Post your speed
Post your speed
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I'm from Venezuela
cuck my life into pieces
kek fucking third world
I wish I was joking
scoot over
Kek where are you from?
Spain lmao, I live in the countryside so it's kind of hard to get a good+stable connection
whats first world when you have no money?
Can I somehow report shit servers that apparently have 100mbit limit?
I pay 4 bucks for this, 5 with television.
jew isp doesn't want to give faster speeds than 100/100
i guess i should be happy though considering they built fiber here where i live (rural area) and all there was before was 8/1 ADSL and it works as advertised
>did you just post your coordinates?
100/100 is fine for 1-3 people. 4+ however I'd start feeling constrained.
I had 150mbps until January when my ISP finally started offering residential gigabit service.
the fuck where are you?
pay around 4$ for this
I pay 24.5× that a month($98) for my internet. (Mine )
And have ~24 times faster download and upload speed. Where are you from with this high speed connection?
Washington DC
Fucking americans and their snail based telecoms infrastructure.
I pay 22 EUR/month for this. But it's supposed to be 500 down and 500 up.
Am I getting ripped off?
This is the Nation's capital Under $100 a month for gigabit + Tv +phone.
Besides as I'm sure you're well aware the vast majority of the UK gets fucked on internet.
not bad considering i am a literal pajeetstani
Ripped off? Hardly. But your ISP is over selling their bandwidth and that's why aren't seeing full speeds. But you're still faster than 90% of your countrymen.
this speed is fundamental human rights
>dat ping
If that's a 10gbps connection I feel bad for you.
On a related note I can get 2gbps residential fiber for only $150 a month in the US.
Look carefully at > linode
I'm just fucking with you.
That's my server.
My actual speed is shite today. (image relevant)
And the speedtest server is hosted by my ISP.
Apparently the trick to getting a decent price on internet in the UK is to leave, get into the month notice period, then wait for a call from the disconnections department. They can give some decent deals (if they can't give you the same for less, they can usually give you more for the same price).
I'll be trying that soon for sure.
But to be honest, UK internet isn't like american shit, they really get screwed over for internet.
Get on my level.
>But to be honest, UK internet isn't like american shit, they really get screwed over for internet.
The only ones getting screwed are the ones living where there is little to no population density.
East coast or west coast cities and suburbs have great internet.
I guess the question is then: at what cost?
Regional. But general the closer to a population center the cheaper it'll be.
Like I said earlier, I've got 1gbps + tv + house phone, for $98/ month.
20 bucks a month. No limits and they don't give a shit about torrenting/piracy.
> mfw pk has better internet than you
Why do they dick you on upload?
Legal reasons because its a telephone COOP.
Are co-op's legally limited to not provide decent upload speeds?
The only thing I can think is it's to discourage someone from trying to host a server or something in their house. But simply notifying problem customers would be a better option than limiting EVERYONE to 1/10th of 1gbps.
The real answer is they use GPONS which have a MAXIMUM of 1.244 Gbits/s upstream. Due to this, they could never meet a gig upload for legal purposes. Even though each line is dedicated to the PON itsel, it would have to be provisioned at a rate incapable for this pon type.
However, even 300 or 500 would be more feasible.
I'm on GPON with Verizon FiOS
Unless Verizon deployed XG-PON2 (synchronous 10gbps NG-PON2) early without telling anyone. Which they didn't do. They're offering synchronous 1gbps (advertised as 940/880 mbps)
>Canadian internet
>offering synchronous 1gbps (advertised as 940/880 mbps)
I should add, while they advertise as 940/880mbps, they provision 1024/1024mbps at the GPON node.
What do you use?
That's slower than my phone and that ping is awful
Now post results from a machine with a wired connection.
Asymmetric gigabit connections should be illegal
>third world shithole
>wired connection
>tfw limited to under 600mbps WiFi due to only having 1x1 or 2x2 antenna devices.
Oh well Ethernet exists for a reason
Don't you have a router at your place or is this 3G/4G?
I'm not him, I'm just implying that people in most 3rd world shitholes like India and Pakistan mainly use 3G/4G and some $50 chink phone for their online needs which is why Whatsapp is so popular
An actual wired connection is a luxury for most people where basic shit like electricity can go out whenever. Wireless is just easier and more reliable
I agree
Boy I sure am glad I'm a white American.
I'm born, I'll live, and I'll die all without experiencing that level of poverty.
$30 tmobile
Hello fiberbros
I just realized speed are affected by router and phone.
Testing error or did you actually shell out for 10gbps NICs and switches etc?
This is the current state of Sup Forums
nah it's the built in test on the modem with the fibre connection
That extra 250mbps is probably for the 4k TV
Should I anhero?
Yup, my ISP provided router has a 3x3 802.11AC setup that provides 1.3gbps peak.
