/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


no edition, edition


I've finished the tracker rpg, what now?

you fellas gettin good buffer from Dreamland?

invite me to A**

gib invite to XBT you faggot

Anyone know of any new spicy meme trackers? I'm only joining the most memetastic ones like Occult.


I shall not satisfy thy request

Why would you download porn?

Come into AB, it won't last, but will be epic meanwhile
you did not complete anything, the more buffer you have, the more dead you are.

I'm already there. Shitty nyaa refugees can all die for my part.

anyone see invite threads for racing for me?

I'm getting fish and chips, maybe you should aswell
jump on the nyaa trackers wave
pick a side and shill it until your fingers bleed
who /pantsu/ here

They have a contact page. Perhaps you could ask how to get in there.

is it gone? havent logged in for some time

It actually doesn't

boards.Sup Forums.org/g/thread/60346760

It's the same in all my browsers.

>one post

Which trackers do you need to be #set4lyfe ?

you fucking pussy just post again, don't delete and repost

you guys drove me to this. im in queue for redacted interview.

red won't get you anywhere worthwhile, kid....

Should I grab some audio tracks at AHD for grinding stats? I already have way more total seed time than I need.

encode and become useful for once

no, either upload shows or other encodes, audio tracks are too small for BP

You what

Not my fault Sup Forums converted the link. You mad bro?

i'm already in PTP just dont want to bother with becoming power user

way easier to upload1 flicc than take the stupid interview

so what do I upload they already have everything. then what do I do if I get power user status? access to a forum for invites right

yeah you unlock the invite forum
nigger just grab something from kg or cg
it's not hard


Try entering https in your url bar. If you deliberately omit the /s/ obviously it's not going to be included

just use https everywhere addon you fucking retarded cunt

I said default though.

the default is whatever you enter is it not?

My nigga sai***awn. Sup Forums mods are too strict though. very hard to shitpost.

It's not. For instance, Google, champion of https, does not take you that route.


>music trackers
>current year

So nothing about Sup Forums defaults to https.

>private trackers
>in the year of online streaming

when it says that embedded images over 512kb aren't allowed, does that mean the album cover art images on the upload page? thx lads

if streaming had all this
i wouldn't be doing this
piracy supplements streaming

it's ok user

it's not a binary


also one of the reasons i hate music trackers. who fucking cares, give me that 2000x2000 album art bitch

What are the best ways to contribute to the private tracker community without having to spend any money?

I'd like to show my appreciation and give back to the community, but literally the only reason I'm on trackers is that they are free.

thank you user

move shit from one tracker to another

edit torrents
it's thankless work
but needs to be done

FLS, again thankless work that needs doing

write/polish up wiki articles, many are shockingly out of date or poorly written left to rot. worst part of joining a new tracker is out of date wiki articles just hanging around


Um.. That rule refers to album art EMEDDED in the audio files. Not sure if any trackers have rules about the image on the release's page.

Grab torrents that have only one seeder to improve redundancy.

Unless you're in RED, because the staff there in their infinite wisdom hate redundancy.



front line support
forum support
irc support

not him, but I'm sure I got a nasty PM from WCD staff years ago telling me that the album cover image was too big on one of my uploads.

Except when you type it in?

AB recruitment on RED starting June 9th

Now you've got it.

() recruitment on () starting () ()th

why the sudden spike in red users? did they start recruiting somewhere new?

How do you interview for Apoloo, the #recruitment channel requires you to have a registered nick

How do I filter this with CSS?

holy shit, the site AND irc are both up? at the same time? wow

I did get my invite that day. So it must've been

register your nick

Why don't you... I don't know...... register your nick? (with the IRC server you moron)

Whoa now, let's not get crazy here user.


the /neon/ era is among us

you don't!

Which one of you autists stuck Cabal stickers all around Limerick City?

it should be
>the /neon/ era is upon us
at least try you filthy currylover

One hundred whole megabytes!

English isn't my first language

that's too much, you have to be subtle with mratio

yes sir :)

Totally unexpected from a pajeet

What do you mean by "pajeet"?

>be on private tracker
>have to cheat

spaghetti, add the cute random girls on the login page to the home page.

pajeet = A slang / racial slur for a smelly dirty curry drinking hairy Indian that poos in the loo.

and a dumb Sup Forumstard is for dumb racist dronpft supporting assholes like you

dont you mean dromnpthf?

pooploop user



Has nothing to do with Sup Forums, predating it in fact. You're on Sup Forums, where half of us got replaced by three pajeets at work.

what am I supporting user? it's not like I wrote that description: urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pajeet

Even UNICEF mocks curries

>tfw catching up on blacked.com episodes
How's your Friday going, /ptg/?

wasted quads. cut your wrists. my friday is going ok so far though

Pahjeet doesn't poo in the loo though, that's what makes him Pahjeet

What's a RED user?

someone who's on red

a cuck

A miserable pile of Dreamland mp3s

No it hasn't gone anywhere, Zed's just off his meds.


thread theme

begin part 2:
find a niche and start a site to fill it
then make your journey into the cabal
on your way, you might be able to start climbing the scene ladder (if you're good)