Hey fags

hey fags

why do you disable SMB1 and block port 445 when the update from two months ago fixed the OS vulnerability? is Sup Forums retarded?

because muh telemetry and muh never update xD

Linux wins again !!!

you're asking the same retards that got memed into disabling updates. there's no hope for them


445 should be blocked from the outside anyway, blocking it internally would cause problems with any SMB traffic.
SMB1 is a legacy protocol, probably none of your devices use it anymore and there could be other nasties lurking in the code because it isn't heavily maintained.

You're better off disabling something you don't use that could potentially be an entry point than trust you will get updates to bodge it up before it get's exploited.

B-but le telemetry boogeyman!
M$ did this all on purpose to make everyone update!
I didn't forget to take my meds mom I swear! :^)

Just as I thought Sup Forums is mental.

I have had windows bluescreen cycle with no fix losing all the data on the drive more then once due to updates fucking the os, now that I can basically pick and chose updates with offlineupdate, I do that, but fuck windows stock update system.

Not only that but I'm Windows 10 you get the very fun effort of Windows 10 deciding we know what drivers you should install and breaking hardware because it won't let the working drivers installed a installs the shitty ones. Windows is a cluster fuck and there is a reason why update should be disabled, if only they'd let you only install security updates on the nonprofessional versions it be perfect. You could avoid all of the bullshit you don't want while still being secure. But then again they might add some fuckin telemetry to it and literally no one fucking wants that.

muh juus guis fuck the corporations

I don't even use Windows and I already had port 445 blocked because it's useless

>I have had windows bluescreen cycle with no fix losing all the data on the drive more then once due to updates fucking the os
>more than once
I call bullshit.

Sup Forums is retarded enough to run windows outside virtual machines

Cause ports should be whitelisted.

virtual machines aren't completely secure. if someone wants to break out of one, they can.

This guy thinks running stuff in a VM would prevent malware from breaking out to hostmachine

He's retarded. Don't be mean to him

I don't have time to review every single update to check and see if a security update is actually telemetry .

you don't need a patch if you have a properly configured firewall nigger

> pick and chose updates
> not even having the source for these updates

I sense strong mental retardation in this one

Your underestimating how shitty Windows can be

What do you mean?

SMB 1.0 is old as shit, hardly anyone needs it, and it probably has more than a few unpatched exploits lurking within it. It's just best practice to disable it unless you absolutely need it (Most don't)

Why did so many machines get infected with this if it was fixed 2 months ago? I mean, the big companies who got infected surely aren't paranoid about telemetry and update their system every month, right? Did they all get it from opening emails?

I don't even care about telemetry. Windows update is just fucking annoying.