XPfags win again!

>Given the potential impact to customers and their businesses, we made the decision to make the Security Update for platforms in custom support only, Windows XP, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2003, broadly available for download (see links below).


Other urls found in this thread:


>Not using the PosReady registry hack

mfw microsoft is behind this attack so that companies stop using xp and uprade to botnet 10

Can you play Fallout 4 on XP?

New Vegas, yes

You can't play any game that uses DirectX 10/11, so no.

What if I'm using 7
Am I fucked Sup Forums

Ian there a way I can deliberately infect my mother's PC? She's using XP and every Christmas I have to disinfect that piece of shit. She never had ransomware so far, but I'm sure she'd let me buy her a new pc if everything is encrypted.

block the killswitch domain and wait

Just get the March 2017 update. It's valid for all Windows users, regardless of version (Vista, 7, 8, 10..)

Your Mother's day gift for her is ransomware? What a wonderful son you are!

Bitches love ransomware.

>come home on Christmas
>hey user, my pc is really slow the past few months
>100% CPU
>literal botnet
Can't you get sued if you're this reckless and you're PC is exploited for illegal stuff? So far, she didn't have trouble, but I don't want to explain that other people can share cp via her PC. This thing must die.

This it?

I don't know.
You can check here:

>I don't want to explain that other people can share cp via her PC
why not? It's definitely a difficult subject, but if these are the risks she faces, shouldn't you inform her of them? she may not understand the severity of the situation, possibly that its just stupid shit slowing her pc down.

>XPfags win again!
you mean getting botneted by microshaft?

Oh no, I meant I don't want to explain this to the FBI. Plus, I really don't know if she'd be facing charges in this case.

i work around machine shops and a large number of industrial software is decades old, usually for machines that are even older

it wont work on a modern OS

these businesses will never upgrade and simply unplug their network cables because the cost of modern systems is enormous when the old one does the job they require.

You are a dumb piece of shit kid
>8gb of cheapest ram going
>cheapest 80+ psu
$200. If you cant afford that for your own mother why even bother seeing her?

>What is reading comprehension?


>>XPfags win again!
>after getting BTFO by malware for days
The vulnerability has been fixed on other windows versions for months, Microsoft pitied XPoorfags enough to help them this one time.

In the leap from XP to Vista and W7 microsoft changed the folder routes for apps, user data, etc; thus effectively making many old apps not compatible with the new paths, even if the binaries itself are compatible.
For many small business and public organisms adapting old apps to newer OSes means a lot of money. Its hard to justify the modifications if the old thing still works.

One of the problems is with serial ports. Older machinery often requires precise timing for the data arriving on a serial connection. Often this goes all the way back to how MSDOS timed data to the serial port. Even slight changes in the timing renders the output useless. Some machines can be more forgiving and will work with various versions of Windows. Things get trickier when the computer doesn't have a true serial port but instead uses a USB to Serial adapter. The timing on these adapters are usually wildly inconsistent. The control codes are often poorly implemented or even missing completely. The net result is a very expensive CNC or biotech device no longer understands what it being sent to it.

>charges for baving a hacked computer
this isnt how this works

Good posts


They didn't listen, so they suffered. Fuck them. Fuck them hard. Let them suffer. They deserve it. They could have prevented it, but didn't.

Or you know, keep supporting them so they can keep using a secure system instead of upgrading to microsoft's newest shitware

>tfw having to reboot my win2k3 server after ~200 days of uptime

If this has proven anything, it's that XP is anything but "a secure system to keep using".

Hope those retarded bean counters are starting to realize that the money they "saved" by not investing into their infrastructure was a huge mistake.

will xp ever die

meanwhile if you don't reboot win10 daily, it becomes more unusable by the hour until it just BSODs on the 14th day.

WEWLADS thanks microgods. was randomly browsing a dutch techsite on my phone and by pure chance found the patch. literally had my network cable unplugged since yday and thought i had to live without the internets until i could buy a new pc.

>let microshit touch your computer

you damn well know that they spread the virus via their updates.
otherwise its impossible to infect so many computers

>lying on the internet

0.000000001 rupee-penny was inserted into your anal orifice account. Kindly fuck the needful of reddit!

Most of the folders are symlinked

this is a fucking joke right?

how about make your app configurable you fucking brainlet dipshits.

jesus fucking christ.

>calls anyone a brainlet
my sides!

There is no excuse to still be using XP

it should be.


>hardcoded fs paths
>calls me the brainlet

just stop

nigger i can barely afford rent and food the fuck you expect me to pay for wandows

>proud xp and photoshop cs4 user

then maybe don't use wangblowsOS you poor faggot

There are several reasons to run XP still, but I wouldn't run it on my main computer

Nobody pays for windows even if they can afford it.

you must be 18 or older to browse this site, sweetie.

>what are parallel ports
I've yet to find ONE program to interface my dedicated obscure smart card parallel programmer on linux
Also on linux ipw2200 never worked. EVER.

>doesn't know how to avoid hardcoded paths
You're the only underaged one here.

>secure system

you have to go back

>altered colors on sides
>burn in
is this a CRT?

I need to be able to play my eroge you fucking nigger

>parallel ports

what is this? 1995?

PEBCAK as fuck holy shit mother of all PEBCAK.

no, you don't.

Needs a good degauss


Seriously. Just gtfo.