But there are better routers or access points with up to around 7gbps being the max available right now.
However most consumer devices only use 1x1, 2x2, and newer laptops and phones might have 3x3 and very rarely 4x4 antennas.
Only 3x3 and 4x4 will see speeds approaching 1gbps or more.
Though even if your devices aren't 3x3 or 4x4 a higher end router will still provide better coverage to lower end or older 1x1 and 2x2 devices.
But my speed doesn't exceed 100 mbps
Why is Finnish internet so slow?
How long have you had yours? It's only been a few weeks for me but I can't see myself going back to anything slower unless I'm forced to at gunpoint.
Then don't worry about it unless you're doing local wireless file transfers
Um I'm doing that.
Small files though, less than 50MB
Yea not a huge deal for 50mb. I've got a fairly sizeable collection of 10-30GB MKVs that I like being able to steam wirelessly on my local network. But I'm obviously an extreme case.
Right, because the limitations of GPONS upstream, they cannot offer symettrical. As I said, they can offer something better than 100 Mbps though.
You will never get over 900 Mbp/s on a GPon. Really, you'll more than likely see something around 800. However, still better than 100.
I hope you understand it's a limitation of the Fiber PON type. Nothing to do with the teleco being asses.
Some isps are now offering 2 Gbp/s. Need 10 Gbe hardware of course.
Is ping related to download speed?
Can you have low ping in range of 80-100ms with download speed of 200 kbps?
>You will never get over 900 Mbp/s on a GPon. Really, you'll more than likely see something around 800. However, still better than 100.
I linked you to a result of 920+ but hey, whatever you say senpai. Ive seen it peak at 1022mbps upload.
>I hope you understand it's a limitation of the Fiber PON type. Nothing to do with the teleco being asses.
So then they shouldn't advertise fully symmetric gigabit internet
I noticed that when I tried to play a 1GB file wirelessly.
Not anymore, with wanna decrypt around.
Ping is the response time
You can have a gigabit connection, but if your ping is like 100+ you're gonna have a shit time playing CS:GO
35€ per month
no datacap
no dns censorship
free cable tv
will upgrade to 1Gb/s symmetrical for 45€ soon
Not directly, but slower types of internet (dialup, DSL, ADSL, etc) are usually further removed from the internet fiber backbone that connects everything together. So even though a DSL connection COULD provide low ping in the optimum circumstances, in real world scenarios they tend to have garbage ping results.
So it's not related to download speed?
Then what can I do to improve the ping?
I thankfully have 1gbps AND 5ms ping in CSGO official servers.
Best of both worlds
Assuming you don't have some retarded setup at home with a double NAT or even a triple NAT situation, nothing besides changing to a provider with tech
I'm asking because I have great ping but shit download speed.
>Some isps are now offering 2 Gbp/s. Need 10 Gbe hardware of course.
Yea Comcast keeps trying to sell me on the 2gbps for $149.99 plan, but I told them only if they pay for install fees ($500) and activation fees (another $500).
I then explained to them I'd still have to pay out anther $1000 upgrading my network to 10gbps equipment.
So far they've refused. So fuck em. I'll keep my 1gbps for now.
Since most people here are savvy to internet and network.
Hours do I know if my ISP is following Ney Neutrality?
I mean it makes sense if you have a lot of people using the internet at the same time, suppose if you and and a bunch of people are in video creation and are uploading and downloading hundreds of gigabytes of data every day, but for the home user 1 gigabit is more than enough
Please speak American.
I've had it since february. My lease was up so I moved to a place that I knew had it.
I will literally NEVER move from Atlanta unless this service is available elsewhere for the same price ($70).
Comcast keeps sending me offers for that shit too. I think they're just trying to fool most normies because 2 > 1, 149 = ~ 2x70.
Then you're lucky, most people with shit download and upload also have terrible ping, but as you know it's not required to have good speeds for good ping.
Ping is simply a function of distance between you and the server
hello fellow fiberbros
>Comcast keeps sending me offers for that shit too. I think they're just trying to fool most normies because 2 > 1, 149 = ~ 2x70.
Yup around here it's $70 for gigabit for new customers with Verizon, or $94.99 with TV and phone and gigabit.
Comcast charges $299 a month for 2gbps if you live where 1gbps isn't available, but if you've got 1gbps available they'll offer 2gbps for $149.99 instead
But no one needs those speeds on a residential non-business line.
Better than it has been. Trial area and cock sucking for some recent political shit going down.
Ayy, fellow Verizon fiber bro.
What price?
What you described is closer to working at home than anything else, you should negociate with your isp for a dedicated fiber line with pro support. You will also be able to put the bill on your society expenses.
nice sounds like HD essential + digital voice + gigabit and maybe a STB rental.