Why aren't you using the best distro Sup Forums
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but that's not slackware
>Her distro doesn't use signify for package signing
>She use babies first Crux
You need a wired connection to get WiFi on install. Paaaaathetic.
no systemd
Lack of packages.
I know xbps is a good package manager and it is easy to build your own, I just don't have time to be the package maintainer for the software I use.
I use Debian because literally everything comes as a .deb
Trips of truth, debian master race
I am.
I was using Void until I found the best distro.
But i am, user
I'm thinking about it, OP.
I want to use Nix package manager, but Nix OS runs on systemd. Would void make for a neat base system to install nix packagae manager onto?
I'm basically looking for a solid system which doesn't run on systemd.
God, I typed nixos on my browser's url bar and it threw me to nixos.com. I don't think this is the OS I'm looking for.
But I am :3
Just try it.
Can not set root shell to bash.
Indeed. You want nixos.org
I've got NixOS on one of my machines, and it's quite difficult to get the hang of. I still have a lot of issues such as icons not showing up in my graphical programs. It's been tough to get help and I've had to report several bugs to github so far, although at least one of the times it ended up being a weird configuration thing, not a real bug. I'm actually thinking of putting Void on the machine I currently have NixOS on, but I've still got to learn a bit more about it.
what shell is it by default?
Yes you can, faggot
Why would you want to use NixOS for just a single machine? Am I missing something?
I thought the entire point was being able to deploy customised images across multiple machines easily without the setup hassle.
signify is shit
I am.
void is an italian restaurant at this point, since its 90% spaghetti code
That's not true and hasn't been since at least a year ago. RTFM bro.
crypto-osx fag
you can set root user shell to bash with chsh -s /bin/bash, wew.
/bin/sh is dash (by default) because that's for scripts and all of the scripts Void provides are POSIX compliant.
stop promoting void on this meme board. The forum is already flooding with retarded arch expats.
I can't log as root after that.
I installed it like two weeks ago without ever connecting ethernet.
Are you using an embedded system as your day-to-day machine?
it's made by spics
WTF does that even mean?
>I am
No, I am.
>Linux or Windows
You sure?
Do not bully xtraeme
Hnnnng my dick
Like half the people posting screenfetches in this thread use zsh, why are you getting so worked up about this one guy?
I am.
systemd is too useful to live without.
Didn't look at their posts. I just saw his on page 0 and I wanted to say something. Is there a problem you fucking fruit?
When systemD takes over all GNU/Linux systems in the future, we`re going to find ourselves in another large-scale cyber attack caused by a systemD flaw, that by that point it will overly dominated by RedHat and even MS developers as the main contributor base.
systemD-less distros and LFS must be preserved in other to keep the safety of GNUnix systems. Print this and watch it happen.
aka cia backdoor
Oh, but I am.
I have Void MATE running on my T420 and Void with i3wm on my Libreboot X60.
Get on my level faggots.
I have been thinking about this approach as well. It seems like it should work. I have installed void on a t60 and like it so far, haven't got into the nix stuff yet. Still need to learn how to use it for haskell/docker builds.
This basically
And the worst thing is people are welcoming it with open arms.
What if I don't care about systemd, how's nix?
>What if I don't care about systemd
>that by that point it will overly dominated by RedHat and even MS developers as the main contributor base.
Better stop using the linux kernel as redhat is a big contributor.
Contribute if you don't like the current situation, things won't change by only projecting yourself on a chinese cartoons imageboard.
>systemD-less distros and LFS must be preserved in other to keep the safety of GNUnix systems
If you hate systemd that much, you should shill for alternatives instead of warning us about some impossible things that won't happen.
>inb4 eudev sysv or any other init system
Systemd does a lot more, I don't care a bunch of init scripts, tell me how I can manage services, containers, log script, backups, mount and many more in a modern way without having to use the whole systemd block.
It means the developers are of Latin American origin.
How is KDE on Antergos? I haven't used KDE in a long ass time but the last time I did it was a buggy mess.
Fuck off!
There is no CIA backdoor, retard.
But user... I am...
I don't have anything against systemd in particular. I've used distros with it without issue before. However I got rather frustrated trying to setup a script to run on boot as it was annoyingly difficult to do (creating a unit etc.).
I think systemd would be much more palatable if only it had a file where we could specify scripts to run on boot by default like rc.local or FreeBSD's rc.conf.
I like FreeBSD much more and really like the simplicity of bsdinit compared to systemd, and systemd does fill in a lot of functionality gaps for Linux systems but there's a lot they could do to make it better.
>not prone to security issues
Yeah right faggot
Came here to say this.
>moving goalposts
It's kinda pointless for that as well as there are existing open source tools that do that anyway, and in any situation you're doing that in you're probably using centos, Debian, or rhel anyway.
I'll give it a shot on this week.
I've heard a lot about it but haven't used it very much. The rationale is that all versions of every package continue to exist in an immutable way and it's possible to have multiple versions of the same package.
This solves the problem you might see on a debian system where all your packages depend on a certain library but some new software you want to build needs a newer version, and you can't have both at once on one system.
The thing I feel iffy about nix is it uses it's own config language for packages, for example you config some apache-httpd.nix file or someting.
NixOS (which uses systemd) afaik tries to configure your entire system this way. Seems like it would be handy for reproducing an environment on several remote servers.
i am.
What's this, and why should I care?
New hipster distro. Arch got too popular and now even has easy distros based on it.