>There are several reasons
>doesn't list reasons

even better:
>thinkpad t400
>c2d p8400
>9-cell battery
>8g ram (ddr3)
>240g ssd

Joke's on you, i've got no chair

>dude legacy lmao
Two of my computers communicate through parallel and share a network connection, i still need it.

>Two of my computers communicate through parallel and share a network connection, i still need it.

then you're a fucking retard.

pure and simple.

It literally just werks on gentoo.

found a spam mail bot on my sisters PC a few years back, that machine was also still running XP
our provider even send us mail saying they blocked some ports and we should check our machines for malware

had to put the poor thing out of its misery

no botnets, only dreams now

>picture very much related, that's what I found when I opened it

XPfags, please look at this:

A one-time purchase of $200 and you'll be rid of nightmares like this. Why are you so against paying for software?

I never got around to try gentoo on a LPT-equipped computer, mostly because of POO-tier internet speed.

It was also affected
>just $200 to get infected no less than using xp good goy
>don't think about ME which wasn't affected bad goy

It was only affected if you skipped the March patch Tuesday. That was two months ago. No excuse for that.


except for the fact windows updates is constantly broken in 50 different ways you mean
>autoupdates are forced
>there's literally no way to get rid of autoupdates
>shittons of people still don't get the update
>clearly it's the user's fault

it's probably from magnets being held close to it
considering the position of them, it's probably from magnetic rings or wristbands people have worn while using it

>autoupdates are forced
Because nobody actually did the fucking updates, leading to security disasters each and every time. This is a sane decision in the name of security.
>there's literally no way to get rid of autoupdates
See above.
>shittons of people still don't get the update

That's a mistake honestly, XP is so fucking vulnerable no business should be using it, let them suffer and let it die for the good of society.

0.01 rupees were removed from your account pajeet. Try a bit harder next time.

at work we have some system that still run on 2k or even older, could be that they never saw a single update
some scanners that run that shitshow for over 20 years now

forgot to mention
multi BILLION dollar company

people would update if microsoft would stop packaging tons of garbage with the security updates

the only reason companies turn updates of is because those pieces of garbage have the tendency to break shit
and that is rarely because of them fixing critical errors

Good god. Is that OC?

but I already posted it a couple times in tech gore threads

Quite impressive, user.

we still have a laptop at work running win98 or something

With 200 hundred you can build a comfy FM2+ based mITX PC, or an even comfier AM1 one
You could even get one of those cheap ass Pentium's instead of using a 10 years old platform
The Thinkpad meme it's a much better idea
>not CS2
>paying for Windows specially when you're a poorfag
I have everything in my Win8.1 machine on make MS happy mode and WU hasn't been able to update since February, looks like I will have to do a clean reinstall
The same happened with a Win10 laptop whose sole purpose it's Office and Chrome, it literally has nothing else and WU still broke, had to do a refresh
I probably will need to manually install a KB after a clean reinstall for WU to work, afaik you HAVE to do that on Win7 to Win8.1, probably on Win10 too
Or use WSUS Offline and download some 50 GB of updates

>help friend with PC
>decent specs for laptop
>windows 10
>Boot up
>50% CPU usage on 7th gen i3
>startup programs disabled
>People still defend windows 10

The only reason they get hacked is because this update was not released for xp. Then after the attack, it receives the same update as the newer windows. It's obsolete because Microsoft wants it to be obsolete, at least when it comes to security.

>very expensive

You forgot to add very old/obsolete. I can't wait for the era of 3D printing and laser/waterjet cutting to make those things go away.

I still have to techsupport an ancient laptop running w98 because it's the only thing that has a working 1.44mb floppy disk drive on it, and for some reason these people are incapable of trusting their critically important data to any other medium. They keep the damn things in a fireproof box in a safe hidden under the concrete floor of the basement. No idea what's actually on them.

>they're obsolete!
>I can't wait for when they're obsolete!

There's a difference between something being obsolete and that thing being dumped and replaced with something better.

Haven't suggested a USB floppy disk drive?

Nobody is allowed to bring anything more complicated than a screwdriver into the facility. I'm sure they have backup drives or something, but this particular laptop is so important that it can't be connected to anything.

This, are people retarded?

It's so easy.

You just know Apple would never do this.
>You want a new security fix? That's only available with our new $7k sandybridge i3 mac book pro

But they did, support for Nehalem era Xeon's ended with 10.7.5, you don't get security updates nor newer OS X/macOS versions
Nehalem chips get security updates on anything past Win7, and work perfectly fine on Win10

NT6 (Vista and newer) kernel is good for a desktop os, but as said it's utter crap for older/non-standard hardware.

besides XP willl run even on cpu with 0.5W tdp

>I can't wait for the era of 3D printing and laser/waterjet cutting to make those things go away.
gee whiz, why this batch of 20,000 screws takes 3 days to complete and has only 1/32 inch accuracy. i'm so glad that i have bought into a meme

you vendor is lying to you. The problem is old code base and shitty, shitty industrial programmers. There is nothing wrong with the tech, but the fact their hardware level bullshit doesn't meet standards.

Same end effect, but don't believe their bullshit.

Virtualize a modern OS on a laptop.
Convert floppies to virtual drives

I know I was running oregon trail doing that a few years back.

If that was the case, they would clearly not be doling out or wasting their time making security patches for a two decade old operating system. Microsoft is trying to play it safe and cater to all customers to avoid future fallout of targeted attacks on their systems.