Should I learn Finnish?

Should I learn Finnish?

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Better to do Swedish, everyone in Finland knows Swedish and it's much easier

>Better to do Swedish
You mean arabic right?

We have to study it, but we're shit at it and refuse to speak it generally. Try to speak swedish to us and we'll reply in english.


Doesn't everyone in that picture (minus Russia) speak fluent English?

pointless to learn the language of Finn. nothing left not even Nokia. maybe memes on yililauta not much else.

sad sad suomalaiset luonnonvaraisten eläinten köyhän miehen metsästä edes ruotsalaiset eivät pidä niitä)))))))))))


t. Swede

Abosolutely nobodyhere knows or cares swedish less.
You should definitely learn Finnish, its simply most pefrect language for communicating, maybe bit hard but when you get it you understand why.
Its the langue of elves

will i be able to communicate with grand master linus?

>Should I learn this beautiful Urali language?
No, you shouldn't. It's an idiotic idea, no offense. It's one of the hardest, not the hardest language using the Latin alphabet. It would probably take you like 3 - 4 years to master this language, aka speak fluently and I'm being optimistic here. Rather learn Norwegian, it's a Germanic language and a literal copy paste of English. It will take you only a few months.

If we think about it, there isn't any reason why you shouldn't, really.

without a doubt

>few months

nigga even Poles learning Czech/Czechs learning Polish have to spend at least a year or two

and we're closer to each other than Anglophones and Norwegians

this triggers me

if you don't live here there is no point.

>sad sad suomalaiset luonnonvaraisten eläinten köyhän miehen metsästä edes ruotsalaiset eivät pidä niitä)))))))))))

What is this plumber trying to tell us?

Not in Finnish you can't. Linus doesn't speak Finnish that well


>and we're closer to each other than Anglophones and Norwegians

Yeah, sure. Man, you have no idea, do you? If you are a native English speaker, you have been speaking English your whole life, Norwegian will be just a copy paste for you, and you will learn in it a short period of time.

no I do not

structurally they are farther from each other than Czech and Polish, plus words overlap on a smaller extent

Oh, I guess that's the reason he didn't answer her question.

Does anybody know if it would bet inside red ctusl cannibalism if I ate a finn?

I visited a Q&A he held a couple years back in the CS department of University of Helsinki and he himself said he doesn't

Mongolian: ching chong ding dong
Finnish: chääng chööng dääng dööng

It seems, that for some reason, you have this strong urge to stand your ground for no reason, at all. So, let me ask you this simple question, my friend. Do you speak Norwegian or any North Germanic language?

And I personally know him and he speaks perfect finnish.


Looks pretty logical really

How do I say "I want to lose my virginity" in Finnish?

"Tahtoisin menettää neitsyyteni."

kek, its not USA where millionaires stay on their own areas and doesn't meet peoples.
Nordics are still down-to-earth

t. otherfag

"Hei, haluan kyrpää perseeseen."

No Swedish-speaking Finn speaks perfect Finnish. His native language is Swedish and he learned Finnish growing up, he now lives in the States.

Tell me again how a person like that could keep up with speaking perfect Finnish?

On se homo jos haluan maistaa siitin?

Google Translate simply doesn't work with Finnish. It's almost there, but not quite.

I think you were trying to say "Onko homoa, jos haluan maistaa siitintä?" Which, even if grammatically correct, still sounds silly.


"OnKO homoA, jos haluan maistaa siitinTÄ?

Its not if you do it whit a Finnish guy, come and suck huge cock.


>No Swedish-speaking Finn speaks perfect Finnish
I've never met one that doesn't. Maybe in some inbred villages

>everyone in Finland knows Swedish

Weird. All I've met have at least minor flaws in their Finnish.

Then again, if your own grammatical skills suck, you might not notice those (sometimes subtle) flaws.

i don't think your puny anglo brains can handle it

yes, would like to push it in ur ass while you gasping.
Post more sissy, im starting to enjoy

I'm pretty good at grammar. Half my family are even fennoswedes, they all speak excellent Finnish.

We ktf

>have the opportunity to learn an easier and more useful language
>don't give two fucks about it
>tourists wa't to speak in English
>awkwardly reply in French

The difference is that English is actually useful, but you're unlikely to ever hear a word of Swedish outside school.

Isn't Sweden the most powerful country in Scandinavia ?

He clammed up I see, thus his silence is an answer as well.

Maybe but would you ever finnish?

Well, they are bigger. But that still doesn't mean anything. Swedish is useful if you want to move to Sweden, but that's not really a basis for teaching it. And all Swedes speak English anyway.

What a bunch of cucks

There is also the cultural thing of Swedish being forced upon people who will never speak it. I understand studying Swedish if you live in southern Finland or the east coast but in West and North no one will never ever speak it. And the teaching starts when you hit 13, worst teenage rebel years in front of you.

Imagine being forced to study women's studies when you major in engineering. It feels pretty much the same.

>"""Finnish education""""