How are you fighting ransomware, Sup Forums?
How are you fighting ransomware, Sup Forums?
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By installing gentoo
Common SenseĀ® 2017
By reading about the SMB exploit 3 months ago, disabling SMB, and blacklisting port 445.
I just deleted my Windows partition. I'm 100% Linux now, baby! Feels good.
AVG a shit. At least install Kaspersky.
masturbating to qt anime girls on my FREE as in free speech and free beer GNU/Linux system.
don't lie fag. you literally just found out about it.
By laughing at Windowsbabbies. Maybe they'll feel enough to shame to switch to a real OS.
Richard Stallman has never advocated for, nor endorsed, Gentoo Linux.
My OS is patched though :^)
The only other real OS out there is OSX, but I'm not a faggot so I don't use it.
By not using Windows shit.
what's the big deal? why's this shit plastered all over the front page? did newfag Sup Forums finally realize there's more to technology than phones and graphic cards?
ackshually its guhnoo slash linux
I love miku, and gentoo hardened.
But I won't download insecure images from the internet because I am too paranoid.
I'm not.
Thanks for telling me this critical piece of information
I've finally updated to Windows XP SP 3. Come at me hackers.
Using macOS therefore I go against
Don't run random executables? It's not fucking rocket science.
>Gimping the functionality of your Windows network because of the NSA.
You fucking pussy. There is no reason to make your users suffer because of an exploit in a protocol that should never egress past your edge router in the first place.
Do you people seriously not have VLANs setup for household filesharing? Is it summer already?
>The memory corruption flaw resides in the manner in which Windows handles SMB traffic that could be exploited by attackers; all they need is tricking victims to connect to a malicious SMB server, which could be easily done using clever social engineering tricks.
Well shit I use samba on Xubuntu host for filesharing across multiple devices and my VMs, none of which have user level privileges. I wonder if a windows client would be able to access the entire hard drive even if I explicitly gave it permission to access a specific directory.
>Without revealing the actual scope of the vulnerability and the kind of threat the exploit poses, Microsoft has just downplayed the severity of the issue, saying:
>"Windows is the only platform with a customer commitment to investigate reported security issues, and proactively update impacted devices as soon as possible. We recommend customers use Windows 10 and the Microsoft Edge browser for the best protection."
>However, the proof-of-concept exploit code,, has already been released publicly for Windows 10 by security researcher Laurent Gaffie and does not require targets to use a browser.
By switching over to Linux
By not being a retard.
Nah, the latest shit distributes itself through the NSA SMBv1 exploit. Patch your shit.
I'm encrypting all of my files by hand so that the virus thinks it already encrypted them and does nothing
I'm cheering it on because these people are retards still running windows xp and tinfoilfags who refuse to update
this is funny to me
By continuing to not use Windows
How do I disable SMB on windows 7? Does it even do anything on a personal computer, it sounds like lan shit.
I don't get if personal computers have it by default, help out a retard.
Nah, it's just because the Sup Forums-tards are afraid of losing their gaemus and saves.
try as admin:
sc config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb20/nsi
sc config mrxsmb10 start= disabled
Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $false
I changed my password from 123 to s0m3th1ng3l53.
Also I ran a malwarebytes and avg scan. I'm ready to take on the world.
>didn't update windows for about 2 years
>last month said "eh why not"
It's not a simple task to deploy a new OS across an entire nations hospital systems, retard.
It's no excuse to be running unsupported systems but "hurr just install gentoo lol" is ridiculous.
Today has really shown that few people on this board have worked in IT.
congratulations, you blocked an exploit that you were protected from anyway.
>ransomware is only spreading via server systems using SMB
>this means common systems affected will be those, like we've seen already, the hospitals, universities, and a train station for some reason
>it's possible to only get it by connecting to an infected server
How exactly would the average person actually get the ransomware short of downloading anything suspicious?
t. never gotten ransomware
what did you mean by this
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as GNU/Linux, is in fact, NT/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, NT plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning Windows system made useful by the NT corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by Microsoft.
