
1. cunt
2. your cunt's religion
3.do you believe a/some religion(s)?

2. Japanese believe Buddhism, Shintoism and Confucianism.
3. I believe in Shintoism gods.

1. flag
2. catholicism
3. no

2. no religion
3. I'm agnostic enough to doubt religions but I believe in a god

>moon and star is "symbol of islam"

1. Indonesia
2. Islam. Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese religion
3. Yes

1. The land of the P
2. Catholicism
3. Nope, I'm a fedora wielder


*2. Islam


1. Shitpostland

2. Protestant Christian- Anglican

3. Aspects of Buddhism.

2. Calvinist Protestantism formed the basis of our country, religion is mostly dead here now though, especially Protestantism.
3. Irreligious. I'd like my country to be 100% atheist.

1. Lithland
2. Catholicism
3. Agnostic

>Buddhism, Christianity, and a few others
>I'm a atheist (about 30% Vietnamese are atheist, other 50% belives in folk religion)

1. The true blue.

2. Christian- Anglican/Protestant

3. Islam. Abrahamic religions in general I guess.

1. Scotland
2. Presbyterian
3. Atheist. Religion is basically dead here outside of the elderly and people who are nominally Christian.

> litteraly the land where sandniggers are sailing to

Have a nice day too friend, mashallah the day is sunny

>Catholic/protestant split

>religion is mostly dead here now though
That makes me sad :(

1. flag
2. laicité (french secularism)
3. Roman Catholicism

> 2. religion
> 2. laïcité

Tu n'as pas compris le principe de la laïcité mon ami.

T'as pas l'air non plus de comprendre que la laicité en France est en train de devenir une religion.

Most of Japanese don't believe those three anymore.

praise tengri :-DDDD

Des idéaux ne sont pas religieux. Même si l'idéal français de liberté, égalité fraternité est toujours prôné et tend même jusqu'au dogme, ça n'est pas une religion.

Réfléchis un peu, l'absence de religion ne peut être une religion.

2. Protestant traditionally, now mostly agnostic/atheist, there are actually more Catholics than protestants
3. Protestant

Do Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox differ from each others much?

If you have actual believers, yes a lot.

Catholicism has a heavy focus on the unity of the church and therefore hierarchy.

They are officially against any kind of contraception which is pretty idiotic. Especially regarding condoms.

Traditiona lradical protestants, especially in dutchistan are rather humourless and focused on hard work. But the dutchie should answer that, not me.

In what ways, doctrinal or every day live?

>They are officially against any kind of contraception which is pretty idiotic. Especially regarding condoms.

why ?

1. Belgium
2. christianity
3. yes

Lutheran here

mmm, i wanna know both.
I'm really ignorant man.
Only I know is that Catholic loves parents, Protestant loves works.

2. Evangelical Lutheran Church
3. Praise Tengri haha:~~~D

1. tr
2. erdoğanism
3. i'm an erdoğanist

Because god demands we multiply, duh.

And if we were all faithfull to our early married spouses and not have pre marriage sex, we wouldnt have to worry that much about sexually transmitted diseases anyway..duh.

I'd say many different groups within the protestant tradition are sometimes as diverse as the differences a protestant group can have with orthodox or catholics. But protestants often deny the church tradition that both orthodox and catholics uphold (though Anglicans do too). The Orthodox think that there is a church tradition but deny that the role of the pope should be anything more as a primus inter pares, they believe the bishop of Rome is the heir of st. Peter, but do not believe it should give him more power.

Calvinists are the biggest branch of Protestantism here (and in some parts of Germany like ostfriesland), one of the biggest aspects that set it aside from other branches is the insistance on predestination, meaning that God has decided beforehand whether you will be saved or not (which I do not believe), not your free will. Meaning Calvinists often worked hard to get successful in order to prove to themselves that God had blessed them.

how's Kemal PapaTurk-ism?
he is famous in Japan.

All hail cthulhu

So why do you say that being against any kind of contraception is idiotic ?

>Only I know is that Catholic loves parents, Protestant loves works.

I do not think you have any basis to say this.

1. Supein
2. Catholicism
3.No, i don't believe in God but i like the Old Testament and I'm agree with some of its ideas.

1. ireland
2. catholicism with anglican and presbytarian minorities, gaelic paganism a long time ago
3. yes gaelic paganism


papaturk lmao
it's kemalism, btw. it's an ethnic religion that can only be observed around the mediterranean coasts, especially around izmir (smyrna)


muh heritage

Because people will allways prove weak, one war or the other.

At least condoms should be allowed to keep stds at bay.

Ok, the basic difference is that the catholic church sees church traditions as important and adding to the bible as it encompasses the traditions and teachings of earlier versions of the church and from that the community of apostles around jesus.

they see themselves in direct line from paulus who they sort of count as the first pope.
He was one of jesus favourite companions and "the rock he would build his church on".

Protestants say only the bible counts, as everything else is easily twisted by people wanting power and riches.

So where the catholic church is a huge monolith of an organisation and immensly rich and influential (less than in the middle ages of course) the protestants have their own communities and a lot of different ways how to interpret the scriptures.

here in germany catholics are in general more traditional, have mor children and tend to be more spiritual as well as living in the south and rural parts in general.

protestants sort of have this everything goes agenda, which sadly leads to a lot of people just doing what they want even though the idea is very good.

Having no supporting structure and rules like most mainstream portestants do, leads to not many people taking it earnest.

>gaelic paganism
lol get's me every time
2. Catholicism, Islam, Orthodox
3. united church of fedora

Not really, but thunder god is the best god.

