/pcbg/ - PC Building General

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>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons & compatibility filter.

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>How to assemble a PC, select components & more. (somewhat outdated)

>G4560 for budget builds (R5 1500X will keep above 60fps in every game. No i5
>R5 1600 is the best value for higher fps gaming and mixed usage; 1600x if you don't want to OC
>i7-7700k is bad value but good; may have heat issues even at stock clocks
>R7/Xeon for compute/multitask/mixed use. R5 if budget

>G4560 iGPU is fine for LoL, dota2, rocket league, etc
>1050Ti - if on sale for ~$105. RX560 soon & looks good
>RX570 4GB - 1080p@60+hz, running most maxed; older games at 144+hz
>RX580 8GB - 1440p@60+hz, inject SMAA and drop settings for some games
>1060 - Gets outperformed by the RX 580; consider only if AMD is not an option (ie CUDA)
>1070 - not worth the extra cost for Gsync, except in certain cases
>1080 - 1080p@90-144+hz maxed; 1440p at lower hz.
>1080Ti - 1440p@90-144+hz; 4k@60hz in SOME games, more at lower settings
>Freesync2 & Vega soon.

>READ PRODUCT REVIEWS on a retailer page to see if that cheap SSD/PSU or whatever is reliable
>Consider larger SSD-only for what you budget SSD+HDD combined. Add HDD later once needed
>NVMe aren't for faster OS boot. They're primarily for productivity as a scratch disk
>Stop fucking confusing any M.2 drive with NVMe. M.2 is a form factor
>mATX is often cheaper as the board+case is usually less
>1 SR DIMM is slower than 2 DIMMs
>Good air cooler is almost always wiser than an AIO

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?iie=1&q=How to install Windows 10

why do people even wait for vega? its gonna blow, amd do this every two years. Heck there last 5 years of cards have been rebrand after rebrand.

Because AMD prices a usually very good for their performance ratio

Not Vega, because HBM memory will make it expensive as fuck, thus the price/performance ratio will suck.

I have no expectation for it because AMD always disappoints with gpus but we'll just have to wait and see what the consumer report benchmarks have to say about it.

Previous thread was shanghaied in order to try and flog off I3's, windows 10 and 3GB 1060's
boards.Sup Forums.org/g/thread/60338189
Suspected that it was that cocksucker tripfag Jordan.
AKA Falcon, and "jordans laptop" in kanji
He has been caught blatantly shilling.
Beware the Jew.
If it doesn't totally flop it should force nVidia to lower prices.
But early tests on a low clocked engineering sample put it in 1070 to 1080Ti levels. Should clocks be good and drivers be worked on enough before release it may well be a excellent card.
Pricing will be what makes or breaks it. I was hoping for cheaper from the ryzen release, but who knows.

I will murder you with all my dreams and regrets!

And inevitable disappointment in Vega. From past knowledge always lower AMD benchmarks by 30% until it comes out to get a better picture of what they have.

Nvidia cards drop slightly in price. only reason to wait

Shit, can I replace an article with a similar one on amazon?

Did they ever? In response to AMD I mean. Everyone expected Intel to drop CPU prises as well with Ryzen out, but they didn't. They just don't give a fuck.

>HBM memory will make it expensive as fuck
Not really. I remember seeing a chart on how expensive HBM is versus GDDR5 and the thing is HBM is only about 30% more expensive than GDDR5 and in example 8gb of GDDR5 vs HBM(2) cost difference is about 10 dollars max. The bigger problem is that there are not many fabs making HBM so the volume is smaller.

I just bought an old R7 240 for $20.

I will wait for a low-end Vega card if it can play every games at 720p@60 for $100.

AMD owns the patent to HBM. Sure they lease it for free. But I doubt the makers will fuck them over.

So I replaced an item with another (what the fucking MSI, selling 2 1060 with similar prices but one has a bigger bus thats not advertised?) but now I have 2 orders, can I combine them?

Is that 30% after they have finished making it and put them on a card? The problem isn't that not many manufacturers make HBM, the problem is that a lot less HBM memory comes out alright during the manufacturing process. There's a lof of faulty chips, which further increases the price.

Any good mATX mobos for Ryzen yet?

how can they patent something so blatently obvious?

Guess why.

To lease it for free so some other (((company))) doesn't abuse the system.


