Richard Stallman's health

Has anyone ever asked him about his weight? It's becoming a detriment to his health.

We need this guy alive Sup Forums.

What can we do?

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nothing, he's gourmand.

He has no semen demon to drain him of his vital fluids, thus ensuring he will live to at least 100.

>>After graduating from Harvard in 1974, Stallman began a graduate degree in physics at MIT. But a year later, he injured his knee and could no longer participate in regular folk dancing, his great joy, as well as his one way of meeting women. (He has never married but currently has a girlfriend.)


that round belly means he's constipted

>old as hell
>still unmarried and dating
When will this fat NEET grow up and stop begging for free McDonald's Wifi?

And yet, he's already achieved more than all generations of your family tree combined.

>We need this guy alive
No we don't

How do those GNU balls taste today, friendo?

like freedom

>We need this guy alive Sup Forums.

What the hell for? So he can keep talking about how great pedophilia and necrophilia is and how white males should be sent to the gulags?
You do realize Stallman hasn't coded anything since the 80's right? He's has as much relevance in the programing world as my 93 year old Alzheimer grandma.

>He has never married but currently has a girlfriend

Hopefully the feds will release that poor child out of captivity before it's to late.

doesn't sound like stallman


stop putting the fat paedophile on the pedestal, he's long irrelevant.

>We need this guy alive Sup Forums.
but he's already dead

Being the inventor of the most bloated text editor and compiler is not an accomplishment. Neither is lying about free software being the solution to all tech problems.

>Stallman the traveller

like every fucking leftie and commie hes a fucking hypocrite.
>do as i say not as i do

also fat people should be shot on sight, disgusting pigs

Ye nah. You Think he would go for a proprietary girlfriend? His gf is free to use

I want to bury my face under that gut and suck off his micropenis buried so deep in his fatpad that it looks like a small hole.

Would share his

b-but muh freedoms

Would you ask this question if Richard was thin? Contemplate that for a second, the views you're expressing are fatist.
Yes you are a fatist bigot, why should a non-thin person have to justify their size to a privileged thin person?
I'm sick and tired of people assuming that overweight = unhealthy.
Richard if you read this be who you want to be don't let these losers get you down stay strong and know that you are bigger than this.


This is bait if I've ever read it. Sage

When's the baby due?

>I'm sick and tired of people assuming that overweight = unhealthy.
But it's as true as Windows = unsafe.

Stallman is all we got until Jesus comes back.

>Fatness is associated with a number of comorbidities, including several forms of heart disease
>obesity as such not only relates to but independently predicts coronary atherosclerosis
>Left ventricular hypertrophy is common in patients with obesity

He need a GNU p90 HIIT crossfit training lel