Windows vulnerability detected

>Windows vulnerability detected
>fixed on the same day
>Linux vulnerability Dirty COW detected
>hasn't been fixed in 10 years

Other urls found in this thread:

I see Sup Forums is still cumming over operating systems

>Dirty COW didn't affect anyone
>WannaCry affects over 100 countries and 5% of the worlds computers, and shut down hospitals

yeah suck a dick

>not downloading critical updates because muh telemetry

Linux vulnerabilities are like scratches whereas Windows vulnerabilities are like open necrotic sores.

>open necrotic sores
But they are job creating open necrotic sores.

All you really said there is that Linux has no market share. We already knew that.

>Linux exploit doesn't affect anyone because no one uses Linux
>Windows exploit affects everyone because everyone uses Windows

wow so hard to comprehend

>tmw you realise lennart poettering is bill gates himself sent back in time by the botnet to embrace, extend, extinguish
>skynet is real

Both look like and are retards.

I see where you're coming from.

>5% of the world's computers
It didn't even affect 0.01% of Windows computers

>Linux vulnerability Dirty COW detected
>hasn't been fixed in 10 years
It wasn't known idiot. It first got detected on October 2016 and got fixed promtly on all non retard distros

>Windows vulnerability implemented on purpose 13 years ago to help the NSA
>'fix' it 13 years later
>receive praise

>Both look like and are retards.

Currently they are job halting open necrotic sores.

>i have never used linux or total idiot to use it
>shellshock was attacked like hell
>telnet related bug made able some people to build iot botnet
Yes, your just a retarded troll.


>Not downloading Linux because "muh professional business that cares about the consumer"
>Doesn't actually care about you

You're joking right? No one has this much autism

Linux has more market share in the server market, where vulnerabilities are even more dangerous.
The real reason why COW was not as dangerous to millions of people is because it was a local escalation, not a remote one like the Windows ransomware.
Mind you, local escalations are even somewhat beneficial, because a completely local escalation free Linux would mean it is impossible to root locked down Android devices.
Granted, it is still probably better to patch the exploit and have Android phone distributors not lock shit down, but what can you do?

that doesn't make Loonix more proffessional though

fucking kek

>accusing others of autism while jerking off over cpu fans
#irony #faggot

Your opinion even less relevant.

No one except 90% of web servers, 90% of super computers, IoT, routers, cars...
You meant kids who play games, and people and companies who are forced to use old legacy programs and win shit because devs are cucked by m$?
Take hospitals as most recent example. You think if they had a choice to use superior os they wouldn't? Why is most of the mission critical infrastructure run by Linux/Unix?

I don't think computers need to be professional, jistwerk

In this episode of Sup Forums a stupid user forgets the meme shit color fan

>Using hashtags
>Being stupid
>Being wrong

linux btfo'ed

how can they even compete

microsoft doesn't fix it = People change over to mac/unix

unix doesn't fix it = No one makes money on it so no one cares

Dirty COW is one of those bugs that literally would not compile in Rust.

It just werks.

>loonies on full damage control
>since w98

Wait, when did Microsoft release a fix for this? I checked for updates just this morning and I got nothing.

>Dirty COW
>have to trick stupid IT admin to give you local ssh access to box. Have to work out kernel version, create and patch binary, wow you have root access!

>can remotely own it

oh wow they're exactly the same

>Shellshock existed for 20 years

Linux "security"

Wincucks just had the biggest ransomware attack of all time oh lawd how will loonix ever compete?

>posting an almost 20 years old video to make a point
It was fixed in March. The ransomware only get those who didn't update.

the video is still valid today

Are you retarded?
dirtycow was fixed as soon as it was discovered.

>It was fixed in March. The ransomware only get those who didn't update.

You mean with the regular cumulative security updates for that month? Because I don't think I ever got any special patch for this.

Yes. The patch they released yesterday was only for the unsupported older Windows' like XP.

damn why windows babbys are so computer illiterate

Sure bro.

>The bug has been lurking in the Linux kernel since version 2.6.22 released in September 2007, and there is information about been actively exploited at least since October 2016.

what the fuck
isn't the GPL supposed to prevent this shit?

anyway linux for users is such a niche market it wouldn't interest hackers

Nope. :)

>NSA leaked seven year old exploit
>MS didn't patch it for two months, and actually skipped patching windows for the first time ever

you mean
>NSA given access to Windows backdoor
>backdoor is leaked
>nothing is done until the severity of the exploit hits worldwide news


Linux is a server OS usually maintained by competent humans, which is why Google use it.

Desktops are luserville and there's no point in humoring such people. If you can't figure out how to use Linux effectively, fuck off and don't use it. No one needs you to use it. You don't "matter", at all. Install Vista and fuck off.

>windows users get hit by one of the biggest malware attacks in recent history
>millions of computers infected
>b-b-but linux is theoretically also vulnerable guise!!

loving every laugh