We've had nvidia release cards at not ridiculous markups before and presumed it was AMD related but other than that, not in recent memory at least.
AMD has been forced to reduce their prices before though like when they were first to the market with the 28nm cards with the 7000 series except the geforce 600 series were way faster and more efficient to boot.

i love it, its like those 8 line losses but way better to look at. still patents are almost always a bs thing, kind of like how sony owns the patent to contact lense screens

Best free cloning software for HDD > SSD?

Where on Sup Forums are the dual boot experts?
I want both Windows 7 and Windows 10 on my computer, but I want Win 10 to be locked in his shithole without it being able to read the rest of my computer.
Is this possible? It's too specific to google it.

>Translators note: "(((company)))" means nvidia

I am also interested in this.
I'm also looking for a 5.25" hot swap bay to have the windows 10 drive in so it can not be in my computer until i need it


fglt but dont waste there time because you can google it. dual boot in what sort set up, and why do you want windows 10? just gaming? i cant think of any games that dont run on windows 7 8 8.1. Partition your drive, boot installation media, install to blank partition

wow thats a pretty pointless setup considering it wont be accessed until its booted in the first place. I knoow the set up you mean and it tends to require either a dedicated expansion bay or a case with it in build, only one that comes to mind is the level 10 gt and thats actually a pretty meh case these days. i think thermal take hp and """ibm"" make cases like this though

You need windows 10 for DX12.

Asus H170 Pro
1080ti Strix
G650 Seasonic

Should I pull the trigger on this?
The rest of the parts I am scraping off my old PC.

Well I want a really clean looking windows 10 for all my work and legally bought games and adobe shit. I want to play some Microsoft games like Forza too, I'm pretty sure you need DX12 for them.
I also want it for the rare Steam games I end up supporting.
Would be nice if my family could access my computer whenever they want etc. It's also a future proofing question because I seriously doubt 7 will last forever.

Win7 would be for all my pirated things and hentai games and I don't want 10 to dig into that (inb4 7 does it anyway, I need to look into this too)
My googlefu is certainly weak I guess, because I have no leads.

>and it tends to require either a dedicated expansion bay or a case with it in build
Nah man, 5.25" ones are super common, they can go in nearly any case.

Upgraded from 2600 to 1600x yesterday.
Got 15-20 more fps in PUBG(the only thing I have at the moment) out of nowhere and it stopped stuttering.
Also it lags less, it's either thanks to intel ethernet(p67 old LAN probably aged) or servers got unfucked.

On the side note do not trust HWInfo: it lies about temps, in my case it's 20C more than it really is.

my new pc is arriving tomorrow, how can i put windows 10 for free on it? Where do i download it? I am kinda new at this so please don't meme me

I know i need USB which i have

lmgtfy.com/?iie=1&q=How to install Windows 10

Just buy a cheap key from allkeyshop, that way you don't have to install shady hooks.

The X variants report an additional 20C for some reason.
>out of nowhere and it stopped stuttering.
>Also it lags less,
Stutter would be the upgrade. Lag depends on what you think lag is. Could be running the game shit, a bad network causing packet backup, or your ping.

i just want to install windows pro for starters (doesnt need to be valid), i can activate it later

download windows 10 installer, plug in usb, start windows 10 installer, select he usb, let it install the installer to the usb.

mind giving me legit site for downloading? by legit i mean not some shady site


whast games require dx12 with no alternative?

yes and fair, i just told you how to install it btw.

thats the one i meant, not expansion bay. was thinking of the ps2 or something.I considered a setup like this for debain and win 8 a while ago but didnt go though with it, instead just had both hdds in the case and used grub or whatever


sure, here buddy.
to get licence for free there is still a method, install windwos 7 - use disability tools - upgrade for free
should still work, look it up

come on man, you gotta google this shit yourself, its so easy to find

go to microsoft website, make sure you have a 16gb USB, download the installer program.

Launch installer and it will ask you what you want to do, something like clean install or install but keep old files, but you would want to do complete clean installl, wait for that to say completed, then safely remove USB.

then in your new computer, when you turn it on click DEL repeatedly as soon as it boots up, to get into BIOS settings, make sure keyboard/mouse is plugged in so you can use it to navigate, then you will find an option called boot order/boot option something like that or atleast its that in MSI mobos.

make sure USB is connected

change boot device to so it boots from USB instead of HDD which is usually the default.

also make sure your HDD is connected, because once you choose to boot from USB, you will save and restart and it boot into the USB which has Windows 10 installer, dont turn off or do anything, sometimes will have a spinning wheel for 5 minutes, its doing what its gotta do, it will ask you where you want to install W10 choose your HDD or SDD.

then when its done your PC will restart and go back into the USB installer, dafuq?

you will have to cancel that and restart your PC, and press DEL DEL DEL again to get into BIOS, and change your boot order back to HDD/SDD, then save and restat, and bang you are loading into Windows 10

I have my budget is 1200$ what is a good build? This my first time building a pc so im kind of a noob. I dont really care about vr but i do want a good cpu as i want to use it for video editing. I may also be able to aquire a gtx 1080 for real cheap $300-400 ish

thanks you so much for the help, anons!

