Just thought I would share something with you Sup Forums. It's babbie's first batch script

Just thought I would share something with you Sup Forums. It's babbie's first batch script.

This is how I play those 24/7 youtube audio streams on Windows without having to open JewTube in a browser.

You need mpv and youtube-dl.

@echo off
echo Now playing: "lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to" by ChilledCow
echo Controls:
echo space: play/pause
echo 9: vol-
echo 0: vol+
echo m: mute
mpv youtube.com/watch?v=xrbrQhpvn8E --no-video --volume=25

Save this as a .bat file and double click it to start.

Other urls found in this thread:


Just install gentoo

>hip hop

Why did you write a script? Mpv has been able to do this for ages so just make an alias instead of a script

What's wrong with opening youtube?

why are white people such dumb niggers


preference for rap music is significantly negatively correlated with intelligence

It's just instrumentals... Come on man. Also I can't study to classical music.

Because I find it comfyer to double click a pre-made .bat file instead of having to go to youtube and copy the url and feed it to mpv.

>playstation magazine
>reliable source

It's the Pacific Standard reporting on a scientific paper published in the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.

Dumb as shit desu

it's nice OP. thank you and don't listen to 1337 haxxxor NEETs ITT.

I don't see how any intelligent being would listen deprecated music.

Of which neither you nor the journalist read.

Pretty cool desu

yo wtf is this shit user? do NOT run this code

You made Spotify.


>not being able to remember controls
>not saving oneliners for this in shell historu and just pressing up until you find it
brainlet detect

>spotify is one radio stream


shortcut key : Ctrl+Alt+m
Command : mpv --no-video --ytdl-format 96 youtube.com/watch?v=gmv54pfxk0Q


command : xfce4-terminal -e 'bash -c "mpv --no-video --ytdl-format 96 youtube.com/watch?v=gmv54pfxk0Q; read line"'

Fuck off forever.


>babbie's first batch script
baby's first batch script

>baby's first batch script
babbie's first batch script

>Lumping music into sub and microgenres to limiting yourself from experiencing anything out of your comfort zone.
>Meme chart
It's making sense

How much money do you make out of this if any?

why do you use 0 and 9 instead of + and -?

Actually made something similar, just with global hotkeys and direct audio manipulation by pinvoking into libav

:code: shieeeeeeeeeet :stopcode:


Standard MPV controls. / and * also works.
(super secret live hack - you can remap controls in input.conf)

But then you can't change the music. It would be the same thing over and over and over.

At the very least make a list of urls and just play one at random.

You don't get it

just load a playlist

it's a 24/7 live channel lad