Do you press spacebar with your left or right thumb?
Do you press spacebar with your left or right thumb?
I use the 4 fingers of the left hand .
Usually the left, but sometimes right, depends which one is more handy at the time.
With my index, middle and ring finger at the same time for emphasis.
What about the pinky, you point it towards the sky like when fancy people drinking tea?
right is on the 12-key pad on my mouse
It is there but i don't use it to press on the key it barely touches the keycap.
never thought about it but weirdly almost ALWAYS my right thumb
I use my dick.
Right hand because I'm right handed. Also, thanks asshole, now my typing's all fucked up cause I keep thinking about which thumb is hitting the space bar.
lemme check
Right. If I use my left thumb it feels like my left hand is doing too much of the typing.
Does anyone even use right ctrl? I'm convinced it only exists to put your thumb on when using the arrows/navigation keys. I don't know how emacsers do it.
Right thumb by the way.
right thumb btw haHAA
I use my right index finger to hit the spacebar, is that weird?
you start by using a keyboard that uses 100% of your fingers mate.
Left because my right hand is sometimes on my mouse. My left hand is also a lot better at typing, partly because I play bass and guitar.
My forehead
4Head btw haHAA
I slam that bitch with my palm
i use my index finger.
I use my right index finger, not even memeing... I basically type with about 7 fingers, 3 on my right 4 on my left and only for certain keys. I don't use thumb for space unless I'm playing dota and I have to keep my left fingers on QWER and I use space with my left thumb as an item bind.
This actually seems pretty comfy but it would be extremely awkward
I type Alt+32.
I paste in a bunch of spaces at the start of all text I do and simply press right when I want to make a new word.
left index
I press it with my right thumb
>Do you press spacebar with your left or right thumb?
I couldn't answer this off the top of my head and had to start typing to find out.
Turns out it's my right index finger. Does this make me degenerate?
Left. I rest my right thumb on the front of the keyboard
Probably about 90% left
i use the pointer finger on my right hand. sometimes i use the thumb on my right hand instead, but that just depends on how busy my pointer finger is at the time.
Primarily my left.
But I have a mech keyboard and pressing ALL OF THE BOTTOM ROW keys with my thumb is incredibly painful because the angle's so fucking sharp. Don't know if it;s just me or if others also have this issue.
Who /never uses right control, alt, super, or shift/ here? I also use space with my left thumb.
Okay, let's see here real quick... Okay, so far it seems that every time, I'm using my right thumb, hadn't really noticed that before today. No, wait... a thing just happened. Okay, so if the last key was y, u, i. o or p, I use my left thumb, because my right wrist lifts off the desk.
I learned something new today!
>twitch memes
mostly right thumb and right index finger. Sometimes I use left thumb depending on finger positions.
Right thumb.
Flipped Spacebar mustard race.
with the opposing hand to the one that I just typed the last letter with
I use my index finger,
But when I play vidya, I use my right thumb.
>61.jpg (20 KB, 353x263)File: 61.jpg (20 KB, 353x263) google yandex iqdb wait20 KB JPG Anonymous 05/11/17(Thu)23:51:47 No.60337748
>Do you press spacebar with your left or right thumb?
what did he mean by this
>right index finger master race
I do it with my dick ecks dee.
left thumb*****
Right. My left just hovers there, being a useless piece of shit.
I'm not a touch-typer. I invented a weird typing style on my own as I grew up since I started playing Unreal Tournament before actually typing anything.
Essentially, My pinky is permanently on shift, ring is on A, middle on S, index on D, and my left thumb is perpetually fixed on the spacebar. My right hand is a rests diagonally across the keyboard, with the thumb unused, index on k, middle on O, ring on P, pinky on quotation mark.
My typing is essentially freeform. I do not always return a finger to the "home row" I have set up for myself, and often my right hand floats around on the keyboard a lot while my left hand stays more stationary.
I named it "Monkey Typing", years ago, after the Shakespeare Monkey Typewriter story. I actually get very high WPM with this little system since my brain is so naturally adapted to it.
Also, a small thought on touch typing; why does QWER swerve LEFT from the Home Row when it is unnatural for your left hands fingers to go extend left? Why not make the keyboard more symmetrical, with a very small gap, so that the both hands curve inward when typing above the home row?
>Disgusting Battlestar Galactica Font on keycaps
>Red Backlight
What did he mean by this?
according to the wear on the spacebar, i primarily hit space with my right thumb
touch typing just means not looking at the keyboard
home row typing is home row typing
Oh, thanks for clearing that up.
Any other non-homerow people in existence?
that's how the people who learned how2compootahs because of the gaming type
left cause im already a gamer
>not pressing it with your penis
no, in first world countries everyone starts learning home rowing at age 3
Left thumb.
Right hand middle finger. Sometimes with left hand index finger.
i use my right index finger because im a special snowflake
I always use my right index finger for the space bat but I still get an upwards of 70wpm. My typing mannerisms are fucking stupid.
I use both thumbs simultaneously.
Me too, looks like you're not so special after all
right middle finger
That means you have a terrible hand posture. Your wrists should ideally hover above the keyboard when typing, or worst case scenario, you should use a palm wrest.
Right when typing, left when gaming.
Right thumb. My left thumb is reserved to left Super/Meta combination.
I alternate, it depends on what I last typed. Although typing this I'm noticing that I'm mostly using my right thumb, which is odd because I'm left hand dominant.
Left, as indicated by the spot of wear that's built up on the left side of the spacebars on all my older keyboards.
I use my peen
left thumb most of the time, sometimes right index
third finger left hand
thumb right hand always
>never thought about it until I saw this post
>suddenly can't touch type
>quick brown fox a few lines
It's the right thumb
that pic, holy shit kek
Not in America, or at least in my area. Barely anyone touch types and it's just weird.
I've met plenty of people that have weird styles; you aren't alone.
With my gigantic dong
Judging by the wear on my keyboard
Isn't face slamming the space key standard procedure?
left . . . . . ..
I smash it with a hammer fist.
Whichever is incidentally closer at the time due to the last keys pressed or whichever one was not last used in the event of a tie or whichever one is less strained in the event of fatigue.
I type with my elbows.
I'm you except I grew up playing UT2004. It's the only game I play now.