Must be hard being white

Must be hard being white

Seriously what is to be done with freakshows like these once we've taken back our countries? Just put them in massive mental hospital camps? Can they even be cured? Shoot them in the head and be done with it?

Ship them off to Australia again

I believe the biggest issue is youth unemployment, most people in the workforce tend to drop silly social theories and identity issues once the goal in life is to make money and compete with others on a professional level. It used to be that young people would leave high school (assuming you even graduated) and went right to work. Nowadays adulthood for many starts at 30 as most people in their 20's are accumulating debt while "finding" themselves

kill them all and start a new generation from scratch

castration then of to gulag for life

That's exactly what they want m8

man why do like 50% of white people go through retarded phases. half of my friends in college were into shitty politics or imaginary issues.

asian and brown parents know to properly beat their kids, hence why we just get degrees and fuck right off without having to change genders a few times before graduating.

These people are a very vocal minority who believe in BOOGEY men who keep them down and a society that opresses them.

Not all trans people suffer from mental illnesses (I have trans friends) but when I look at trans gendered people like this I just want to hurl.

They're fanatical retards who spew the extremities of their political spectrum and state that if you disagree with X you must be Y and thus your opinion is irrelevant.

They preach segregation and separation of cultures, and believe certain races should be wiped off the face of the planet.

(Reminds you of another group of whiny people on this site, doesn't it?)

You know their days are numbered, when you have people who fall into certain categories based on gender, race and religion and don't agree with them and are silenced by them because they don't fit their narrative

They will die miserable and alone. And when the walls start caving in around them they will cry out "save us"

And I'll laugh and say "yeah, Nah get fucked m8"

It's not limited to one race lad.

Every human being is capable of greatness or horrible acts, regardless of ethnicity.

It's got nothing to do with race, but culture and wealth.

If you go to any Canadian university campus you will see Asians and blacks caught up in this shit, I guarantee you.

And people wonder why we have a second amendment.

>man why do like 50% of white people go through retarded phases
American white people maybe.
Here it's like 10 percent of people in art school and social sciences

yeah its a cultural thing. of not beating kids and coddling them for being little shits.

result is they start inventing imaginary problems and go into stupid phases that would have all been prevented had they had the proper amount of fear and anger driven into them at the age of 8.

Does Sudan have transsexual otherkin genderanarchists?

lol never seen it except like a few brown dudes. fob asians are basically autistic and non-fob asians were either partyhard types or keeners.

blacks, yeah some are into muh sjw politics

props muh nigguh hope you are beating your kids extra hard.

>transsexual otherkin genderanarchists
We do, but they're probably within mental institutions or in prison

Well, she (or he? idk...) has some weird as shit beliefs, but it's not hurting anyone, is it?

You are usually fervently defending freedom of speech and it suddenly doesn't apply?

It's extremely marginal issue anyway, that's why someone even bothered to make this screenshot.

My point exactly.

Let the kids by obedient when they're children, a bit rebellious within their teenage years, discover who they are in their 20s and that's their destiny.

so win-win?

We're a pack of edgy 20 year olds lad finding our way in life. It's healthy to vent.

Sure, I just think it's misdirected

"discover who you are". yeah that's what i'm pointing at.

this bullshit discovery phase is some top grade A non-sense that leads to imaginary identity issues.

yo there's freedom of speech and all but sometimes people just need common sense beaten into them. preferrably with leather belts or jumper cables.

I don't think you can beat common sense into someone.

Everyone has to learn it on their own.

Kids with strict upbringing usually lose their shit in puberty

Much like Neo nazis and alt right wingers

Let the children play. When the real world hits them, they'll be ostracised for the degenerates they are.

I think, as real "grown ups", you should let these "children" with their "phases" find their own way. Minding your own business, standing on the sidewalk. That would be really grown up for a change, wouldn't it?

These people have genuine fears around their identities and I can bet a good number of them are exhibitionists in a sense that they seek the dangerous thrill. You can go all psychological and assess that they lacked attention from parents and surroundings or that they were beaten and grew up to resent the bodily image of their abusers and went the other way...I won't.
There's a cap to that "being unconventional and getting noticed" thrill. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't screen cap their own posts and spread it around, just as I believe most of those fedora captions are not even done by them, but by people who have distanced themselves from it. They wouldn't stoop to their level, good God no, they're grown up!

And here I even see comparison of people enrolled in social sciences being outright equated with these exhibitionists. Like it's a constant

I'd have sex with him/her/it/whatever

It's a xer, you bigot

Which is all well and good except my taxes pay for the faggots to go do their womens studies, try and find their own anus with both hands... oh and their dole because they're unemployable shit cunts

>7 people Like this

You are witnessing the downfall of the white man, the death of Europe.

Der Untergang des Abendlandes.

see this is why europe is thoroughly cucked.

not enough beatings. beatings instill in children a healthy fear and mistrust of others, which fuels their need to compete and destroy their enemies.

sure, a fuckton of other problems come up but its not like drinking won't solve it.

>with other young queers experiencing the alienation of abstract labour value
>the alienation of abstract labour value
>alienation of abstract labour value


This only exists in faggot countries like America and Canada.

You will never see a Japanese or Pakistani man saying things like this.

>is marxist
>studies religion

>is communist (basically a german invention)
>dislikes work

> is communist
>dislikes gulags

>is communist
>is anrachist

>is communist
>likes jews

>is communist
>studies philosophie

>is commuist
>has special snowflake syndrom
> is queer

wew lad, just fuck my shit up

Paki's are a whole different type of 'in denial poofter' and the Japs prefer to fuck their hands

>go to sleep reading about how anime needs to be annihilated
>wake up reading a sort of balanced discussion on fringe millenials
I get the uncomfortable feeling that I wake up in alternate universes

This man should be executed, no question.
But at least he is not actively promoting his disgusting illness like Fagmericans do.

>white "people"

Same can be said for the homeless alt right wingers on Centrelink.

I'd give two shits about my tax money going to them and more about where I'm going with my life.

He/it means that he/it is not contributing to society in any way. See
>i study philosophy and religion

>prison abolitionist
>poly/relationship anarchist


This thing needs to be burned in the fires

That person is a kike you know?


Go to bed alt-right.

Strange people have always existed.
Social media has not.
Ask yourself how much entertainment value there is in a stable relationship, gainful employment, family values, healthy communities, etc.
Could it be that we like to be scared?
Might there be people who have learned to profit from this?
Only trick is to remain subtle, to keep us on the reservation.
Divide and conquer, folks.