What languages are you guys working on tonight?

What languages are you guys working on tonight?

I have that python book should I do examples? WHen do i know if I "learned" a language. I feel like I forget everything easily. I don't dream in code yet feels bad.

Haha that's cool bud. As for me I don't know how :^)

Sent from my iPad.


Working on a windows forms application using VB in visual studio

For Python I highly recommend using "Jupyter Notebook" because it has a great Python IDE. Do every single example because you only get better through practice and the knowledge won't stick without typing it out. You never finish knowing a language. When you finish the 1500 page Python book start learning new frameworks for Python like "Pandas" and "Numpy".

I've had a C++ book sitting on my desk for several weeks, I've already renewed it from the library twice without touching it.
I'm a giant C zealot, should I even attempt learning C++?

Thank you my dude, I spend all my time learnign differential equations and real analysis dogshit, havn't had much time for anything other then excel and R. I am branching out. I also know a little C++ I appreciate ya input.

Reading Odersky's Programming in Scala book

Lua. I really should be working on python but this is more fun because of all the games that use Lua for extra stuff.

>doing work on a friday night

me too, user, me too.

The day of the week is meaningless when you're neet

>you mean you actually program in your free time???
>don't you have any friends??

I was actually asked this once at my job

C++ and Fortran.

Of course I have friends but why would I waste my free time with them? I spend 100% of my time that isn't dedicated to a responsibility on my computer.

How are you friends if you never hang out with them?

this is what happens when normies get hired for tech jobs. these are the people i have to compete with.

C++ is getting pretty old desu. Focus on languages that are compatible with the internet because they are the future. Ruby, Python, and JavaScript are meme languages, but if you know those 3 you'll find a job way easier than with C++ competing for less jobs against people who have been using it for decades.

why is there a jew on the python book?

I don't know. You don't have to hangout to be friends.

I see no Jew. Hey look, is that Physics Girl in the Temple OS thread?

Internet friends don't count fampai

My two friends live less than hour away from me, we went to the same high school, have lived with either of them at different points in time. We IM each other pretty regularly if there is something worth talking about. I'd just rather be at my desktop than hanging out.

anime user this website is very coolio but should i just do ALL the examples?

>I have friends
>why would I waste my free time with them?
if you have to ask this then you probably aren't very good friends

C, just like every other night.

Go, and fucking loving it

Journalctl replacement in Perl

Trying to learn some SQL tonight


It's way better than whatever language you're using.

His courses on Coursera are good too.

beginning ruby and python? m8


Too bad it's a webdev language

C you nigger

Hopefully my implementation of Lox if the author finishes the next chapter today...

Java. Kill me now please.

>mfw using Java eclipse for uni
Java itself isn't that bad desu.
What are your problems?

It's all just memes. Java might have excessive boilerplate but it basically just works.

Not him but.. whilst I can't stand the overly OOP nature of Java, I still aren't aware of an alternative.

The second you want a GUI app that's not a web application, you're dealing with some horrible alternatives.

I'm using Erlang. It's basically your language's dad.

english on Sup Forums

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
Grokking Algorithms
starting these books. going back and forth.

Working on C#