Is there tinder-like app for non-degenerates?

Is there tinder-like app for non-degenerates?


There are not enough non-degenerate women for it to work.

Farmer's Only

GNU Hookup

It's called /soc/.

Romance/hookup apps are for degenerates. Not that you would know.

ye, its called going out in public and looking for women that way.

Yea OP, get yourself a camwhore or a trap and live in Sup Forums world forever.

Someone should make this.


This guy can teach you about catcalling OP.

Visual Novels..

This, or match with explicit religious filters

Nothing free is good. Only people not looking for a real healthy relationship won't pay up for higher quality people


>tfw can't even say hi without women thinking they're being raped


Nobody wants to hook up with those sad fuckers, not even the sad fuckers that hang around in /soc/

With an attitude like that, do you really need to wonder why you're not a hit with the ladies

What do you mean by "non-degenerate"? I've never used Tinder myself, but from what I've seen and heard, there's all kinds of people there.

Women are retarded though, I've had at least 4 women here in leafland that got unironically mad at me for holding the door for them.

Going outside

That's what happens when a whole country goes full retard