Wi-Fi Radiation

Hey Sup Forumsuys, I think I'm suffering from Wifi radiation and its disrupting my sleep. Is there some kind of sheet I can buy to cover my bedroom with to block out Wifi radiation signals? Thanks

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just wear a tin foil hat

Asbestos only protects against fire plus it's shown to cause lung cancer

Every time you go outside, you're bombarded with EM energy from the SUN that's billions of times stronger and more damaging to your body than any radio transmitter.

Do what my relative does and turn it off and unplug it + put tinfoil cover over it before bedtime. It's paranoia nonsense but do what you feel is right if only to put your mind at rest.

1) The sun is billions of miles away while my WiFi router and clients are all within steps of my head

2) Our Earth has the ozone and magnetic layers which protect us from radiation, meanwhile my drywall won't do diddly squat against radiation signals emanating from my device

3) During night, the Earth faces AWAY from the Sun while my WiFi router and devices CONTINUALLY transmit Wi-Fi radiation 24/7

If you're gonna troll, get out

Don't enable psychosomatic diseases, it just makes them worse.

>The earth faces AWAY from the sun
I'm fucking dying user, thanks for this

This is the kind of EM energy that actually fries your cells, radio is non-ionizing.

Wifi isn't the cause, literally nobody has been able to prove ionizing radiation under 1 watt causes any kind of problems for the human body at all.

>3) During night, the Earth faces AWAY from the Sun while my WiFi router and devices CONTINUALLY transmit Wi-Fi radiation 24/7
good thread

your of a fine vintage

Fucking red leet star newfag, gives serious responses to a comedic post
gb2 desktop threads / battlestation threads plz

1.) OP sounds like he's serious.

2.) I don't like desktop/battlestation threads and don't post in them.

Oh man Yeah it's totally the wifi. Is there also fluoride in your water by any chance? Have you been seeing chemtrails in the sky more frequently too? Are you also a victim of gangstalking?

Easy solution: kys you're self my man.

I thought that's where u came from
When did you start posting? I only remember seeing your trip the last six months or so
Also they don't do battlestation threads anymore apparently?

Wifi is how the NSA is trying to read your thoughts.

Wifi is non-ionizing radiation

A therapist was forced to give up her job and home to live in a shed after she developed violent shakes, burning rashes and headaches - because she's allergic to WiFi.

Rachel Hinks claims to suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity, where the harmful electromagnetic fields from the WiFi signals released from nearby internet hubs and phone masts.

To escape the signals the 43-year-old, who also suffers from lupus and receives benefits , was forced to move into a shack at the bottom of a pal's garden - far away from any 'harmful' signals.


i dunno like year ago, I think. The threads are still up but I'm too old for that shit man.

Anyway it's all literally in your head OP:
>"Since then severaldouble-blind experimentshave shown that people who report electromagnetic hypersensitivity are unable to detect the presence of electromagnetic fields and are as likely to report ill health following a sham exposure as they are following exposure to genuine electromagnetic fields, suggesting the cause in these cases to be thenocebo effect."


Your symptoms are real but they're not caused by wifi. Either you're suffering from the nocebo effect or something else causing you to not get sleep (maybe too much food close for dinner?).

FUCK, I meant that. Christ, that would be truly horrifying if it was ionizing.

Op was joking you dense fuck lol
Why would an actual tinfoil hat anti-internet retard be posting on Sup Forums, a place designed for tinfoil hat retards who do nothing but sit on the internet?

Look up what a psychosomatic disease is.

They do have real physical symptoms.
It's just that the cause is imagined, it's like the placebo effect.

Because those tinfoil hat-ists are fucking retarded and Sup Forums has become more and more popular over the years. Have you not noticed the massive influx of faggots coming from r3ddit on Sup Forums?

Fuck man just call it the nocebo effect. Stop acting like my asshole science teacher who would make things 10X longer because autism, communism, or whatever

Never heard that term.
Sounds stupid.

Tinfoilers are /x/, not Sup Forums.

damn didnt know RF could knacker your teeth like that. im fucking shutting it all down- i want to still get blowie joeies

It's not placebo, they place that mesh on microwave doors for a reason. Because radiation is BAD FOR YOU

If you're fine with WiFi radiation then go ahead and try running the microwave without the door closed and see what happens to you


That's the point

Why do you think they have swim vests?
Because water is BAD FOR YOU

Kill yourself dumb ethernigger

Nah reddit hates Sup Forums, they're all lefty fucks over there

Except /r/the_donald and other more alt right subreddits.

Despite OP being retarded or trolling, ethernet is superior though.

Fuck off Mr. Whitecotton, I'm not in that shitty HS anymore. Go bully 9th grader's science fair projects.

You need to be WOKE my dude.

But a ton are abandoning ship because of the censorship. Then these stowaways hear about Sup Forums and just come here and ruin it more than it already is.

>he's a wifi-shill

Meh, 802.11AC is pretty okay if you have at least 4 80MHz streams.

I am, what's wrong with that? I mean it's the future and shit.

It's not just bandwidth.
The 2.4GHz band is already so over saturated since so many remote devices have to use it.

Which is why 802.11ac uses 5GHz frequency.

>radio is non-ionizing
Radio distort covalent bounds. Not direct cellular damage by any means, but it's not completely benign either.

Then tell my neighbors to use that.

Get a space blanket

They're just massaging the bonds.
I'm gonna put a wifi router in a wooden box and sell it as a health device.

use metallic paint from Germany it's thick n black, paint ur room in it, lift carpet and do floor too.
then make sure no phones, wifi etc near/in to bedroom
remember to ground the absorbed radiation to a plug
don't tell everyone - it's our secret

>I'm gonna put a wifi router in a wooden box and sell it as a health device.
That would be extremely painful.

You're a big guy.

[spoiler]fucking maven bait[/spoiler]

ac band is a combination of two other bandwidths, -n and uh.. -a? i think?

Even Sup Forums moved on.
Just stop.

They're on a fucking main stream media site, it's not altright when you're on a liberal media website


Get this hothead out of here

It's more alt right outside of the defaults dude.

conservative jackass

No it isn't, it's a commie site
Shilling for rebbit should be bannable

Look, what I'm trying to say is that the cancer killing Sup Forums is from subreddits like /r/the_donald, nothing liberal goes to Sup Forums but cancer from alt right subreddits like t_d go there because ebin memes and greentexts.

Sup Forums has been acting more cucked as of late, if you post an "off-topic" pic, they'll yell at you for tastelessness