They are so amazing
Guess what came in today Sup Forums?
your proof of autism id?
am i missing something? maybe a new fad i'm not really aware of
What is the cheapest, solid, reliable fidget spinner on the market? Asking for a friend of course.
>this actually amuses people
Even street shitting pajeets find more fun things to do.
Basically just weighs with a bearing inside that helps the thing to spin for a long time. 2-3 minutes if it's a well made one.
They exert a nice centrifugal force, it's just something to fidget with.
I tried buying what I'd hoped be a nice metallic one on Amazon, but when it arrived it was a rusty piece of shit that wobbled like hell and didn't spin properly. Sent that shit right back and go a prompt refund.
autism meds are a lot cheaper, OP... and they work a lot better too.
>autism meds are a lot cheaper
Jesus christ, how much are people spending on fidget spinners?
no footage of the wreckage crashing on pajeet's house?
>buying a spinner
>not just making one out of items in your shed
sometimes 50 on brass ones if correct.
Better spinner coming through.
Normalfags on suicide watch, this actually takes skill
>tfw after all these years I can only spin a pen around my thumb once and can't even get it to spin back to its original position
Just end it
The CGI for that would be way too expensive for Pajeets to afford.
Same. I spent years trying but I never figured out how to do the spin back.
You must be 18 years of age to browse on this site
>people are getting ones worth 100s of dollars custom made for them
Glad to see the space program is working, superpower by 2030.
Someone mentioned to me they are for autism, any reason why?
It's a retarded meme blown out of proportion.
>tfw making money selling Autism Spinner shirts on redbubble
Please keep the meme rolling.
seriously wtf is with this. my kid brother just got this and saying omg its cool even my own mother knew about this before me.
>tfw mum is more trendy
it is supposed to help people with anxiety. it helps me a little when i work
>space program by 2030
that would had been spectacular if the trail was coloured
no it's fucking not
all it does is feel good, it's just something your hands can do instead of touching your dick or whatever the fuck
the autism adhd anxiety shits are all memes
"fidget objects" are what many ppl with autism and OCD use to alleviate their anxieties.
normal people don't get enjoyment out of that.
When I see someone in my workplace with one of these, I instantly lose all respect for them.
If it wasn't so pathetic, it'd be funny how seriously they take themselves while they are talking about these things.
you're retarded and you know it
this shit is all over normies and it's because it feels satisfying in your hand
feeling satisfied doesn't make you autistic
Back in my day, autistic kids played with miniature finger skateboards.
I've been free of this gay meme IRL.
>playing with toys is autism now
I genuinely can't tell if you're baiting or not
Autism has lost all meaning, it's like cuck. It's literally just someone doing something different from the mainstream nowadays.
Wow that kid plays games? Autist lol.
>you're retarded
Definitely not. I have above average intelligence. You're just another buttmad autistic child.
i honestly think that a good thing. stops people who suffer from it from getting special treatment. literally why don't just put down people who are down right retarded
I bet my autistic ass that you're a brainlet fuck projecting your retardedness into others, using plastic toys as a weapon in your projecting
You're making literally no sense and your idiotic reply proves that you have nothing left in your arsenal.
And yes, I'm writing this ironically to be as autistic as possible.
Forgot to say kill yourself. Also a pic of you.
I don't think he ever needed proof
Actually, I just wonder if this is actually a thing or if this is Fingerbox 2.0.