Many computer users run a modified version of the NT system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of NT which is widely used today is often called Windows, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the NT system, developed by Microsoft.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the NT operating system: the whole system is basically NT with Linux added, or NT/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of NT/Linux
That's what I'm wondering too, I disabled server under services which seems to have closed port 445 if "netstat -a" is a proper check, and added SMB1 in the registry and set it to 0 just in case. Idk if any of this shit is even necessary.
dumb nozomiposter
>By buying $99,999 macbook pro
>mfw already installed Linux
not if you're alone on your lan
i always install every update, so would this help?
Do not run internet servers on private network (no incoming ports opened, local servers shall only serve local addresses).
Limit Internet access through DMZ.
Don't be dumb, social engineering is what most malware use to infect machines right now.
I have been using GNU/Linux exclusively (well, except for one machine I put OpenBSD on just for fun) for years now. I am not particularly trying to fight ransomware.
I'm installing all those windows updates I avoided for two years. Hopefully I didn't fall for a meme
I pirated the Enterprise Edition
>getting Stockholm Syndrome because of ransomware
By being a retard.
By not being a fucking retard.
All of my files are on my NAS, ransomware just means i reinstall Windows.
>All of my files are on my NAS
That doesn't mean shit.
Pure genius
Hi. Go to hell.
WannaCry propogates WORM-style through the network thanks to the NSA. Your NAS is not safe
By not using Windows.
Don't you guys ever learn?
I suppose getting reamed regularly is part of your leet culture.
Hi. Go to reddit.
>people believe there aren't similar exploits for Mac/Linux out there right now
By living in an actually free and healthy country, whose president isn't a terrorist being elected by a bunch of illiterated and ignorant sheeps.
by installing a second virus scanner and firewall app. come at me fags
What do we know so far, how does Wannacry spreads?
are you trolling?
I meant method for infecting, is it still simple "dl some bonzi buddy shit" or some NSA "you can get ransomware even if you do nothing" type of thing
Nobody knows. Probably 99% probability of the former, could still be the latter tho
So let me get this straight
The exploit only works if you have SMBv1 enabled AND a specific port exposed?
So it's completely irrelevant to anyone who has incoming traffic blocked by default on unneeded ports like they should?
Hi. Fuck off plebbit.
Install Gentoo
what distro/de?
Not him but if the NAS run Linux aren't you safe from it?
windows enables both by default
My computer isn't getting any ransomware, what am i doing right?
By embracing the botnet and keeping it up to date with the latest Microsoft spying technology.
Itt people not realising that ransomware is usually much more threatening to their Linux system than IT Will ever be to Windows/osx.
Only real ransomware that is possible to get is through mails in a workplace setting. Any other way and you are slow.
Ok, what update do i need to tell this ransomware to fuck off?
By not opening emails the prince of nigeria sends me.
>recently received shitloads of empty emails with just pdf file in it (i dun goofd at put real email when i created site and didn't put whois protection)
>i heard this ransomware is transmitter through pdf files
i dodged the bullet
troll or what?
Full retard here, someone explain to me how can a
PDF can contain executable code.
Not using winshit.
probably some java(script) scripts in it. Also some certificates
What, you want the full spoonfeeding?
>what distro/de?
By updating the system like a sane person
Not using obsolete versions of Windows
I literally knew this before even starting frequenting Sup Forums. I bet you fucks are just memers from reddit who don't even read
nigga i aint clicking shit now that looks even remotely fishy, especially on Sup Forums
Wannacry isn't a virus tards. It's a worm so it doesn't activate from clicking links/opening files, just whether or not an affected machine found your network
to be fair, odds are you are sitting behind a router which should have all ports closed to begin with.
the worm needs a way to access your closed network somehow.
somebody on that network is clicking on something that they shouldn't have been.
By keeping my files backed up and having a fresh install at the ready.
I configure the firewall properly not to accept any incoming connections after system is installed.
Each infected machine searches local networks, then generates ip ranges to go target, this is how hospital and business get hit, they have open networks with each other.
still needs a patient zero to infect the machines from behind the router.
you also need a network of computers all running an OS that hasn't been updated in 2 months or running an OS that hasn't been updated in 3 or 4 years.
By updating my fucking OS like a sane person
By 1) keeping windows and programs entirely up to date and 2) not use pirated software or click on scam ads, the two main causes of infection, and 3) keeping backups so that I don't have to pay if I actually do get infected anyway
Linux box DMZ.
All the windows machines are hidden behind it. And they're updated and have their own firewalls installed.
im on a mac