>using a DE
>not using a WM for efficiency

Who's the real cuck?

>implying my DE isn't using a WM

Everyone is worth spying on, spying on people is really lucrative, you give so much data for marketing without even realizing it is funny. People complain about ads put the idea to buy shit in their subconscious , when they are the ones giving up the data to enable the research which makes it possible. Fucking cucks.

I hope they're getting their money's worth from me shitposting here all day and fapping on /d/.

Just think about it Google made its money by doing this and it became quite big from it. You don't realize but you are cucked every step of the way if you aren't careful.

>using linux

get cucked freetard.

Пoшeл нaхyй co Cвoим Paдиo, пидopacы.

Wow. I miss winamp.

xp only makes sense on old computers that have a single-core cpu and have very little RAM

Nah man, XP doesn't make sense even on those, after you install all the anti malware anti virus software you need to plug its holes, it is almost as resource intensive as Vista or Windows 7.

kill your fucking self

why the fuck would you use 64bit anything on a computer with 2gb of ram. there's no need for it.

My shitposting machine is dual booting xp and Xubuntu

Wow, I knew disney were Jews but that's just a whole other level of Jewishness. No wonder people fucking die on those rides all the time

Openbox is fan-fucking-tastic, but nigga pls rice yo shit a little.

>DE doesnt include a WM

is this really the first time you've ever heard of XP being used in industrial control? it's fucking everywhere in that field just like DOS and win9x

But I am?

>no updates
>shitloads of malware for it
>billions of bluescreens
>closed source

Pure cringe. Just install React OS. It runs a lot of wangblows programs, it's open source, it's being updated, and it'll give you about the same amount of hipster points.

>no security updates unless you pretend to be an OS you definitely aren't
>even those will run out soon
Gee I wonder why