Why is Japanese web design stuck in the 90s/early 00s?

Why is Japanese web design stuck in the 90s/early 00s?

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Functional over form, webdev trash.

looks cool
wouldn't visit tho


more functional

widespread use of mobile devices

lack of top tier web designers

I know, isn't it wonderful, it's like web 2.0 was never forced on them.

>go to japanese website

everything technology-wise in Japan is stuck in the 90s. Every major company still uses a fax machine as their primary method of sending documents.

They are busy polluting young minds with anime and mobile games.

Mochizuki has better things to do then jerk off to UI aesthetics

Biggest misconception about Japan is that they are on the cutting edge of technology. Sure, there are some companies and universities doing great research, but Japanese society as a whole is stuck in the 90's.

Because japs only browse the internet and their phones. Email is literally their word for phone number. [spoiler]not literally[/spoiler]

bunch of dumb phoneposters

So the Japanese are simultaneously 20 years ahead and 20 years behind in technology?


>they got no apps for browsing 2ch
japs are always behind

Does that mean it cancels out?

>can access them without having to load some 2MB javascript
I like them


Because still browse from flipphones

The term used for that kind of web design is "Prof. Dr. Style", and it's not secluded to .jp's only:

>>they got no apps for browsing 2ch
They do though for 2 channel & futaba

You've obviously never been to Japan. Japan does whatever Japan wants to do.

What the fuck more do you need? All required and necessary info is on there.

Have you ever been there in the past couple of years?

Where i am still uses faxes, for whatever reason it's considered more secure.

I guess japan likes proven, robust technologies rather than running ahead at full speed. Pardon the Sup Forumsism, its a bit like SJWs, they want to force people forward at breakneck speed no matter what... while japan takes their own pace and it seems to be working for them.

>they want to force people forward at breakneck speed no matter what
But diversion for the sake of diversion isn't 'objectively' 'moving forward' It's just change for the sake of change. It doesn't compare at all to advancements in technology.

Faxes are more secure. Email is sent in plain text over WAN.

>blue text on blue text

not OP
I'm curious too
sick example:

>Why are professors web pages stuck in the 90s?



desu, most mathematicians/scientist personal websites look like that

ease of use
less resources used
nicer in a lot of cases to modern web design
not fixing what isn't broken

looks comfy desu

Is not that guy the one Satoshi Nakamoto?

Japan culture is autism, if somethings like it, do it for all your live, same kind of shonen,same kind of porn, same RPG with great Soundtrack, this allow create beautiful thing, but everything feel same.

1.It works.

Their society is all about conformism so they are ok with being worked to death and using obsolete technology that just works, as opposite to US where every single retard believes they can reinvent the wheel and even try.

Both have their upsides and downsides.

written in notepad, immune to json and cs updates....

pretty much the gold standard of real web design not that flashy joke BS.

>Where i am still uses faxes, for whatever reason it's considered more secure.
its not more secure you can use the under current to retransmit copies of any sendto data easily....

this format rather than sliding scripts and all the myspace glitter bs used in the west is far more efficient than the popup videos and other garbade we have.

whats going on with that page that should be simple? wtf is there like hundreds of extra lines of useless code?

I say useless but why it there....

a e s t h e t i c k s

>jp language ドăƒȘトル


>that license

Pretty much. Windows XP is common, yet smartphone payment became commonplaces years ago and they're on the forefront of AI and robotics research.

Phone lines are trivial to tap. You can even use a video recording of the modem/switch lights.


>>blue text on blue text


Kids these days want "progress".

>Windows XP is common
How bad is WannaCry fucking them you think?

I read somewhere that despite it not being supported anymore, Microsoft still put out a patch.

Nobody ever understands why Japan seems like they are backwards in technology, it's really more that this is how things are done officially, and it's not your place to question how things are done, once you are older and can question how things are done you have bigger worries and just care that things get done, so you insist that things are done the same old way that they always have been done, this is why so much paper is used everywhere in Japan instead of using computers

This website has everything you need

I always wonder that too.

i don't know what you're talking about user. a lot of japanese sites i see are ad-ridden garbage

Because that's when web design peaked, now we have fucking garbage everywhere.

Because that's where their computers are too.

This, OP is retarded. It's perfectly normal that academics have minimal sites, it's not something only Japan does. Their commercial pages are as retardedly full of useless garbage as western sites.
Yay for progress, am I right?

>Because that's when web design peaked, now we have fucking garbage everywhere.
I notice everywhere that every modern site looks like a myspace page threw up, with interfaces so cluttered you literally click anywhere on the screen and it goes somewhere else.

