I really really like this case, thinking of moving my system to it

I really really like this case, thinking of moving my system to it.

Does anyone know if it uses propietary motherboard form factor or propietary psu?

Other urls found in this thread:

m.newegg.com/products/N82E16813128894?nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-Mobile&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-Mobile-_-pla-_-Motherboards - AMD-_-N82E16813128894&gclid=CjwKEAjw3drIBRCOwfC-_qqyjQ8SJADvoWQpbaasZ-h5OUHCeEq_NFdUNoZlzyTfGlhR9WJRMlYqTRoCzs7w_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
lmgtfy.com/?q=dell proprietary
lmgtfy.com/?q=dell nonstandard

Shit, right? It's shit.

back to kiddos

They're just standard matx with an atx psu

What's with the stupid handle?

If it's a regular sized tower (which it looks like it is), either of them being proprietary should be extremely unlikely. Proprietary motherboards are practically unheard of, and proprietary PSUs are uncommon and unpopular these days (for obvious reasons).

Generally speaking, putting your own guts into a prebuilt's case should not be a problem; it's the other way around that can cause headaches.

dell optiplex cases and similar seem better than cheapo chink gayman races. Plus I also like the business aesthetics.
Might also want to get a lenovo thinkcentre.


I remember some prebuilts having propietary design mobos and psus some years ago (like 10, maybe 15, don't remember) so that's why I want to know.

Also eyeing this beauty but I think it might be too big

I have one user, they have proprietary front headers. Avoid.

or maybe this, sexy as fug.

really?, fuck!

You can just splice them with standard ones.
At most you might not have front panel USB
But things like the power button and leds are easy

No joke.

>You can just splice them with standard ones
It's not that easy.

>At most you might not have front panel USB
That's pretty important.

I did that once, I don't recommend it, airflow was a huge problem.
It is exactly that easy, hell with enough time you could do it for just about all th3 connectors. Just need to get some cheap connectors for motherboard pins and you're all good.

I used to work on those in high school. It's a pull lever for the side panel. Replaces screws but is usually a pain.

I probably uses proprietary psu.
I got a motherboard/cpu of an optiplex 9010 and it was micro atx form factor. The 4pin and 24 pin were standard. The fan headers and front i/o were not. I was able to cut away the plastic on my front i/o pins and find which 2 were the power on.

that's fine as long as the dimensions are standard.

I have one rn. It's miniatx if I'm not mistaking. Drill out the HDD caddy, and you can fit a full size GPU in it. I'll post pics if you want.

Also standard PSU too. I have an evga 600w in there

post pics pls

are you sure it's not micro atx?

more of your pic pls?

Here. It's matx. Everything fits perfect once you drill the caddy out. You can mount two hdds in the lip under the DVD drive, and another in the empty extension bay.

Here's the HDD Mount. Had to bend it a little to make it fit. Slides right in tho. The fan is shoe goo'd down b/c thats where the caddy used to be.

Do you know which chipset is the motherboard?

Also does it only fit one front fan?

I was planning to fit a z77 matx motheboard inside it.

Sandy bridge. It's the stock mobo. It is mATX for sure. And I assume you could put another case fan if you modified the case some more. Get a modular power supply tho.

DELL is king of non-standard shit inside ordinary looking PC cases.

Something like this would fit. m.newegg.com/products/N82E16813128894?nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-Mobile&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-Mobile-_-pla-_-Motherboards - AMD-_-N82E16813128894&gclid=CjwKEAjw3drIBRCOwfC-_qqyjQ8SJADvoWQpbaasZ-h5OUHCeEq_NFdUNoZlzyTfGlhR9WJRMlYqTRoCzs7w_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds was actually looking myself for a new Mobo. I5 2500 is gud, but I need more for my Vidya.

that's for amd.

