/wdg/ - web development general

normal i's edition

>Old thread

>This season's Advent of Code:

(they're the same)

>IRC Channel
#Sup Forumswdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: rizon.net/chat

>Learning material

>Useful Youtube channels

>Frontend development

>Backend development
[Gist] backendDevelopmentBookmarks.md (embed)

>Useful tools
pastebin.com/q5nB1Npt/ (embed)
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment
pastebin.com/4YeJAUbT/ (embed)

>How to get started
pastebin.com/pDT82mQS (embed)
pastebin.com/AL6j7GEE (embed)

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

Other urls found in this thread:






4th for dotnet core.

kek that photo gets me every time

I'm guessing I didn't do bad?

I lurk here a lot and don't post, hardly ever but I saw thread was gonna die so I decided to repost it the best to my ability by just copypasting the OP. Idunno how yall run this place desu.

Why do people not like JQuery? Is it because it's not the new cool kid on the block or is there a legitimate reason.
I'm using it without much problem. I'm just curious why the general mindset is "eww jquery.. you should use X"

dude jCurry is for pajeets who have no logic

day of the rope soon you commie whore

>go to work
>dev for 8 hours
>come home
>dev until I cant even type anymore and have 6 hours of sleep left.

Who else living the dream?

JQuery does nothing but DOM manipulation. Which is actually a very small thing compared to a whole modern webapp. Are people comparing it to things like Angular and React?

Not only is this totally irrelevant to the subject, but I'll have you know I am not a commie nor do I identify as a promiscuous individual.

>go to work
>dev for 8 hours
>come home
>watch alt-right videos on youtube until i fall asleep

do you guys cut your fingernails regularly?
i cant stand the feeling and sound of my nails hitting my keys

Same but it's
>dev until I can't see anymore and have 6 hours of anxiety filled sleep left

I hate xmpp. Fuuuuuuck that protocol so hard. So obtuse and over engineered

Watching geekandsundry critical roll while deving is top-tier.


I cut them with my teeth.


bruh idiunno i just copied the OP post and tried to remove artifacts of Sup Forums-x but now i realize i did a miserable job lol


naw its cool i just thought it was funny

Hey, already posted on a few threads before i found my way here.
making a website. trying to make a jacascript slideshow. on the start of the webpage the slideshow isn't active and all the images are shown down the page until the next image button is pressed. how can i make it so that only the first image in the slideshow will appear on page startup?

lol you did alright, that's a dumb joke somebody put in there once and nobody ever bothered to correct. Like the stupid i's, only this time somebody actually did fix that. Would have been funny if we just kept on rolling with the retarded i's from then on just cause we were all too lazy to fix it

it's ok user, I like you

I am new here and do not want to sound cocky or something but I did notice the OP at one point contained some difficult to discern characters BUT I EVENTUALLY GOT THEM.
Links were full of "í" if i can remember correctly.

exactly, it was a stupid joke, but it wasn't impossible to figure out what was going on.

Aspiring web dev. here. A lot of companys want to see a full project before they hire.

Anyone got suggestions for a good portfolio project???

stock managing app. You can buy & sell stock, manage your portfolio, get live price fluctuations, even graph it all nice and pretty if you want. User login, etc.

Unnecessary bloat.

What is the absolutely FASTEST way to determine the CSS selector of a website element?

fucking inspect, mate


I think I fell in love with Klossy

I agree with JQuery is fine if all you need are DOM manipulations.

But once you use React or some complete framework to handle the DOM manipulations for you there is no longer a need for it.

A lot less necessary thanks to browsers improved javascript support. Popularity of frameworks that abstract away from DOM. And frankly because a lot of people follow stupid hipster trends and jquery is not cool anymore.

