How do i remove the black people from Windows defender?

How do i remove the black people from Windows defender?

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use a nazi-approved operating system, like macOS.

her kid is mullato. topkek! more racemixing propaganda.

>Windows defender
that shit makes you LESS secure:

if you want AV, install kaspersky. everything else a shit.

you should learn linux or just hackintosh. windows is for shitheads and low-IQ retards.

Install gentoo

>använder windows

rannsaka dig själv din jävla hanrejade homofil

But apple is a niggafied jiggaboo company too now

Cut out your eyes.

sorry, it's government-mandated.

run kkk.exe

>installing russian software
kaspersky were appointed by putin to MAKE 90% of the viruses in the world. antivirus software is one of russia's only legitimate exports.

What I like is how the kid clearly has a white mother


might be a wmbf kid

Can't even tell if this is satire anymore.
Fucking american "politics".
It is not even about any issues anymore, it is just my team vs your team.

b-but muh games that i never play

no, it's russia vs. your wallet.

Hahahah, seriously? What a cuckery!


Nice shop


that's some nice wife's sön you got there sven

>implying names are unique on Sup Forums

I don't know. Isn't that what Windows Defender is for?

Nice try Pajeet

that's a negress with a light skin kid which means she got BLEACHED, so all is well.

>using pure black as a bg
literally why

it's for muh eyes

You can't you must assimilate and become one

switch to light theme


>if you have an opinion, you should be killed
go home bill nye