I don't think I trust Google Drives with my doujins and /tg/ pdfs. What are other cloud alternatives?

I don't think I trust Google Drives with my doujins and /tg/ pdfs. What are other cloud alternatives?


gfur bara actually

use cryptomator or something similar.

Use torrrents with tribler.

Good goy! Your tastes are so refined! Dont worry, here at Jewgle we respect goys of all degeneracies...Oy vey, I mean all walks of life!

Encrypt it you stupid fuck. As long as your shit is encrypted you can put it anywhere. Oh wait, I guess it was dumb of me to assume that someone who has a cartoon dolphin porn collection or whatever has any kind of intelligence.

My man

is cryptomator an encrypting thing?

Encrypt it and upload it on archive.org

Encrypt. Everything is safe this way.

I even made a text file with all my passwords and put it in a small truecrypt container that I wrapped again in a veracrypt container (paranoia mode hard) both locked with two extremely long passwords (the only ones I've learnt by heart and the only ones I'm gonna recall even after brain aneurysm) and then I just swarmed that file all over the internet.

>encrypted files
nice try.

Would that really help? Nintendo took down a bunch of old Nintendo Power magazines about a year ago because reeeeeeeee my intellectual property.

encrypt and split the pieces across multiple services

Please elaborate.
Don't they allow .7z or .rar archives on there?

Literally the first word in my post is telling you to encrypt the files before uploading them.
How would anyone know what kind of files you uploaded if you change the name to something only you recognize?

They allow .zip.

Do they check the content of the archives?

What's stopping me from encrypting a folder with VeraCrypt (or whatever else) and put that in a .zip file before uploading?

can gpg do this?

>Do they check for content of the archives
Well, I don't know well.
Upload it, Change File Extension and Set language as Any shitty language that admin wouldn't know.


>Not hosting your own cloud solution

Yea but it'll be slow as fuck depending on how much data you're encrypting. It's better to use some kind of symmetric encryption like AES.

Use NAS.

>Yea but it'll be slow as fuck depending on how much data you're encrypting.

>It's better to use some kind of symmetric encryption like AES.
I don't understand what you are saying here user (I'm a gpg novice).

gpg2 \
--output OUTPUTFILE \
--cipher-algo AES256 \
--symmetric \

Does the above not accomplish "symmetric encryption"? I thought "symmetric" meant that you provide a password instead of using keys.

I would like to know if there is a better way to do my encryption.

also wat?
and let's discuss this


As in off-site.