Protestant Christianity

forget it fatty u a typical fat cunt american for life

catholicism is basically
-the pope is great
-saints are great
-lets have lots of pretty stuff to praise god
protestantism is basically
-fuck the pope
-praying to saints is paganism
-lots of pretty things is idolatry (worship of objects)
then theres anglicanism (english protestantism) which is basically "fuck the pope and dont pray to saints but pretty stuff is great lets keep that".

most catholic


How would using contraception let you know that your child will be strong ?

Or simply people would have to restrain themselves a little bit from having sex here and there.

I heard Islam is more of a logo for people than an actual religion in Bosnia. That true?

bullying is wrong

i think its like tatars in russia. they go to mosque (which look like european churches with a dome tacked on) then go home and drink wine with pork chops.

so is being an irish-wannabe

The absence of a structure like the Catholic church is a difficult thing for the protestant tradition, there is a reason why traditionally protestant countries are way more atheist.

But you can pick up the bible and get your rules from there, it is much more important to read the bible and try to lead a good moral life than to make the church organization great imho. Also, the "everything goes agenda" seems to imply moral subjectivism, which can absolutely never be the case if you read the bible.

i emigrated here 3 years ago.

Time to destroy this thread.

Muslim here are mostly pretty secular, they drink alcohol, women mostly don't wear hijab, etc. But they are all religious, celebrating Ramazan and similar Muslim bullshit.

>think its like tatars in russia. they go to mosque (which look like european churches with a dome tacked on)
Churched and Mosques were both stolen from the Romans who ironically, despised both.

> then go home and drink wine with pork chops.
Alcohol consumption is actually quite strong in Muslim countries but that's pretty cool I guess.

>proud of being a traitor

What are you even talking about?

Please rephrase your question.

True to a certain degree, but when protestant pastors take crosses of the church to make the muslims feel better I am getting angry.

1. Germany
2. Christianity
3. Noahite, follow Old Testament

>confirmed for african colony

1. Flag
2. Shinto and Buddhist mix
3. Roman Catholic

non european muslims have a big alcohol taboo. very haram as is pork.
didnt choose to move here. plan on moving back anyhow.

Churches were not stolen from romans, the church is more than a building and is all about the community of the faithfull.

WHAT was stolen from the romans was the title of pontifex maximus (aka pope) and a lot of the pretty stuff and organisatorial stuff later.

1. Fingolia
2. Evangelic lutheran
3. I praise Tengri

How many people have you stoned?

Go back to America Kevin

>Roman Catholic
most early churches were just pagan temples with all the statues and shit smashed up. i imagine they just copied them from there on

thanks a lot.
I'm understanding the difference now.

1. Suomi
2. lestadian/militant atheist
3. I praise Tengri

1. Azerbaijan.
2. Shia Islam.
3. I worship The Great Crane.

I try not to get angry about it, I'd rather have a lively church without a cross than a church with a cross but nothing inside. But that does not mean I would not prefer both. I see it as bad marketing in which churches are desperately trying to look more 'tolerant' but they forget that it is not about not hurting someone's feelings, our message formulated in the great commandment is just simply better than what their mosques have to offer.

its very complicated honestly. no one really understands it past the big differences.

Catholics have Pope, love obscurantist hierarchies, have great art and architecture, and are obsessed with sex and stopping other people from having it. But it's ok for their priests to have homo sex or rape children.

Protestants don't have pope or serious hierarchies, have great literature and work ethic, and obsess over origionalism in scriptures

It's hard to define "Protestantism" because it basically applies to all western churches that reject the authority of the pope. So it's not a solid block of churches that agree on everything; which is why Anglican and Lutheran Protestants have much more in common with Catholics than they do with Mormons

Ultimately Christianity's a total joke that id stay clear of. Don't buy into the "le Jesus was a good guy because other people said so" meme. Formulate your own opinions about the man who referred to all non-Jews as "dogs" and sincerely didn't believe the world would still be existing this long

1. flag
2. Orthodox
3. Orthodox

I also believe in swastikas

1. South Africa
2. People here are mainly a type of Christian or Christianity mixed with traditional African ancestor worship.
3. No I'm not stupid enough to believe in an all loving god

not even christians, theyve gone a step further.

Mormons are not Christians, if you deny Christ is lord and tack on another bible you are really not Christian anymore, just like Christians are not Jews.

Orthodox guys have nice songs and in general nice beards, tip top.

the fuck you just call me, cunt?

I'm a half. Dad's an Argie, blame him.

I thought we killed shinto


this, in abrahamic religions what really truly seperates you is holy books. its why christians arent jews, muslims arent christians and neither are mormons.


>Muslim here are mostly pretty secular, they drink alcohol, women mostly don't wear hijab, etc. But they are all religious, celebrating Ramazan and similar Muslim bullshit.

I don't know much about non-anglo (and even non scandinavian countries desu) but that seems to be the same for the other, richer muzzshit country parts. Like pic related.
>non european muslims have a big alcohol taboo.
It's looked down upon but I don't think it's forbidden.
I was talking to an Irani bro here recently and while he said that it's technically "forbidden", everybody does it so nobody cares. I'd imagine it's the same for a lot of other countries.

I think you're right about pork tho.

>Churches were not stolen from romans
Lel. Sure thing m8.

2.Catholic, but the region i live in is mostly Protestant

Felt to me like a less hierarchy obsessed catholic church, is this true?

Falklands are 100% British. No argument here, Suomi

Please answer to what i said in its fulness.

I gave a reason, didn't I?

There are plenty of differences with Catholicism. Catholics have added, taken away and modified a lot of things since the schism took place.

Your dad feel the same way?