I am retarded. That was the first Google result. amazon.com/Asus-MAXIMUS-GENE-Intel-Motherboard/dp/B007RIFJPY there

Or this m.ebay.com/itm/ASUS-P8H61-M-LE-CSM-LGA-1155-Socket-H2-i3-i5-i7-INTEL-Motherboard-Rev-3/401284114680

How do you know what cable goes where though?

How did you manage to add that fan? I really fucking want to add one.

I also have 2 HDDs, and an SSD so I don't know where I would put them.
Maybe put the HDDs where the DVD drives are at, and the SSD right under with some velcro?

Yes, it's a standard mATX case.

However, note that there is only about 10" (25CM) between the back slots and the drive cage. I'm running a GTX1060 short, so it's not a problem for me.

I put 1 HDD where you can add another disc drive, another in this weird mount thing underneath the disk drive. I assume you could put a third where the disk drive is, but I don't have the panel that covers the bay. Also the fan is just shoe goo'd in. Works pretty good and if I ever need to remove it just gotta use a little force.

Where could one get those panels? If I can't can't find them anywhere I guess I could just use one of these.

Hot glue? I could probably use some cable ties or some shit.
My temps are not bad at all but it could be better.
Also I never knew that the motherboard had more then one fan header.

are you talking about the use of the BTX standard that you never knew was a standard because the only technology you know is gamer baby trash?

lmgtfy.com/?q=dell proprietary


lmgtfy.com/?q=dell nonstandard


Also, referring to designs from the late 90's to 2001 is a pretty weak argument.

Let me find you one

I would fucking appreciate it, I've looked and haven't found anything.



Awesome mate, thanks so much. I have a 7010 so I don't know if it'll work, although it looks pretty much the same as those machines so it may work.
Also if I put those covers I will be able to a HDD there?

You follow them back to their physical connection
A power button only has two danm wires
Usb is a bit more difficult but since usb connections are a standard you can find what individual wires go where with an online guide

>wanting your home PC to look like a depressing office work tower

Yee. Just tighten the screws up real good and it should work without the disk drive in it.

Awesome. I really hope that those covers work, I'll be a bit sad if they don't.
What made you take apart the whole case like that?

It has this real nice slide lock system for the bay drive mounts.

Nothing. Just taking pics. It all snaps together really quickly.

When the case is super convenient I don't mind. That and it has a really cool aesthetic. It's capable of heavy duty gaming, but fits in a nice office setting so people aren't like "oh you game"

You could also get some risers and mount those on the metal frame of the front panel, then mount the fan to that. Better than shoe goo

I've worked on PCs with this case before at work. Why you'd want such an ugly, non-functional case is beyond me.

Pretty nice there user, just got done adding a gtx 750ti from ebay to my optiplex 790. Kinda annoying about those sata connectors.

Those dell cases are not too terrible. The optiplex are really cheap on ebay if you wanted a budget build with an i7/i5. I still use Dell prebuilts in my house from 08/09. One with a q8200 and one with an x2 240.

why not a rx 460?

Yea the sata connectors are pretty bad. They sit right under the graphivs card. I had to get right angle and left angle just to fit in three things. The others are just completely unaccessible. Need a new mobo :/

Op here, looks like the hardest part it's going to be modding the fron't I/O, power button and cooling, not the motherboard and PSU as I initially had thought.

Going to get one and work on it during summer.

OP here I really like the aesthetics :/

Perfect to match my intellimouse, thinkpad, ibm model m and thinksomething monitor...

Issues I'm having lol. hit me up on steam and we can exchange ideas cuz I plan on getting new hardware soon. zstorm4

>Also I never knew that the motherboard had more then one fan header.
It doesn't. I used a fan with a molex connector

I see.

Sounds like a great idea, I'll look into it. Thanks.

Eh that could be annoying since it would always run at 100%, it would be loud.

>hit me up on steam
sorry m8 can't :/ but thx for the input anyway

My thinkcentre M92p has really annoying audio static, even with a dedicated PCIe sound card. I think it's because the the 14 to 24 pin adapter but I don't know. It's super frustrating.