So does this look good for this application? Yes, I'm going to buy a better PSU, I'm not going to get exactly these parts since I'm in Europe but not in Britbongland and the 580 is much more expensive than the 480 here and costs less than the 1060. I'm mostly unsure on what case and mobo to get.


I need a 1080p @ 60fps build.

Ryzen 1600 + RX 570 ?

Will I be able to play Witcher 3 ?

Yes and yes

Gears of War 4, the latest Forza, and some other upcoming games.

Apparently that card averages 50.1 fps on the witcher 3 at that resolution.
Hence you'd need to fiddle with the game settings to get 60fps.

Is now a good time to upgrade?

I'm only looking to upgrade the CPU and motherboard, since they're the only parts of my computer that haven't changed since 2012. How good's the R5 1600X as a processor? Going to be mainly for vidya

1440p build. If you find the monitor on sale for $400 (which happens like every month), it's only $100 over budget.

Depends on the RX570 model. Some are 5% faster than others. And you can OC like another 10%.
If you OC and just drop one benign setting, then yeah.

>accidentally remove CPU heatsink whilst cleaning my rig
>temperatures went up by 10 degrees celsius

I'm guessing I fucked with the thermal paste under it and now I need to reapply some? Will 70% isopropyl alcohol wipes do the trick for removing the old paste? 99% literally costs ten times the price.

If it's for vidya, at most I'd reckon going up to a processor with a base 3.5 GHz would be reasonable.

You frankly don't need any more cores and if you did upgrade to that CPU you would need to buy new RAM.

Indeed, I saw other models benchmarked but they only saw improvements of 2-4 fps.

Then again there're probably many more models than I saw listed.

I want to switch to DDR4 regardless

Fair enough, then the improvement of 50 to 90 GHz seems reasonable then.

I doubt your current CPU is bottlenecking many games other than RTSs such as stellaris.

What's with the 570 recommendations lately?
580 skyrocket in price?

Which is one of the things I'd like to play. That and it's been getting hotter and hotter while idling even when I recently changed the cooler and a RAM slot on the motherboard is fucked, which is why there's only 8gb RAM.

A 3.5 GHz+ processor seems to be advisable then.

Think it'll last me as long as this one did?

Whats your opinion on WD RED?

Nvidia and AMD are both constantly inching their prices down, and both ALWAYS drop their prices in response to new cards coming out(except when they've just released their own, obviously). Intel doesn't do that.,

Alright, so the R5 1600X and i5 7600K are going to cost me practically the same. For a computer that's mostly vidya for high intensity tasks, which is better?

so xbox ports? makes sense


Does anyone know why my RAM speed is 1600mhz on my Ryzen build? I've tried loading XMP and setting it to 3200mhz manually.

X370 Taichi (BIOS 2.30)
F4-3200C14D-16GFX (A2 and B2 slots)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Your ram speed? Do you know how DDR works?

ok ok, this may come as some suprise (as i speak into your eyes).

ddr stands for double data rate

1600 x 2 = ????

Would buying an expensive rig make me happy?

No. You should probably kill yourself.

i need some help with memory OCing

I have 2 sticks of Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2B3200C16 but every time I try to use the default OC'd 3200 mhz preset it reboots 4 times and never boots

when I try everything on auto but set the freq. to anything but 2166MHz it reboots 4 times and tells me the OC failed

So the 3200mhz ram modules i bought refuse to run at anything higher than 2166MHz

I have an ASUS PRIME B350M-A mobo and a Ryzen 1600 but i dont think the cpu counts

if anyone could help me, thanks a bunch

4fps over 51fps is a lot. That's 8%.
Add another 10% OC and you are almost hitting 60.
With a 40-75hz Freesync monitor, it won't hurt not staying completely over 60fps all the time.

But if you need to stay 60+, then just dropping some benign setting will do that.