Keep in mind google isnt helping by starting a process to ban all search results that dont work on mobile devices because it interferes with chromebook users accessibility to online content which google wants made illegal.

Doesn't need javascript.


I'm more curious why it doesn't have a plain background

Simple text links on a white background looks better. Why pollute with other shit

fax is harder to intercept because it requires bidirectional communication with the sender machine.

>it requires bidirectional communication
That has nothing to do with how difficult it is to intercept. Email is bidirectional too; learn to TCP.

That's nothing. Check out my Indian professor. We're at a great uni and everyone just plays on their phones while he babbles.



>fax is harder to intercept because it requires bidirectional communication with the sender machine.
There is already an undercurrent on where the dam thing plugs in to get power jackie chan. compromise that and their data is yours its literally that simple and there is no security to stop it.

wait is that email a rotating gif please post link I want to enjoy this 1990s design goodnes user, its like vaporwave come to life.

lmao ikr. He has a table within a table within a table too.

It probably wouldn't even look good in 640x480.

Windows XP is fading, most new animu shows the windows 10 interface everytime someone uses a pc.

It functions you fucking nigger. You listed an example of poor form. The links are obvious and they work. Making them look good is an example of form.

>most new animu shows the windows 10 interface everytime someone uses a pc.

>I saw something in anime so it must apply to real life

1999 is a sacred year that represents the pinnacle of human creativity and consciousness. Knowingly turning our back on this has cast our society into sin.

The Japanese have kept the faith. We must also return to these ways.

I effen love it, thank god he has not one but TWO EMAIL LINKS!!!! didnt see the first well here it is again!

>those gifs
>that solid color background
>that non transparent stock image phone
>those purple and blue links on left instead of on top or bottom just to be different.
How much you wanna bet those links on left were supposed to be on top but table genius here formatted it wrong... thank you mr post doctorate in computer science....

we need to make like vaporwave threads for these kinds of sites to explore the comfiness.
I want to go back to the 90s!

found it


He also has the same sidebar twice.

You should look at the source code, it's pretty terrible. And I'm 99% sure he modifies it using notepad.

He actually had really good reviews on ratemyprofessor up until he had some medical issues.

This. Almost every japanese website I've seen look like some later 90's website.

>You should look at the source code, it's pretty terrible. And I'm 99% sure he modifies it using notepad.
I fuggen love using notepad to make websites, but wtf I was 16 and making tables and formatting correctly and this guy has a phd, im surprised he can program his vcr.

>He actually had really good reviews on ratemyprofessor up until he had some medical issues.
Maybe he is really nice? but no way am I sending my kid to IllinoisU if that is their standard.

Here's another bad prof from my uni

yahoo.co.jp/ Almost the same content and layout of yahoo.com Half the loading time and bloat.

He's nice, yeah. Just a bad teacher.

It's Missouri University of Science and Technology, mst.edu. We're competing with the likes of Colorado School of Mines and Georgia Tech in Engineering. Our CS dept needs a purge though.

dubs confirms we need vaporwave website threads like this all notepadded out, and full of bs errors like his with double emails and the sidebar twice.

as other aon said look at the source he has 2 sidebars!!! loving this! this shit is fucking comfy.

>those colored stripes!
>that mini table with crap just shoved in there with no spacing.

fucking loving this! we need threads of this!
I want to live vaporwave! I want that timeline of design now.

user since you love my professor so much please make a meme out of him.

I like it, looks comfy
As opposed to modern western websites where God-knows-what hppens whenever you move your fucking mouse around, it's neat

I wish I was Japanese Clark Kent.

Ercal's actually doesn't look that bad text based..

>user since you love my professor so much please make a meme out of him.
love that layout, he looks quite huggable though. then again im not from this board but dam that is some comfy page layout right there, we need to make that a thing and him a meme at the same time as the leader in vaporwave web design.

keep in mind vaporwave is meant to have distortions and errors much like his website and the image here:

Oh my fuck

Stop posting this guy and just suck his dick already

>>that solid color background
Just like 4chin, I don't get your point.

>>>that solid color background
>Just like 4chin, I don't get your point.
bu-but user.... that is the point!


I do love me some contrast, let me share this please to see if it is also enjoyed.

I've wondered the same thing. Wish some Jap company would hire me to bring them into the 21st century and pay for me to live there

You're an idiot.

Is the modern resource hog ad-centric approach really any hetter?

>Japanese society as a whole is stuck in the 90's
I need to move to Japan then because I too am stuck in the 90s.

shit looks like lain

Why lain had so many servers and complex cooler system again?
She wanted to make a facebook or something or just to post on that shit weird forum