Flat design

If you use flat design in your interfaces or illustrations, you should cut your hands off. This shit should be banned.

Lol the guy is a frog who liked American football. What a pretentious fag

>Arch-using terminaltard that thinks white space is using up valuable "functional space"
>Making design decisions for normies
Yeah nah

>diverse eglise(Church) francophone
And chirstcucks from Sup Forums dare to call us cucks and claim being redpilled

not everyone is smart enough to learn how to draw things like shadows and texture

I do like flat design, but only when each panel has functionality and a nice 1px line around each element

The worst part is the megabyte+ of js and css files they use to display what amounts to a png.
Things were better when IE 6 held people back.

>Things were better when IE 6 held people back.
you might actually be right

The worst is when you can't tell what's a button and what isn't. Look if a 4 year old can't figure out what to click on then you've done it wrong. Buttons should obviously be buttons.

How can this design manage to look so half assed?

His work looks okeyish, could be worse.

But damn, his website aka portfolio is ugly.

material design

What's next after the flat trend dies-off?

We used megabytes of flash instead.
There is basically nothing wrong with flat design.

I don't see how that speaks for the christ fags from /pol but whatever

completely missing elements, like "buttons" that are just text with no visible bounding box to separate it from the background


I don't know that it will, but if it does it'll just be a further race to the bottom. I think flat design came from a combination of lazy/bad graphic designers and project managers / bean counters who wanted faster/cheaper results.

Because this site uses space efficiently to show the text...

...not just a sentence by sentence per one screen.

>Simple and easy to read interfaces are bad

Desktop interfaces = system theme
Websites is whatever the fuck I want it to be, anything from flat to beveled to win7 aerocancer, because fuck autistic shitters like you OP.

>Things were better when IE 6 held people back.
do I need to punch a nigger

I can't believe the number of faggots in this thread defending this numale garbage. You all should be gassed. Get the fuck out of here back to your containment board, cunts.

Flat design is popular in the "design meta" largely due to card-based design, which has become ubiquitous in the industry because of big players like Google and Apple. There is a big difference between low effort minimalism and flat design which serves to promote the content and reduce cognitive overhead.

why so mad? did you mom got cancer?

What can I say? This board has been flooded by normalfags. Try to pitch that question 4-5 years ago and you might get different opinion.

>waaah why don't people think exactly what I want them to think
Flat design isn't inherent to nu-males, and flat design can be good if someone takes the effort for it. Now go back to plebbit where you belong, you scrubshit.

No, but I did have to deal with IE6 back then.
Never again.

last great UI was OSX 10.5

Fight me

Flat/Material design is an easy way to create a fluid, easy-to-understand user experience for the average user. People like flat design.

However, choice should always be available when it can be. Flat design isn't efficient but it's easy to understand. Ideally, in some applications there should be an alternative UX for users who value efficiency.

>Flat/Material design is an easy way to create a fluid, easy-to-understand user experience for the average user. People like flat design.
A.k.a. I'm a lazy asshole with no creativity?

Can someone show me something that isn't Flat or Material design that look good?
Like an actual competitor to this design school of thought.

Here you go user.

To me, material is and always was ugly. We have screens that can now put out millions of colors and Flat/Material/Metro decides to use white and one color title bars on just about everything.

Fluent design has some hope. Still looks hipster to me though.

I don't think that's a good example, because it actually looks good and clean.

>actually looks good and clean
>with that kind of padding
are you high or some shit

Step up, user

>tons of wasted space
>barely anything lines up
>left, top and bottom have difference styles that don't seem like they fit together
>difficult to tell what's a button and what's not (is "this pc" a button? how about "network"? "quick access"? who knows!)

i mean shit, just look at the four "buttons" under "this pc", without bounding boxes they look haphazardly placed, it's like someone broke buttons one day and was all "eh, fuck it"

why? its the best design with material design and what apple is doing

contrast that with looonix where a autistic learns how to do a glass / shadow effect and puts it every fukcing where.

No, I really think it looks good in general, but yes, I would change the proportions, and get rid of that arrow shitfest

They fucked up the elements, but I meant I liked the theme :^(

man, win95's UI has aged like wine
despite being pretty barren as far as colour or features go, it just nails what it needs to do

the overall look is fine, but functionally it's a mess