I worked on an AngularJS project where they had to pull response data from an iframe making Ajax calls. Had to end up using jQuery to do it.
Shit was clunky as hell, but it worked

react is god tier as usual tbqh

The main issue with JQuery is it's used to teach javascript and people leaving bootcamps end up being useless without it.
Learn it to know it, but don't depend on it.

how the fuck do i stop being "green" as a backend developer?

i just dont know anons someone help me out

Seeing this thread on the first page must be a sign.

So I'm going to attend a 6 month long web development seminar sponsored by my company, and I will need a laptop.

The (company) laptop I have is a 6th gen dual core Intel with 4gb of ram and no SSD, but I'm actually not sure if that's passable for web development or not.

What specs should I prioritize if I'm going to have to look for a new laptop? I probably won't be using it for anything else, so the cheaper the better.

>I am new here
So you post furry dog shit? kys

hey guys, amateur web dev here. check out my site and tell me what you think. it's a gaming / entertainment news blog.


first thing on your agender to succeed in becoming an expert in the field of web development is ending your life


boom, you're hired

please help
the function name must stay as it is
Im currently at 44 characters, so I need one less


i like a lot of it so far
i feel like you could increase the font of the category links above the articles a little more
the bottom menu could be horizontal instead of vertical too
but i like it, very easy to read and nothing is too distracting like some other vg sites ive been too

>The (company) laptop I have is a 6th gen dual core Intel with 4gb of ram and no SSD, but I'm actually not sure if that's passable for web development or not.
nigz, web development isn't creating vidya gaymz while processing 4k video
even a fucking smartphone these days is more than capable (granted, the programs aren't available on them so don't take that quip super seriously)

looks like a free wordpress theme
so grats?

Anyone have any experience parsing and generating XML in Perl? I have to work with a few old school SOAP APIs and half of me just wants to throw requests together using a template engine and handle data from the responses with a DOM traverser module. Anyone know what I "should" be doing in an enlightened/modern Perl sense?

Is there a difference between

p.class and .class p?

Anything with more than 2GB of RAM will suffice. I'm working from a netbook with exactly 2GB of RAM right now and my only bottleneck is my internet connection. I'm tethering to my phone in the middle of nowhere and I'm happy to get 20KB/s downstream

Yes. They are two completely different things. The first means a p with said class attribute and the second means a p nested anywhere in an element with said class

Oh. How didn't I see that, feel dumb now. Thank you for clarifying

Anyone? I can't afford to download, build, and test a bunch of cpan modules. I'm tethering to my phone at my grandma's house in the middle of nowhere and can't even post to Sup Forums reliably

Anyone know of any decent Javascript markdown editors? I need to put together a simple document editing page for a project I'm working on and I figure something point and click that generates markdown is the simplest way to go. I figure markdown is easier to support than bbcode when it comes to live previews and parsing/converting to HTML tags on the backend, and definitely safer than sanitizing user provided HTML, so now its just a matter of finding the right implementation (or building something from scratch if I really have to)

how do i get rid of this space on the left? width 100% isnt working

body {
margin: 0;


Im getting glasses for comp today, hopefully rheyll stop mt eyes from bitching n I can be plugged in for all nighters

thank you based

Np. If you ever cannot find out which element is the problem, use the CSS thingy in the dev tools of your browser.
Anything Chromium based has them. I think anything Gecko based has Firebug

my prescription to you is these things:
* turn down your monitor's backlight/brightness as much as comfortably possible
* never use it in a dark room, at least have a light behind it (all parts of your field of vision should be about equally bright)
* avoid using dark themes

I'm trying to select the "datetime" field, not everything else around it. Sorry for being dumbz, but how do I do that? Is datetime an attribute, a type? It's not a type, but wtf is it?

How do I setup a backend alongside create-react-app?

Ultimately what I want to do is create a single page web application. I've used create-react-app to generate the React project (it's the "official" way of doing so) and react-router to handle the routing. But how do I wire up some backend logic, e.g. if I want to save some forms to a database? I used to use Express to do that, but create-react-app launches its own server to serve the app, and apparently there's no way to configure it: i.e. it just serves the front end and that's it. What am I missing?

datetime is an attribute of the time element.
the left side of your image shows you having selected a parent element, not the time element.

