>that one guy who fell for the raspberry pi meme
That one guy who fell for the raspberry pi meme
I made it into a gameboy and sold it for 150 usd.
I use it as a small NAS and for general purpose music streaming over the network
I put mine on a bookshelf so it could collect dust.
>tfw orange pi
feels good man
almost got one years ago when it was a new thing but then i heard that they should cost ~20€ and not 50€ like they do here so i didnt.
Orange Pi zero is the shit
I made a live webcam with it and and ancient ms webcam.
$220 nest webcam for $40
They can come in handy but some people buy them and do nothing with them.
I am so memed I shit pepes
I can one-up you. I never even took mine out of the box. It's in my drawer
>tfw my Raspi 1 can't even handle SNES emulation properly
Goddamn piece of junk
Yeah, buy the nest cam has night vision.
I'm considering making a ghetto nest cam with my old raspberry pi 1 model B too, but I want it to have night vision. Also, my old 720p Logitech webcam has a focal too low, everything in the background is blurry.
>bought zero w
>it hangs off the charger doing nothing
My old tablet had a processor about equivalent to the rPi's, I practically only used it for emulating N64 and PlayStation games. Sounds like you're doing it wrong.
I literally only installed RetroPie and added the snes ROM, shit stutters like crazy
>that one guy that couldn't figure out how to use a raspberry pi, so he claimed it was a meme.
>>muh night vision
Fuck you really are 12, a few of these bad boys and my room now has night vision
Not him, but if you have the knowledge and skills to make yourself a night vision rifle scope for 1/10th the price of a commercial one, why not?
Works great as a homebrew IOT hub for controlling all my shit.
>that one guy that fell for the raspberry pi meme that thinks he has a legitimate use for a raspberry pi and is in denial
I use it all the time dude. It runs Kodi and Emulators and I can use the SPI interface to flash chips without relying on cheap ass SOP8 clips from chinkland
Pi Zero is great for making tiny things internet connected. If you didn't get it for a specific application, or have a number of projects that could use it in some way, you did it wrong.
You know what? You're right. If you couldn't figure something out, no one else could either, because you're just that much better than everyone else.
Someday you'll realize that your arrogance has held you back while everyone else continues to learn new things every day.
its literally the best way to learn linux as a windows user
its powerful enough to do real shit yet just under powered enough youll have to actually learn to adjust, remove and replace software components to find the right fit
He's just a troll guys
I'm not trolling though, people that buy the raspberry pi are ignorant.
There were always better products available, broadcom is garbage, and they would know that if they had spent more than 5 minutes researching products instead of jumping on a bandwagon like an iTard.
i use one as a plex and nas server.
unencoded, it can run 1080 video
add on subs and/or transcoding, 720 at most
usb 2.0 read/write speeds that may throttle down to even less due to network transfer, which is okay for background backups.
vnc to desktop so i can access a running emacs where i keep a todo list
for the price, it was decent. If i paid more, I'd probably want to get a full on desktop.
a project I might do, is the amazon echo. all that's needed is a usb mic and audio speaker. but I already have an echo.
Ok, assuming you're not trolling, name a single product that incorporates a modestly powered SoC, with WiFi and bluetooth, 1080p video out, and has excellent community support, with multiple distributions available and up to date, that costs less than $50
If you buy them direct yeah
I installed JD2 on it for slow-ass downloads but cba to get remote access to work
Other than that I kinda want to use it for WOL
You mean a product without driver support for Android (software rendering), no real GPU (lol videocore proprietary shit), and 1GB (lmfao) of ram?
Because pretty much any of the competitors are better.
Stop dodging the question, you still haven't named a device with the features I want.
Not him, but retropi for my bar, easy to unplug and take to camper or whatever
Kodi (mostly) that I use in car on 8" carputer
actually so cheap, might get a third for my 2 old timey garage doors so I can monitor if they are open, and open them remotely.
I'm not even good at this stuff, had one do some basic weather shit outside but never used it so it became car one.
You are like a macfag that tells people his core2duo macbook is better than their thinkpad because it has firewire.
Now I know you're trolling.
>buy RasPi
>it's been perfectly stable for years doing its job monitoring my UPS and turning my server on after power outages
It's pretty much perfect for the job.
Just calling it like I see it.
Enjoy your shitty SoC with everything operating on the same 1 usb bus that runs at half speed.
tripfags really are idiots
>buy a beaglebone black because I'm a patrician and not a pleb RaspPi scrub
>it sits in a draw gathering dust
How do you put emulators on it?
Home server for random tasks. Another one controlling my 3D printer. Another one hooked up to the TV for older game emulation and streaming. Another one set up on a plate with a breakout to a breadboard for prototyping circuits and messing around with GPIO.
And another one spare just because a local company was having a sale and I'll find a use for it before too long.
Your lack of imagination doesn't mean the RPi lacks potential or value.
