Sup Forums i recently made 26k dollars, what do i spend this on?

Sup Forums i recently made 26k dollars, what do i spend this on?

what would you buy?

26 brand new thinkpads

and a hondacivic

Dell XPS 13
A new longboard


put it into a passive index fund.

Invest in a haircut, clean shave, and a good lawyer.

donate everything to Soros

A nice road bike

Your a funny guy mr ransomware

You invest it you retard that is a lot more money then the usual grand people come here asking about

I understood this reference.

MacBook Pro and dongles

You're a dense one pajeet

Invest it all so you can retire earlier, or keep 2/3rd of it for rainy day funds/emergency 6 month plans.

Or, you could just blow it all like a fucking idiot and really regret it three years from now when you desperately need the money for (rent|food|a plane ticket|health)

amd stocks


A carefully curated collection of rare Pepes

get programming tutor

Rent? Bills? Down payment on a house?



gold and petrol

26k worht of AMD stock

>what would you buy?
Nothing. I have everything I want.

hello I am from a certified Microsoft tech support

It has been reported to me that you have a virus on your Microsoft Windows computer.

Please install Team Viewer and call me at pajeet . com


I'd build a new PC
Invest like 10k
Save the rest

Buy MSFT senpai

A plane ticket to SE-asia, forged identity papers and plastic surgery.

Get a nice TV and bank the rest

anal trainer for when you're alone in jail with jamai

i'd buy carberp botnet

reported to fbi

He'll get enough dongles in prison.


a winrar license


In my opinion the best computer you can

yay I did too

A boat trip to desert island in the pacific

driving license
new glasses or at least new frame
pay off my small debt
new bike (got stolen)
lots of alcohol

Purchase 7312 kilograms of walnuts

buy amd

Bring it back to NHS hackerman ]

How long is laundering that going to take?

Buy some more botnets Dimitri