Hey guys, I had good skills in web dev a few months ago but haven't done anything in 3 months. My skills have disappeared and I'm rusty.

I am good at HTML & CSS still, but my JS is bad. How to get quickly back up to speed?

Should I use Google amp?

how do you lose programming skills in 3 months? and i guess just making something or do muh code cademy tutorials

I guess I haven't lost them, but I was a junior to begin with so skills disappear quicker. I just feel really rusty and like I just started.

Is front-end web dev just copying someone else's work from GH or CP and calling it a day?

no, it's using snippets.

Does anyone have any experience with apache and nginx? I have a .htaccess file that I need to use, but I don't know how to convert it for nginx.

What mental gymnastics do you do while coding to keep your mental state fresh? I change location, do some quick exercise, chew nicotine gum, etc. Honestly some of my best problem solving comes the next morning after pouring over a problem for hours the night before

Use soap library?

Has anyone here applied for a web dev job abroad and successfully moved out?

I've had one junior dev job and want to get out of my country (UK), I'll go anywhere, really. I only have about £2k saved up though.

Isn't it funny, I'd like to emigrate to your country.

It's possible, lots of visa sponsorships here for devs.

lift heavy weights, get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water

i cant program without these things i go insane

I'm EU, so don't even need visa sponsorship. But I heard because of Brexit it might be harder these days. Companies not so willing to hire foreigners. Any truth to that? Also, how much $$ you making as a junior web dev?

>teehee I'm a grill
Fuck off

Yeah there might be some truth to that, it'll become harder to stay here as a foreigner when Brexit happens.

I make £20k / year but I'm a complete beginner.

which city? Not London, right? 20k for London is peanuts, barely surviving...

Firefox has something built in now. But yeah learn some basic debugging techniques.

Is web development a fulfilling career I can work from home or should I ask /dpt/?

yeah, that depends hugely on your what you're looking for. Some love it, some hate it. But then again, everybody hates their job, so it's kinda hard to say.

But you can definitely do it from home, if you freelance or find the right company. I'd say webdev is the field that offers work-from-home the most.

It's not fulfilling. You'll ruin your eyesight and your back posture for pennies coming from people you wish you had never met. Also, you can say goodbye to your life because keeping up with web technology is a sadomasochist's wet dream (that never ends). And before you know it, AI will replace you if some other younger kid hasn't done it already. Run away.

What would be essential web dev skills? Javascript comes to mind, but what else?

It's right at the top of this thread:

I'll learn some javascript and move on to stuff like PHP after that.


this one is better

Is FreeCodeCamp really a good place to start?
I need money asap and i was wondering if web dev is the right choice.
Is this website worth the effort? Will i receive job offers after finishing it?

Ive been thinking about drug dealing and shit like that, just so yall know how desperate i am to earn some money. Please dont judge me tho.

can't be bothered to look into create-react-app but by default it will probably run as dev server
there should be some command like `npm build` to webpack static files into a /dist dir
just read the docs dude

The application that was passed to me uses symfony framework, but when I set the whole thing up(mysql server, php7 w/ intl, opcache, openssl and pdo_mysql and nginx), it redirects me to /login which was not included, it gives me a 404, what should I do? Which files should I configure to make it work properly?

Central London yeah. I live with my parents so it's fine for now. The company is shit though, I fucking hate them.

what do you recommend then?

What are the best books or websites to get into javascript?

Yep. I got a job 5-ish months after starting it. Follow this guide from the forums too: forum.freecodecamp.com/t/computer-guide-get-job-ready-with-1-fcc-cert-3-projects-2-courses-and-10-books/64027

Doctor or lawyer.

I've heard that many people get jobs before even finishing the front end section.