Name ONE (1) legit technical reason why you aren't using systemd in 2017. I get it...

Name ONE (1) legit technical reason why you aren't using systemd in 2017. I get it, it was buggy at the start (4 years back), but it's very mature and near perfect now.

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I'm not using systemd because I'm not stupid enough to use Linux.

systemd is a BND honeypod

Because there are multiple other init systems that are superior and much smaller, such as Runit and OpenRC.

As a future Debian user cumming from Windblows I want to know, what makes systemd better than the rest of inits?

but I am

That and they don't come with bugs disguised as features

S-stop spreading Lies! B-baka!

>because I'm not smart enough to use Linux.


Orders of magnitude faster when it comes to booting. Sexy, concise service scripts that are short and to the point. A simple interface to most low level functions. Not a bunch of oh-when-is-this-going-to-break shell scripts.

it's a nefarious red hat project with the goal of making more people buy support from them :^)
it's also faster than most other init systems and has a really simple service unit file syntax
the only downside is the fact that it has binary logs and severe NIH syndrome

Because if i wanted Windows, i'd just use Windows and not Linux tweaked in a way to emulate Windows.

because it's shit at what it's supposed to do and continues to do even more with barely any release notes

Binary logfiles instead of simple text for no reason. Unifying every system component instead of following UNIX philosophy of doing one thing and doing it well, instead we get do all the things and do them so so.

It makes Linux to run nonsense 90 s shutdown loop.

>Orders of magnitude faster when it comes to booting.

only if you misconfigure your fstab

Neither Torvalds nor Stallman care about the ""UNIX philosophy"". Why are you such a luddite?

Just SysRq+E if that happens.

>UNIX philosophy
this choise of words is really annoying
>let me ftfy
they intentionally Don't KIS

It doesn't matter if neither of those care about it. It makes more sense to have smaller components work together in the long run as it is easier to debug and upgrade.
If your system works for you, that's fine. I was merely stating why I'm avoiding systemd.

>It makes more sense to have smaller components work together in the long run as it is easier to debug and upgrade.
Any monolithic program can be built from small components. That is the whole selling point of object oriented programming. Has nothing to do with UNIX. Opinion discarded.

> Sexy, concise ... short

You must be joking.

prove him wrong

Lies, lies, lies...

>inventor of unix pipes literally defines this philosophy for further unix development
>has somehow nothing to do with unix
You sound like you know exactly what you're talking about.

Your mother is a crack whore.

Prove me wrong.

do something with your life

you need to go back

$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service
> [Unit]
> Description=dhcpcd on all interfaces
> [Service]
> Type=forking
> PIDFile=/run/
> ExecStart=/usr/bin/dhcpcd -q -b
> ExecStop=/usr/bin/dhcpcd -x
> [Install]

$ cat /service/dhcpcd/run
> #!/bin/sh
> exec dhcpcd -B -M 2>&1

sure is 2009 in here

I used to run NetworkManager (which internally uses dhclient or some other shit) but switched to dhcpcd and wpa_supplicant for the configuration:

sudoedit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlp3s0.conf
sudo sv reload wpa_supplicant

As opposed to nmtui/nmcli.

But really, ever since I switched away from systemd (on systemd, enabling dhcpcd seems to extend boot times by 10 seconds or something stupid), dhcpcd hasn't let me down once.

What do you suggest as a replacement?

sure is Ubuntu in here
>What do you suggest as a replacement?
systemd-network + systemd-resolved

Fuck me, systemd-networkd sure can deal with wifi. (It can't can it? Or has systemd eaten wpa_supplicant too?)

Sure, I'll make the switch right now ensuring my internet never fucking works.

Absolutely fuck no.

I have enough problems on my server where systemd continuously fails to start opensmtp on boot because the network "isn't up" despite me following these braindead instructions 12 times now:

(specifically, enabling the effects of systemd-networkd-wait-online.service on one service is apparently impossible)

runs 100 services under one PID. garbage software by nigger poettering, nothing new here

~$ sudo du -hL /proc/$(pidof chromium | cut -d ' ' -f 1)/exe
144M /proc/32375/exe
~$ sudo du -hL /proc/$(pidof init | cut -d ' ' -f 1)/exe
1.1M /proc/1/exe

Because it is Red Hat's way of forcing the entire GNU/Linux ecosystem to rely on them and only them.

killall -9 systemd

>operation not permitted

>alternatives that require sysvinit or dont do the things as supossedly they do

sudo !!

>systemd killed by satan quints


>I dont know how Windows works, but someone compared to systemd. It must be true.

The sole fact that Devuan was created to avoid it should be enough.

Is a single corporation's walled garden, no business would risk to use software that can scam you in the future.

AFAIK, it just ignore kill signals.

Programs can't ignore SIGKILL. Read signal(7).

"The signals SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be caught, blocked, or ignored."

I don't like the sound of it.

PID 1 is special and gets to ignore it.

>using an FSB bodned

>i've never heard about containers
>I've never read any technical paper on how to handle full boot processes
>I've never tried clear linux/solus OS
>i've never read any intel researchers papers nor I ahve access to researchers-only paper system
The post.

>inb4 muh intel shill
Clear linux may be the most advanced linux-based operating system in the world as its sole purpose is to demonstrate state-of-the-art researchs done at Intel linux R&D department.

I'm not using systemd because openrc is the official gentoo init.

When systemd's day comes that it needs a complete overhaul because it will turn to shit just like any software does over time,
better alternatives won't be implementable because this diarrhea is too deeply ingrained and retards are too used to it; at which point Linux will, by any and all definitions, become equivalent to Windows. The one positive over Windows it has, choice and fast evolution/adaptability, will be gone.

And before you open you open your mouth, yes Linux as a kernel itself also has the symptoms.
However one evil doesn't justify another, and Linux being diseased doesn't justify systemd becoming an additional plague.

Binary logs.

Also systemd still has some disgusting, critical bugs that occur every now and then. A few months ago, it was possible to crash systemd with
NOTIFY_SOCKET=/run/systemd/notify systemd-notify ""