Install Linux Ubuntu

>install Linux Ubuntu
>accidentally delete all windows 10
>think I will manage with linux anyway
>start using linux
>nvidia drivers won't install
>nivida driver causing screen flickers
>linux almost burns out my second videocard
>reboot and delete drivers using terminal
>try and get wifi to work
>wifi doesn't work, spend over 10 hours trying to get it work following over 50 forum threads, still doesn't work
>firefox keeps crashing when opening 3 tabs
>pc keeps freezing when using it and saying linux has crashed
>so frustrated I just dropped 120 bucks on windows 10

Is there any OS worse than linux?

windows 10

>just dropped 120 bucks on windows 10
Neck yourself

Don't delte windows until you're sure you like linux. It's that simple.

works on my machine

>>install Linux Ubuntu
>>accidentally delete all windows 10
Why don't you just say you are an idiot right away?

how ya doing stallman fanboi, do you like being in this fat sweaty neckbards commie cult ? I bet you also refuse to install propietary software at school and every body including the teacher was cringing, I bet u felt like a real hero that day, now go suck uncle richards dick

>install debian with tutorials
>linux recognize my drivers and componants
>linux automatically connect wi-fi
> linux worksDon't delte windows until you're sure you like linux. It's that simple. perfectly

You just retarted

>Is there any OS worse than linux?

The difference is, with linux, you can get your money back, with windows the fat guy is still masturbating in his pile of feces.

Linux is not at fault if you're mentally handicapped, OP.

Linux has a 80% chance of deleting other operating systems on the disk :^)

>be OP
>accidentally delete all windows 10
>when the installer gives the option to do a live boot, install to a separate partition or device
>when the installer displays a warning if an install location that already has an OS on it is selected
>end up losing all files
>can't get all of my hardware working due to firmware issues
>want windows 10 back on my computer
>buy a new copy for $120
>realize right afterwards I could have used the Windows 10 serial I have to reinstall windows for free via my Windows 10 install cd/HDD recovery partition/online download

Gee, OP, it sounds like you're having a really bad day.

>fat sweaty neckbards commie cult

Fuck off cia nigger

I'm pretty jelly senpai. The only debian-based distro that works on my old Dell Inspiron with a fresh install is Bunsen Labs.

Fucking broadcom. While we're on the subject, I'm building a budget rig soon and want to put Debian on it. What hardware manufacturers are a good bet for Linux support out-of-the-box?

Arent Windows keys stored at your motherboard? Did OP waste 120 bucks?

I really hope this is bait

How do you manage to fuck up that much on the most user friendly babbys first distro

I never had an issue with ASUS motherboards. But you always need to look up the onboard stuff, so if it has wifi, you should avoid broadcom. Other than that it is only about graphics cards and what you hook up to the machine.

I bet used the nvidia drivers from the website instead of the hardware driver finder app, because winpleb habbits.

>nvidia drivers won't install
So you did something wrong. Perhaps you should leave computing to adults from now on.

>linux almost burns out my second videocard
this never happened

>firefox keeps crashing when opening 3 tabs
also never happened

>pc keeps freezing when using it and saying linux has crashed

Nice try though pajeet.

I can understand if someone is too stupid to install a driver, but what is the point of bragging about it?

>Linux has crashed
Hm... Isn't this message windows thing?
Did OP just made up a story?