Why doesn't Microsoft fix Window's font rendering?
Why doesn't Microsoft fix Window's font rendering?
Because micropussy hires pajeeths fron india.
These pajeeths dont know how to solve it
Stop using Windows you fucking faggot.
What's an example of GOOD font rendering?
Normies don't know or care about font rendering. The first time I ever heard someone bitching about bad font rendering was when I came to Sup Forums. It's a literal non-issue for the vast majority of PC users.
I don't understand why it is bad. I once tried MacType and it turned out to be worse. Font rendering on my win10 15" laptop seems fine to be honest.
Can anyone show the difference between different font renderings?
>What's an example of GOOD font rendering?
MS prioritizes readability ahead of homo graphics designer accurate font autism
Because it is good and literally the most intelligible of all OSes.
Go wank over your aesthetic macOS fonts
"good enough" is good enough. Those who need stuff to look good for presenting to others have purpose-built software for that.
As an Arch user, definitely macOS. That font rendering is just something different.
I'll never understand this font rendering bullshit, everything on my Windows 7 install looks pretty sharp, while every Linux distro I've tried was blurry as fuck
isn't font accuracy the factor that defines readability tho
I hope you guys are baiting, because Im using macOS and the font rendering sucks desu, especially on low-dpi modes (muh retina)
I'm ok with freetype2. .
stop confusing 1080p low pixel density with bad font rendering
1080p 24" monitor has lower pixes per inch than 14" 1366x768 laptops
why did Zoe cut her hair and go with the tomboy faggot look?
>she's hiding her Leno chin
He's an artsy shy boy, he knows he's gorgeous and is probably trying to look less attractive to all the internet mouth breathers.
Also James Harding left deep scars.
Because font rendering is only an issue for fully fledged autists and they are not of Microsoft's concern.
They're a bunch of pajeets now and they don't know any better. Upgrade to Windows 7 for proper font rendering.
Because she's an unstable bipolar fucking hipster with daddy issues.
She also ruined her beautiful leg with a huge horrendous tattoo.
Because the majority of their users don't give a shit, so it'd be wasted effort. It's good enough.
It's Windows'. I still love you though.
because it looks fine :O
yames spent months crying about it on his livestream while he played world of warcraft.
soe is now working for blizzard while yames develops some cr*ppy indie game.
yames didn't deserve soe.
she's cute
Because you post trap shit
>muh low DPI screen looks like shit
>it looks nice on this high DPI Mac
Get a higher resolution screen, you little shit.
I think it looks cute.
she was a pain in the ass
James can only afford to work on a shitty indie game with his friends because he's from a rich fucking family, mate
>censoring the word 'crappy'
>censoring the word
>on Sup Forums
I'd love to see a comparison of what someone considers good and bad font rendering.
Linux fendering is shit because Microsoft cockblocked some shit via patents. Though Infinality does pretty great job at font rendering.
Ubuntu actually has the best font rendering btw
so a rich privileged guy drops a qt girl, realizes his mistake, gets banned from commentating dota, works on some bad game that'll never catch on.
yames has it pretty rough.
>needing to swear to get your point across
If being pretty is all you look for in a girl then go fuck a silicon doll, my man.
>gets banned from doing something that you did for fun ( because dota2 "talent" receive shit for the effort they put into their jobs ) because some random guy with connections decided to have a grudge against you
Yeah, the game won't catch on probably but it's not the game's fault. It's because the only player's interested in it are twitch kiddies and a handful of quake veterans.
yames said himself soe was the only girl he truly liked
face it lad
>can cook
>good personality
>good at vidya gaems
Yeah, he dumped her because he liked her so much and realized she deserved something better.
I had three years of depression after breaking up with a girl I dated for almost 7 years and no that doesn't mean I regretted it.
soe is MY gf
Most fonts on macOS look blurry on my 1080p 24' screen. Tried changing the LCD antialias thing, but no option suited me. I imagine that on retina-type display text looks great on macOS, though.
>if rendering preserves design fidelity, people complains it's too blurry.
>if rendering prefers sharpness, people moans it looks ugly.
There's no way to please all people.
Unreadable in low DPI screens.
>using infinality
any typeface designer would laugh at your shitty preferences.
Freetype implements all the features and tricks Windows use to deliver good fonts. You must enable them at build time if you want good rendering.
Ubuntu's font rendering is pretty good.
>good personality
>good at vidya gaems
it's the HiPPI, look at any smartphone
4k 23" would make fonts on desktop better
this info is obsolete now
infinality is kill
afaik freetype merged patches
now you only need font rules for good font rendering
>Why doesn't Microsoft fix Window's font rendering?
Microsoft actually follows spec for its font rendering, using the proper hinting tables etc. that are present in font files. Other OSes choose to ignore a lot of the information stored in fonts and use their own heavily opinionated (i.e. flat out against spec) implementations. Worst offender is actually Apple's Quartz rendering.
Ofcourse, since most font designers work from Mac machines and never verify their work on an OS that actually uses those fonts the way they were authored, they never get to see exactly how shitty a job they did. And thus we are now stuck with a plethora of extremely shitty fonts.
All the Microsoft-owned or -commissioned fonts look beautiful in Windows, provided you spend the 5 minutes required to calibrate ClearType to your monitor properly, because Microsoft took the necessary QA steps to ensure they received properly authored files.
For once, Microsoft actually 'did it right'.
No. Alignment to the pixel grid and subpixel antialiasing are. The latter in particular is what ClearType used to do before falling out of fashion in favor of simpler grayscale antialiasing.
Its Linux that needs proper font rendering. Never have I seen nice fonts on any Linux installation.
I don't know.
But can you show us her penis, please?
looks fine with bohomil's font confs and freetype 2.7
>Unreadable in low DPI screens
Back to /tpg/ you 1366x768 reslet poorfag.