Basically my favorite video right now. It's so fucking true.
I'm still playing on a 7970 which is like 55-65% the performance of an RX570, I think. I can run most at 60fps. I have to drop some setting sometimes, but the games still look good.
Some new and pretty games like For Honor I could even play maxed out.
When I got it, yeah I wanted to play games maxed because max settings often looked a lot better. Now days max settings is just shill shit to manipulate benchmarks and sell GPUs that no one needs and shouldn't really want sometimes.

That's also why I only trust reviews that test midrange cards at reasonable settings. Like hairworks off, or just on "very high" or something that looks the same maxed. Like Guru3d does.
I can swear I've seen some fucktards doing 16x MSAA in benchmarks.

Yeah. Microsoft published games. They're trying to push Win10 and so there is quite a large number of DX12 only games coming.

Maybe. I don't play games anymore but the 1600X excited me.
I'm more giddy touching the heatsink and feeling that it's cold to the touch than I have been from playing any of these garbage games they've been making the past few years.

i hate you fucking faggots that have more money than sense
i wish you bought a 7700k and were here posting "does anyone know why my CPU idles at 55C" instead

youll get more happiness out of building a new mid-high rig every few years.

i really hope it doesnt take off, and good thing its only xbox games so far. theres so many better cross platform apis

funny, you cant delid some cpus because theyre soldered on, but intel........................

i5 7600K looks like it has higher frequency

is every shutterstock technology picture designed specifically to send me into a blind rage?

...cares more about saving a few fractions of a cent per CPU than thermals.

frequency hasnt mattered in ages, otherwise the fx8350 would be a god (see oc to 6ghz and 8.7 on helium).

What's so good about the R5 1600K anyway?

>32nm vs 14nm

It performs like i7 6800k at a much lower price.

Building this for vidya and general use. I'm still deciding on a a gpu and cooler because I'm a little skeptical of Asus ( Bad costomer service and faulty hardware) and I really don't know much about coolers. Any advice would be great.

A few questions.

Are you using XMP?
What PSU do you have?
How many gb per stick?

>1070 is overkill for 1080p
>It can't even run DX MD, Dishonored 2 or Ghost Recon at 60fps

the 7600k will cost more to delid and cool it.
And the 1600X is better.
4 threads is GARBAGE even for games.

The 7600k will get better average FPS in 5 year old games and shit. Games that the 1600X is plenty powerful to do 60fps+ in anyway, so it doesn't matter.
The 1600X will do better in newer, more highly straining games that actually need a properly powerful CPU. And it'll get better minimums just in general.

>Meme:The Build

Hope you get some firefighters with your cpu

1600X for a long run.

read the OP

I'm using their VIII Hero motherboard and I can tell you this from personal experience. The motherboard is flashy, but fantastic. No GPU sag, no overclocking issues, easy to read LED indicators for any bad codes, and lots of plugs for fans and USB headers.

A lot of people think it's overpriced and whatever, but I didn't realize PC building and overclocking would be this easy. In their manual they go over how to overclock step by step, and how to overclock RAM, and if you need to flash the BIOS for Coffee Lake, Asus's flagship boards allow you to do that without a CPU installed.

I'd rate it 9/10, just marking it down 1 for all the flak I get.

>3 shittily optimized games LOL. Only 1 of which anyone actually likes.
>Prey just came out and does a solid 90+fps on a 1060 or RX580. Looks and plays better than that GR Wildlands garbage.
driver updates have greatly improved things for some of those, too

Can your mobo set Command rate to T2?
For now most mibis are trying to go with T1 but the ram wants T2, T2 allows higher clocks.

Bios update is coming within a few days anyway, they said its gonna fix ALL Ram issues and even the cheap ass Hymx ram gonn clock high.

Refurbished Xeon E5-1650 desktops for sale.
$380. Original price was $3000.
6 core, 3.2/3.8GHz. 8Gb of RAM.

These are old. Sandy Bridge or Ivy Bridge, I think. Even a 5820k would be better, but it's a complete system.

when I try to run the XMP profile it fails every time

550W old chieftec but it never had issues, not even with the R9 280X and FX6350 i had

8gb / stick and 2 sticks

didn't check yet, but after googling it i think it has no option for that?!

source on bios update?

thanks a lot for the answers

if you force x8 / x16 tesselation in drivers instead of retarded x64, yes

Coming from experience, my issue was the PSU. It was an old Corsair 650w Bronze and it was shitting the bed on RAM OC. Bought a new EVGA 650w Gold and my ddr4-3000 had zero issues.