That's a nice sweeping declaration you got there, idiot.
You act like a raspberry pi is a device you buy to validate your creativity.
Its so pretentious that I don't have a response.
>this thread
I'd buy one of the better boards that're only like $20-30 more expensive with a better GPU/CPU/More RAM/nonretarded decisions on bus usage but welp no support for shit.
I got an RPI3, threw Retropie on it, werks 4 me.
jfc those are either ir or uv i forget butt they light up the room wo producibg visible light ffs noob
No he's not. He's acting like you're some dumbass tripfaggot that's shitting on something just because you don't have a use for it.
The mere fact that you believe having a use for a raspberry pi justifies its purchase over a competitor and blindly repeat yourself makes me think you are either trolling or daft.
If that's what you're reading between the lines, I can't do anything about it. I'm not saying RPis are the end-all be-all of usefulness, or that everyone should be getting them in troves. Just that you're a moron if you think they're useless.
>The mere fact that you believe having a use for a raspberry pi justifies its purchase over a competitor
The mere fact that you think I think that just further proves your retardation.
I never said they were useless, I said people that buy them are ignorant and they are garbage.
You are far too autistic to grasp my argument.
What should we buy?
Literally anything else that isn't broadcom.
So what should we buy?
>they would know that if they had spent more than 5 minutes researching products
None of the alternatives have good support for the things that I want to do with them.
Scary how interchangeable your argument is with "It just works."
>Yeah, buy the nest cam has night vision.
>I'm considering making a ghetto nest cam with my old raspberry pi 1 model B too, but I want it to have night vision. Also, my old 720p Logitech webcam has a focal too low, everything in the background is blurry.
Scary how you don't seem to be able to make substantial arguments that hold their weight, but are also obviously provocative, and make you look like a troll.
because it does just work.
dunno what you want. People are gonna keep buying them and they're gonna keep suiting needs while you pop a blood vessel over it.
"It just works" is a perfectly valid argument. Why would you make things harder on yourself for no difference in the outcome?
v4l lets you disable autofocus and change the focal length that guy just wants someone to hold his hand (hence the raspberry pi purchase) and now he will just buy more shit because he can't figure it out :)
The drivers and the specs of the SoC are just about all that matters. People buy the PI because they are too scared to do anything on their own and are under the impression that the support is better for it, basically they are just ignorant and lazy.
Using a competitor isn't any harder, they just flip out because the video tutorial they got linked to on pinterest only works for a PI and start saying stupid shit like it fits my use case because they are mindless retards.
MotioneyeOS, retropi, pihole
Runs google fuchsia. rpi3.
what about arduino, friends?
Also have 4 zeros deployed as repeaters for coverage outside in the lake while I'm fishing
Doesn't run Linux, but it's a nice addition to an SBC for extra functionallity, or more precise IO driving.
Fits mine. I needed a miniDLNA server for a work project and it's good.
Raspberry Pi is just about the worst choice for anything IO related, its too slow to use as miniDLNA and will 100% give you a complete shit experience on the user end.
I made an arcade cabinet with mine
works for me ;-)
>doing creative things just for fun is now a meme
Are you literally 15?
No, he's only figuratively 15. His real age is older, but he hasn't grown up yet.
damn, i almost got memed hard i thought u could emulate childhood on these things
I'm sure it can handle NES games just fine
Fuckin #REKT
Download and install retropi and then make it boot to it automatically.
retired my old rpi b+ with a rpi3. Way better experience.
I used to run a vpn on my rpi b+ but it was so fucking slow, the rpi 3 is way better and faster. I now run pihole, dns-crypt and vpn on it.
I recommend rpi3 but not pi b+.
That's quite an achievement.
I considered getting a Zero for $5 when I was at Micro Center for the free 32 jee bee flash, but then I saw I could order a wifi model for $10, and what I'd use it for could be done in a chroot on my old unused phone.
what are you using? proud odroid xu4 memer, the expansion board is next level
I have 3 that I never took out of the package that are sitting in a box in my storage unit...
Also network and i/o on the same bus so theres goes your Gbps
You can on the newer models.
You can also boot from an SSD in a USB enclosure, which is what I do.
I'm happy Sup Forums isn't pushing the "stop using SJWberry" shit anymore, but also sad that it's one of the few commercially viable ARM evaluation boards which have a realistic chance of staying clear of the cancer that are vendor kernels (and therefore, also lock-in to the Linux platform).
I fell for the Orange Pi meme.
Waiting for my dupont connectors to arrive to make new power cables for my new Pis and replace the old ones that are hackjobs.
Don't rPis only have Fast Ethernet?
If you knew jack shit you would know that support for most armlogic chipsets is upstream and they all use fucking uboot.
Too bad you will never have good videocore drivers in kernel.
And? 100Mbit is generally good enough unless you're pushing a lot of large files or serving a lot of hosts.
And 100Mbps ≠ 1Gbps