Bitcoin was a huge mistake.
It is now disaster. Look at tons of ransomware that made after bitcoin.
Bitcoin was a huge mistake
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Money was a mistake.
Look at tons of people that want money for reasons.
Kill yourself.
At least money on digital was traceable until bitcoin.
It is very well possible to trace bitcoin transaction, you ding dong.
Sup Forums was a mistake.
Look at tons of gaymers, pajeets, mactoddlers cancering the board.
I think you mean until monero.
I thought the whole point of bitcoin/cryptocurrency was that it was transparent as fuck
If it is transparent as fuck then why fucking ransomware demands bitcoin?
OP was a mistake, look at all shitposting xe caused.
You can only see the transaction, not who did it or received it.
I agree
i think we need to make bitcoins illegal, only criminals use it anyway.
Because its transparent lol
What uses are there for bitcoin? I've only seen it used for ransomware, illegal drugs and piracy.
>What uses are there for money ? I've only seen it used for hostage taking, illegal traffics and tax evasion.
The problem is that the jews infiltrated bitcoin.
Without paying close to $1.50 you can watch your transaction for 2 weeks in limbo before being rejected.
I can't pay my groceries in bitcoin.
But you can convert your bitcoin into your local currency and pay gor groceries.
I cant use euros in states but i can still pay for my groceries with euro debit.
I can't pay my groceries in dollars™.
Money was a mistake, look at tons of kidnappings, murders, theft, money loundry, terrorist financing that happened before the age of cripto currency.
What a fucking retard.
>But you can convert your bitcoin into your local currency and pay gor groceries.
That would just be inconvenient and pointless.
why does no one see this aswell?? why would you invest 1000 of dollars into an alternative currency to use it to buy your groceries even that everyday household items??
Lord I hope bitcoin value drops. I deeply regret not buying some when they were like a dollar each. Never thought it'd actually take off.
I'm disappointed at the slowness of my returns using stocks. If I were to put in 50k in either bitcoin or ethereum NOW, what could I realistically see in returns within five years?
You also couldn't purchase a 30 gallon drum of fertilizer on amazon in 1994.
Don't look at the price of any single crypto. Look at the market cap of the entire cryptocurrency market to get an idea of where the industry is heading.