He has icons on his desktop

>he has icons on his desktop
>he has a wallpaper on his desktop

Epic op XD

>he gives more than 0 fucks about someone elses desktop

>he has a wallpaper on his desktop
What did he mean by this?

>She has an image with this autistic dumbface on her PC

I don't, though. I use spectrwm and I never bothered to figure out how to rice it. I just alt+p and run things.

Nah dude


Why do guys keep feeding this faggot! Everyday this shit gets posted and you guys reply it to the top! I swear half the people who say this board has gone to shit are the reason this board is shit

>mfw I have icons on my desktop

>has icons on his desktop
>thinks he's not the reason this board is shit

>having a desktop

>not using the TTY only
ooh im laffin senpai

>he has a desktop
>he uses a gui of any sort
>he doesn't just use the command prompt to shitpost and view images through ascii rendering
>he uses the internet
>he has a computer
>he knows what a computer is
>he exists

ftfy op

> accuses someone for being the reason this board is shit.
> posts a cartoon reaction gif

>complains about anime reaction pictures on an anime imageboard

From the sticky:
> Sup Forums is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Looks like you're lost. Sup Forums is over there --->

>images are prohibited in a discussion
this is not a text board you nigger

>he fell for the "minimalist" desktop meme

>images are prohibited in a discussion

You are the first ever to state this.

>cartoons don't add value on a technology related image board.


stop replying to this nigger

To get back on topic:

>he has icons on his desktop
>he has a wallpaper on his desktop

Well, if using a desktop environment, why not using this surface to place shortcuts to your favorite applications? It's the fastest way to launch it with the least amount of user input.

A wallpaper does nothing other then look nice and consume a few MB of RAM, so that's not really worth a discussion.

>Not binding favourite programmes to hotkeys

Why click twice when you can press once

>mfw he thinks pictures conserve no meaning whatsoever.

Good point. I did this on windows '98 a lot. Should be doing this again.

Screen shots from a toddler show don't

Also, please keep this thread clean. A legit discussion is finally starting.

>thinks the anime from that screenshot is suitable kids
kys pedo

> faggot who watches cartoons about sexualized underaged girls calls someone a pedo.

wew lad.

>all anime have sexualized underaged girls
keep projecting, closeted pedo

>he uses a graphical user interface on his computer

Wow I can imagine this guy spending the oast 5 hours of his life refreshing this thread on order to prove something to another autist, nice. Do the world a favor and jump under a train

Where is discussion?
Is it too hard to hit super+r and run the program you want or use terminal for that?
I don't understand the point in this thread

Well, you accidentally contributed to the discussion with your super+r suggestion. Thanks!

Yeah, well I can't blame an adult man watching cartoons about children that he is a bit insecure about himself.

>calling cartoons anime

They are cartoons and meant for little kids you child

2 nukes was clearly not enough for japan

Which one of the two retards are you talking about?

アニメ (anime) is the Japanese word for cartoon.
What do you call sushi and karaoke?

I also don't quite understand the wallpaper thingy. Is it wrong to have a GUI or not using PC with headless view. I often just use black wallpaper because it does not kill my eyes when I use my computer at night.
I added a image to further prove my point. It should quite small in its size and it took about 2 mins to create in gimp.

Forget the pic

having no icons on desktop is stupid. you lose utility

What am I supposed to have on desktop instead of icons, I don't get it.

nothing according to the autist who like going to blank screens

>not pony
Tuh, come talk to me once you've seen the light.

>still projecting pedophilia on everything

>cyber year of our cyber lord of cyber, the cyber of the cyber 2017 in the cyber 21st cyber century
>unironically giving any screen real estate at all to an entity called desktop
I don't really have a desktop because it's pointless on i3-wm. Closest thing to a desktop is a terminal window that opens by default or an empty gray background if I close it. I launch shit with the dmenu_run thing or simply a terminal. Stuff is also accessed either by custom commands or by i3 mode selection thing.

Ma cybernig. However I use super+d. It also feels a bit smug considering how much more useful use the "Windows button" gets in autistic Linux setups than on Windows. I use the Super key for all the WM level "system" stuff. Makes it very consistent and conflict free from other programs.

>black wallpaper
I do this on my phone so the shitty AMOLED sceens of Samsung dont burn in even more. The previous owner already ruined it by using light themes alone. Black also saves power those screens. Nigger up absolutely everything on those devices.

>soft solid color or a simple background
>high definition animu gril in the foreground, usually right or left side
>a terminal full of "kawaii" colors with neofetch outfut showing off the ebin setup parameters
>welcome to Sup Forums please accept those complimentary rainbow programming socks :3

>he doesnt have picture of his son as wallpaper
How does it feel to be a failure?

Managing to have a healthy relationship of 8 years without producing some crotch fruit doesn't sound like failure to me, fa.m

Not anyone considers having children a success.



I don't have a desktop, my displays are an oscilloscope and a row of nixie tubes.

>He has printed letters on his keyboard


Faggot is the american word for you.

>he uses a gui

>not using major features of a device because you imagine nonexistent people judging you

How's middle school treating you? Just so you know, this website is only for people over the age of 18.


original OP of this thread here

OP kys

>american word