Microsoft just bullshooted this as the new explorer.exe

Microsoft just bullshooted this as the new explorer.exe

Looks good

>1/2 waste of space
boy am i glad im not a micronigger

sidebar isn't nearly wide enough.

that wierd shadow on the left menu ruins it for me, like wtf, what were they thinking?

Technically, it's fileexplorer.appx
They want to untangle the file explorer from the clusterfuck that is explorer.exe, which has hooks in everything and controls the entire interface.


it's funny when explorer.exe crashes.

You're a macronigger


How is billion dollar company not able to create a decent GUI?

Even the KDE guys created something far more usable and gave it away for free.

What is wrong with Microsoft and can someone explain to me why you would NOT want to see the names of your files, even the normiest of Normies needs that.

Fake and gay.

>microsoft is so progressive
>with this design they just said fuck borders

what about my macronigger?


Forward slashes as path separators? Really?

Also, nice contrast with that light grey on white text.

The file manager has been running in a separate process from the taskbar etc. for quite some time. Even XP had an option for that.

Shitty modern designers and their aspiration to be trendy. They think interfaces should look good at a glance, and it's not important if they're dysfunctional.

The KDE guys are mostly engineers who tend to make rational decisions. Too bad they lack quality control.


What the hell are those refresh buttons for, to the right of the computer names? Is their "cloud" so crappy you need manual refreshes to see your folders now?

Looks like something truly made for windows 10

>ten years ago, windows fanboys would scream "where is muh treeview sidebar"
>now, windows fanboys shill whatever the company does, no matter what windows used to stand for gets butchered

I think we're past the point where old Windows enthusiasts care anymore. It's simply far too late. The new direction has been clear since Windows 8, and the ones who are bothered by this either chose to stick with Windows 7 or switched to a conservative Linux environment such as KDE.

This. Windows was used because it offered more customization. And have you let more control over your computer. Ever since 10, the only ones who have control over your computer are Microsoft and the customizations are being removed so it's simpler to use by normies.

Also, I think that many of the Windows shills of today are gaymers and full-time media consumers who never had to work with their PCs, and are thrilled at the idea that their preferred OS is finally getting a trendy look and uniformating to Apple's dumb, touchscreen-optimized interface style.

OP here
I just did a ghetto mockup of what I presume Microsoft is trying to do
or better, how I would 'fix' the thing to look like a windows 10 current year application

That's like if pooinloos ripped off OSX Finder and painted black the sidebar


I don't think customization has ever been an explicit goal of Microsoft. Their user-facing software used to be fairly powerful and informative by default, while retaining good usability. Customization sure used to be possible, but often in non official ways. I think that the extreme hackability of Windows comes from its modular nature and well designed components (COM), which often happen to leak their configuration parameters meant for internal use. With their new runtimes, all is going to be tightly coupled and more of a black box.

STILL no fucking tabs. Good job MS, you fucking niggers.

I fucking love the fonts, something like Helvetica should've been long time ago made a default font for windows. Segoe UI is tired and they're not using it in creative ways like they did on Zune or WP7.

I fucking dig this.

but will it have tabs?

I mean the font change, obviously, the font in OP pic reeks of apple's san francisco font

It's literally GNOME 3 with shitty font rendering.


And without filenames, and without a close button.

if you think the two are "literally" the same, you're a fucking blind retard
this isn't to say ms does a better job, it's still ugly, but holy fuck you're a blind dumbass

what the fuck
just noticed that
no filenames
here to a new age of clickbait viruses


it's clearly based on GNOME, and if you disagree you're stupid. .

the what?


psst: on every window in Windows

They are actually working on this


not him
but the source is a windows shill blog
he literally photoshoped some tabs, and shilled the post here for an entire week

Pre-Win8 if you have the folder type set to Picture or Video you could hide filenames by holding shift while opening a folder. You can still hold shift and go to view command to hide them in current versions. Some folders defaulted to this in XP, users didn't realy complain about it then.

Wow an update to break windows for 2 years thanks.

they need to show us some context menus so we can update that one image


Nah, fagOS looks full of mah """rounded edges""" meme design and white-grey everywhere.

And jumpy animations, as if it's made for lil kids.

Looks like knockoff linux.

Gnome seems like a Yosemite ripoff, desu.

Go back to your baby video game night light OS.

You can still use the old one right? Like how I still use the windows 7 control panel because 8/10 ui is garbage.